The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1961
~Ju_n_e~, _1_9_6_1____________________~----~'l~H=E~O~HI=-=O:._::I:...:.=D~EP_E_ND __E_N ___ TB_A __ PTI __ S_T ________________________P_a~g~e-N __ in_e_ce_en More From a usual. At Cuauhtemoc con truction of the church building h as begt1n. The ,-.·ork on the homes progresses very slo\,·l)... If there is any one who plas– ters \\·ho ,,,ould like to make a vaca– tion trip to f exico they certainly could be u ed to plaster the four room house. Here in Ohio, Rod11ey Knicely is busy itinerating among the churche , and thanking the Lord for his pro– tection in a car acciden t . t\lrs. Knicely received a Se\'ere h ead injury and spent a fe,v da} 7 S in the hospital but is no,v completely recovered. They still need $80 more support a month as they prepare to return to Mexico. ~fr. and fr . Robert Card of Shar– on , Penna., ha,,e been accepted by the board as candidates for \\'Ork in ~Iexico. They will first go for six months and then hope to be appoint– ed as full-fl edged missionaries. They need $100 a month support at present. !\.1r. Card is a licensed pilot and also a carpenter, so h e ,vill b e very useful to the missionaries. KE TER I GHA~A \ ~' he11 Floyd Kes ter and his f (_1mily hacl to flee from the Congo last July, tl1e) 1 011Jy got as far as Accra, the c·:1pitol cit} of Gha11a. There he felt th 0 Lord ,~ a11ted hi1n to stay, a11d Baptist :\1id-~1issions gave p ermis– sio11. It so l1c1ppe11ecl th at the och– ra11es ,,,ere pla1111i11g to move to a ne,v fi eld at Terna tl1e 11ext day, so tl1at left ,1 hot1se ,111 read\' for them to 1nove , i11 ·,1re]\, tl1e I.Jore! \\tels i11 tha t kind , c>f 1)l,11111ir1gf A11ot l1er \ig11 (>f ocl's leadir1g ca111c \\ 1 l1 11 tl1C}' \\ ere alJle to s ~II tl1eir tr,1ck i11 the Cc>r1go for $ l ,40() , a11cl tl1 )' l1ope like\\ i\ to l)e al)J ~ to sell their c,1r ,111cl ft1r111tt1re. ccra is ,t cit~' of 200,00() \<> tl1cy J1a, · a l:1rg > fi elcl. 13 cat1se c)f a J1e,1l tl1 cc111clitic) 11 1rs. Alta Jacc1l)so11 \\ 1 i]l 1<.la,,e 13a11g11i , ..i c-"'11- tral Afric·a11 J{c>1>11l1Ji ·, ~I,)' 28t11 ., r1 11cl fl) to tl1 • i\ . Sl1e lias 11<J I)ftssag f•111 l o J1t~l1) s c-:)11t nt <)Jl< < tc1 l~,tt>li~t • t id- 1 i sio11 \\' i) I l) 1.-1 ti ·]1 aJ)J>r l i– at1.1d. S}1 .1 a] o <l .1 irc J:>ra} r 1<)r scH,1 o tJ1e1 fi eld of s ~r, i · }1 .l rc "t 11c)111 . SJ is a] o ·011 · , 11 .ld fc,r tl1l 11ali\ 1 t ])t 111ci1>;:1 ls of t 11(~ i J1ris ti ,111 st· l1<><) l s itl 3Jl } ,:l l OllJld }3 , 11g, SSOIJ , ' 'f t)J' t]1 ir 1 JlCJ11 il)i]iti .1s a1 c grc, t «111c] tl1c~ir t .lJl1J>latic)1 111 tl) .,, I-J ~ S 111..J l~ 1 \ J 4 , J_., )' J y 11 ( ! :, I 1 II~ Ed and Marily11 chlegeJ plan to fly from Idle \vild Airport, Long Island. to Puerto Rico to spend a week with the tarhveathers there. Then thev ~ ,vill pend a week on t. Lucia \vith the Baptist ·1id- 1ission \Vorker there, and bope to arrive on their field on t.