The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1961

Our Amazon Church Like? 1. ) 1~ I 11 1• \ 'l 1 l !, 11 l 1, 11 ~ ~ l• I, l~r· ' l~l.., 1• ? . l 1, t ,11 .,rt~n ,, t fi,, 1 tl1.1t ,, l1l'1, tl,l rr· 1, ., }1\lll']l ,,t l lis]1t l. \\<.' i11Sll'\l l tllt' l ,\\;l >r ,lll 1 de., < 1ls tl1:it t 1,c) ~,rt' <l11 t]it ir <. ,, 11. t ,111, c f t 11 'tll • 111t' t<1 t 11(' 1 11i:~i(l11.1r, fc r a<.l, 11. t' ,111<.l 111st1,1 c t1<l tl. l tit tll<." fi11.1l tlt'(.'\\ll)l\\ ,11 ' 111:.l(l l l, t11(\ 11t1r 11 1l,t'lt. \:\ t:' cl<.l 11<.ll tall tl1 111 11.1ti, c.'• • :.111, 111<.lt t' tl1n11 ) <.>tt ,\1 (' c ,1llf'tl 111 11,,1,, l.. l1P) ,,1c 11aticJ11al tl1t' ,, <lr]d <.)\ <.'t a11<.l Lit<.' ,, <>rtl 11at1, t.' <>r l11cli,111. ·'" far .1, <. ,1tl1 111eric ,1 i. c 1, r11t cl. i, ~, clt'gra<.li11g ~11\cl 1111- l .1 , ,111t tt:r111 ... 1 ..IIE)" RE - T_\ - 'l 'I ) \ l .... "fl1C' <.' l1,1rcl1 certai11l: gc>,.t'111, 1t"t lf 1), tl1e \\·ord of ,ocl. ~ ,,~11 \ T 'f :\ 'fD. \ RD F ~- 11l" ( T I 1~HER ? ... Tl1c l ea t ap- 1 ('ara11c e of ,·il i11 tl1e life of a mem- 1 er of tl1e c:hl1rc·l1 is c·alled to tl1e at– te11tio11 of tl1e l)a ·tor a11cl deacon . 1"'11e , · cle.11 ,, itl1 it pri,·atel,·. a11cl if 110 i111i)ro, c111e11t t . .1ke. place tl1e)· bri11g it l fore tl1e cl1t1rcl1 a11cl t11e member or 111e111l)er. ,1re c1i c iplined. \'"l1e11 di - l ipl1rled. tl1e: are 11ot allo,,·ecl to take p~11i i11 c.111)· er,·ice of tl1e cht1rcl1 un– til t11ere i. a real repe11t,111ce and con– fe io11 of in. BEFORE THE CHl ...RC'H. a11c1 the11 they are restored to fello,,· hip. Tl1e standard in ot1r ~re,1 1 far ttperior to \\that I ha\·e een here at home . If a vot111e1 fello,v· ., ,\·alk alone ,,·ith a girl or , ·i a ver a tl1e, are oon , ·isited by the pa tor or deacon . mok111g. ho\,,.s, danci11g, ,,·orlcline i11 an)· form. is absolutel y Ollt. 3. \\~HO _.\ D ~1 I ~ IS TR ATE CHlTRCH DI CIPLI~E? . . . As I mentio11ed the Pa tor and the deacons, ,,·ith. of cour e. the '-,.oting of all the church. The majorit)· rules. A the \\.orcl of God is the ba is on which ,,·e operat e at home. so the ational cht1rch is basecl and formed bv the " rune pirit. .:\T H0~1E ~,\~D AFAR WITH Ol-TR ~IS 104 ARIES <Continued f,0tn r,a11e 19) the \\tile stands. \Vhen husband and \vife ,\ 1 alk do\\-'Il the road the wife follo\vs about rn~o or three feet be– hind the husband. The wife chops the wood makes the garden, pounds the manioc, the rice, and does most all the other work as well. ]l , \\1, 11.. I ar 1 •• 1\ l3\\ 7 Ii l1s,1011ar to 1 1 <'rt1 ~ 1\ l\ ) 1 J>t l ... l .. () rl,? ... If Ll11c.. ref 'r"i t<l a (' llt tr ·ll l1c.) 11 <. eel 11<1l l1r· tl1 ' t <" l>'– ~·:1t1!-i<.' if it ,, .1 l'lllll'l' l1 111 tl1c trt1 '-<'''"<.' <1f tl1<" ,\c1rcl tl1 1 11,1stor a11ll p '<>- 11lt' 11,\\ ' tllt' 1)1\ 111C' 1 \J)C)J\St l)ilil} <>f rt11,11 11,g il . Il e>,,<' ' e·r. ,\ 1111ss ic>11 ar ~l1<.lt1lcl , t5 it 11()\\ .. 