\' incent Jt1ne 13th. They have had a bu y ft1rlough, having traveled 15,600 miles and visiting 2 churches, one Bible school a11d two public chools. They t ell us reports from the field are encow·aging. Last Jant1ary Rev. H . 0. Gilder, Jr., spent six weeks in evangelistic work 011 t. Lucia and t . incent, re ulting i11 several conversions and ma11y rene,v– als. Tl1e Eas ter Bible conference on t. Lucia was a blessing to many from t. \ ' incent, who chartered a boat and attended. At Home and Afar THE , voOSTER TRA FER TO I DIA APOLIS Rev. a11d Mrs. James Wooster, who ha,,e done such fine ,vork i11 tl1e We t Indies , have asked to b e allowed to go to Indianapolis, Indiana to take charge of the Bap ti t Micl -Mi ion work there. Since hi work 011 t. Lt1ci,1 was largely a1no11g colored p eo– ple, this is a 11at t1ral transfer , and to a mt1ch larger fielcl. Tl1ere are 100,000 egroes in I11dia11apolis. They ,,~ill be ,vorki11g a1011g ,,·ith Katl1r)11 pri11ger a11d t\fabe] till r, ,vJ10 hn, ,e alreacl'r· • opened a Baptist Bibl enter there. Tl1is \\ 1 ork ,,·il] l)e e111arg cl , a11cl ft111- damental B:1ptist cht1rcl1 s \\'ill 1Je es tab1isl1ed n111011g tJ1e colorecl 1)eo1)lc. The n xt prc>i ct ,, ill l>e ~1 ~Iicl-\\ 1 st Baptist Bible L (•l1ool tl1nt ,,·ill clc> tl1erc ,vhat tl1e BaJ)lis t e111i 11nr) c)f tl1 e BilJlc l1as bee11 cloi11g i11 .. le, clc111cl... '\II of this ,, ill l1eJ1) le>,, a1 d tl1e fi11nl ster) of org,111i/i11g <l 11 ,1 tio1 -,, 1clc ft111cla111c11tal 13a1)t is l feJio,, sl1i1) c)f C<) lorecl c·l1t11 c.'l1c·~. Ottr cc,lorccl 1)1c\ ll11 <"\11 ,11 c lc>11gi11g fc>1 t11ic., , a11cl tl1e ,, <>1 k <>[ tl1(~ ' '' c>ostcrc., i11 I11 cl1a1 a, ,1c., <>l11c1~ :1r' ,,,c>rk111g 111 Illi1101s ,111cl le>,, ,l , ,,,il l 11 11) t<> l>ri11g i l l c> I) ,1 ~ \ 7 l) J~ ~l{l~I~S \IJ()\ Ii: ~I~l~\l<.., 1.11\.li~ SI>J\ [\C ;! 1 Jc r( ,, 1 c• ar<'" 111 \f ,t\' a11cl < <>111- ~ 1>lai11i11g l1c)\\' c·c>lcl it is, S<> lt·t ~ t11r11 1,a k l<1 J-1 c. l)rt1ar, 15t]1 t111 ( l 11, tc> ~ 'T'a11 , ' J'()SS , 1\l aska. rrl1t l'l a11cl tl1 ll la,1 a11cl 1~1 a1H>J'f.l J)att ~r ' (>Jl ftlt likl '·JJri11g ,,,as 11t , r ,vitJ1 7 lit gl'L' s :1 1><1\f t ~ rr>! 111( , J1acl a 111iJcl ,, i11l( r, l>tlt t:\' 11 ~o at·l1 J till 111<>f>11 it ,,,r,t d I 1> 30 f<, ,10 l1eJc,,,. ) 1 tl i11 \t11 ~11 11 ,, t atl1 r l,c>) s ar1cl gi1 Is ,vc,,1Jcl c. 11l t ]3il)l lt1l), ,lll I ,tl)ot1l tl1c li111 t r . l , t t rso11 ,, rot t ,,,o gi11 s l1ac. l >111 withot1t an invitatior1 and said, "Betty' and I wa11 t to accept the Lord as otir '-- a,·iol1r. " Heart-\\ 1 arming, isn't it? HO\V DO AFRICA T DIE? Patsy Ki.I1g is lear11ing what a dif– ference faith in Christ makes whe11 p eople clie. he i servi1 g under Bap– tist 1id-~1issio11s at Bangui, Central African Rept1blic. "Here in Africa ,,,.e see ma11,· about , us ,vho have strange custon1s co1 - ceming death. The ct1stoms vary ac– t·ording to the cl iffere11t p arts of Af– rica. 111 this part, after tl death, the nor1-Christia11 begi11 be,1ting the t om– tom , clc1ncing i11 a frenzy, pt1ll at tl1eir hair, thro,,, them elves to the grou11d, cla,v at their chest ,vail , l1a,,e their head or el e don ' t coin l) their hail , do11't take a batl1, da11ce eacl1 time they eat , put a red mixh1re all ov·er their face, dres i11 \.\ 1 hite clcJ the , etc. \Vhe11 one die the famil y prepare the bodv for buricll ,111d make. the ca. ket. ., ,vhen a hl1sba11d die all hi relati,,e take the ho1ne, clothing, etc., a11cl lea, ·e the \\'Ue \vith 11otl111ig. Bodie are bt1riecl \.,,ithin 24 holtr · nf t r dea th . irct1n1ci io11 rite are 1)crfo1111ecl amo11g tl1e teenager . Thi i tl ct1 to111 al)Ollt ,vl1icl1 \Ve k110,,, \ renr little. It ,, i terribly h e::1 then. Tl1e girl · ,, e,1r gra kirts a1 d the bo) ,,rear ome- 1 hi11g . i111ilar to loin cloth 111acle fro111 With ur Missionaries f ibcrs of a tree l)ark. II are n1aclc to clance l>, · tl1e cc>1 ti11t1nl l<1sl1i11g of ., ,,,}1i1) . TrilJ,11 111arl arc ct1 t 011 tl1 l1odv a11cl fnce cl11cl a:l1cs r11l)l)l~cl ir)t<) , tl1e. e . la:l1es, l n, i11g 11gl, l )l,1ck ,c\11, ,, l1icl1 tJ1e) tl1i11l prctt, 0111e t1 ibe 111ake tl1rce or fc>t1r Jc)11g \ltt~ tl1t• le11gtl1 c>f enc.:11 c·l1r't~k ,, l11t·l1 g1, <.'"' tlit a111)c\1r<111c·<' tl1at ,l l1c)11 11,1, 11.1,, t.•cl it. ,\?l1c1l a l),lrt c>f tlit' l)c>cl, l)t\t•<>111t·~ 111- f cclecl tl1c\, ct1t tl1(~ flt\,11 at tl1,tt' t' tc) . t11)l)C>\111g1, let <)ttt tl1r· l>:1cl l>l<)l><l. I .. 111 ,, gc') t 11 e1 l), f rc)111 t l 1t 111t: l it"i11 e • 111a11 <>1 ,c·1, ,111a)l e.<>t11cl\ ,,l11l l1 ( \_ )11 - tai11 11('1 l)\ .111cl :trc> ,, <lr11 c111 : 1 ,ti i11g arc)t111<l tl1e 11f't·k ,, 11\t <>r ,, a 1s l . "l'l1t•,t• art") Jt1~t a t£~,, c. 11sl >111~ ,, l1 icl1 (•l1a11~ 111 tl1f• li, ( 's <>f \frica11s ,, 11 e11 tl1c \ l>f' <)Ille. ( ' }11 t'-ill:lllS . rf,}1< 11 t) l(-'l'( art s<>111t t1,t<>111\ ,, J1icl1 ar' (lilfr•rf•11t tl1a11 ,, tl, s 111 1\ 111t 11c· l . l ior xatllJ)I , tilt \\ ift l )l () cll't?S tl1' 111t al, tl1 11 tltt l1t1sl )Hll 1 ,111 l 11 nlf• ] l i lcl 1 t J l t 'l t first . r I 1 \ \ if{ cl 11cl ff•- 111, 1 l'l1il rlrf•11 t a l ,, l1cl l i lt ft, <)r go ,,itl1c>11t if 11011t is lt-'" ft . lf tl1e:1t.-- is l)t1t <>11c.• t•l1,1ir, ti c. l1t1 l) 111cl lt c it a11cl ( ont1111te(I nex.t page)
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