111cl tl1e 11 a11cl aicl t l 1 f' t 1l 11 l B i 1)I(' s t l l ( 11 c ' pl ll lls ' (' l(' . , \ \ I ll\1 1 , \ .. Kl1: I) 13Y ..fl IE II R .,JI 1~ P,\ T 1{. Pl1lli11g Olll of a c:1tv or to,\ 11 is ,111o tl1cr tl1i11g. Thc 1nissio11- ar, l1as 11ot fir1isl1ecl 11is job ,111til ery sot1l l1a ~ l) e11 r rtcl1ecl a11cl ,,,on for tl1c Lorcl . STRAIGHT ANSWERS TO PLAIN QUESTIONS BY AN HONEST MAN! Makes us wonder how our Ohio Churches measure up! 5. DOE BECOMI TC CHRIS- T IA IDE1 T IFY THE ATIVE H URCH AS BECOMI G \ ·VEST– ER IZED? . . . If the church is truly national and there is not a missionarv holding the reins, I suppose it \VOt1ld be less identifed as a ,vest ernized or– ga1 ization. Ho\vever , I f eel ,vh en ,ve foreig11 missionaries go t o a la1 d t o reach p eople, there are some ,,,h o identifv the converts as "vesterners, be- • cause we are from the west. ( example . . . Rt1sselites, Bautistites, G.A.R.B. Cites, a11d e t c . ) Ther e is no harm in tl1is , as "ve kno,v ,vithout d ot1bt that our civilization is the b est in the world , b ecause it was basecl on the ,i\ 1 ord of Goel by our God-fearing fore– fathers. In the same t oken , as people of any l and follow the \ Vord of the Lord thev are blessed f or the ir faith- • fulness. As missionaries \-Ve h ave to b e very careful not to implant ot1r ,vest– em ideas and customs. This i ,vrong and causes trouble, leading t o jeal– ousy, sh·ife, and problems . Look at Most all their homes are small, made of mud walls with a grass roof and the ground as their floor. Much of their time is sp ent in front of the house . They cook in one large ke ttle over a fire, and eat from that same kettle, generally with their fingers. ~f any worldly goods and riches are unknown to them. In fac t one change of clothes is riches. fri(·a, ( ;}1111,, Tt is \ '<•1y7 s t, n11g t c> S<>nlc' tl1:1 t t l1 c , f'\'<> lts ir1 t]1 s" ,,1,111 - tri(''i 1nn11\ ti1n c.'s ar lccl lJy t11os ,vl1c_> 11a\"C.' l><' ' n <'cl\1 ·n lccl i11 o,1r 1nissio11 sc.·l1oc>ls 6. l)OE '"fIIE \ ORD Or ;oo R DI , LI..,Y CII (;E TII IR I 1_ (;R I ED HER IT (;E? . . . s t}1c, \\lorc1 of ( ;c)c] has rad i(·ally cha11g "cl n1y life a11cl yoltrs, i11 the wav t11 ~ \ Vorel of Goel c:ha11ges h earts, ·c;ot1ls lives a11d homes l)e}'Oncl o,1r imagina– tion. If it "vas 11ot so I \VOt1lc1 not be goi1 g b ack to Pe rt1 for my third term, nor cot1ld or vlot1ld I preach another m essage. It ~'orkc;, praise God, it \\'orks. \ V h ave seen it, }'Otl have seen it. A \\ 7 hite is j 1st as importar1t as a Yello\v, Bro,vn , Black , pink or Green. ''All nations" is our command anc1 we must not fail God nor those ~till sitting in darkness. H e is suffi– cient to ch ange the vilest sinner ancl change the down look to a h appy jo) - ous and e, 1 er praising, UP- LOOK. W e h ave to h ave PRAYER, THE \ VORD, and PATIE CE. ---------- Hebrew Christian Society (An Independent Baptist Mission) 2524 Euclid Heights Boulevard Cleveland 6, Ohio • • • • PRESENTING CHRIST Through Means of: Liter a ture Distribution House-to-House Visitation Youth Classes Junior Vespers ~dult Forums Camp Nathanael- Huntsburg, Ohio • • • • PRESENTING THE JEWISH NEED To Christians by Means of: "HEBREW CHRISTIAN VIEWS AND NEWS" Station WCRF-FM, Cleveland Station WDLM, E. Moline, ru. Publication : STAR OF DAVID REV. ALAN C. METCALF, Director · Mr. John G. Bennett, President Physical needs are great but the spiritual needs are tremendous. Pray for the African Christian that h e might grow in grace and the know– ledge of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Pray for us as we continue to give the Gospel to the unsaved. Pray for m e as I continue to learn the langu– age. uPray without ceasing.' '