The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1961
~11 June, 19 1 ----~--~~~----------------------~-------~~ .. l ,, e1 'llit .. 19. l' () ·1· 1111Jl ' 13n1 ti ·t 11 t 1t' ( ' J1 :allia St . n11cl \i a]lc' r Pc>1 l'in10,1tl1 , 01,i<> l e:'11, I <>11Z<), ,'ls. istnnt dit or ,.< ,1tl1 l('n lt'1, t•r,11t l'i ( ' ll <11\ , 1J,1'it<>rs IJl t'ac;c s 11cl tl1cm 11ew a11cl icl as A FA~THFUL CO-ED ,~ t' l fr )Ill ~]'11 l .,ift -1 lllf' 1 1 lt ,t 1 .\l)t ,t ~:\lli1)()l1,) \1'() 1 }l,1,, 'l)t'tll ,\ ll\l\ \ f<llll' \ ' t':\ I S t ,,. t) lf.. ~\11 tl'll\ll, ll11'l1 ."'cl1<><>l. • 11t ,, .,, ,t11cl 'tlt 'C)t111c1l tr('.1,t1rc)r. l1c 11 >1 'l't lt t, 111c111l>t 1. ,111tl ,cll()t~t f(>r • tll,lll~ 'l llOC l 1 atll)llt."t, rl'l1c· f~\Cltlt , , 11c 11< rt I l1('r ,, itl1 tl1t' 111\tstc .,,, at cl 111t cl,11 !111cl t 1t iz ('tt"l111) 111c'cl.1l. I-I \r 'L 1 1iclr l.1,, < f al111c)"t .300 , c>tccl l1cr lit' 't .. \ ll-1\ r<lt111cl (:irl. ·· ·· , , eetes t :1rl :· a11d .. i\ l <) t l)t)1)11lar ., irl. ' ' "fl1c f ()tl1,lll tea111 ,cl0t·tc.~cl l1cr ~1 II0111e– C' o111111 g Ql1 '.'\e11 f0r 1C)5{ J~l111e l-Iefle,. rt ~ ot111g Bc1pti t 111i11 i te1 . .1 keel C c.1rol to a11 ,,·er so111e llllt"\tlOll for po,' .Ell reacler : Q· .. 1rol. ,,·}1, 1 l1~1d ) ot1 little l101)e of l1e111 g Ho111e-co111i11g Qt1ee11? : I l1i1d tolcl m) ·elf, "I '1n 11ot tl1e t)·p ~. The~r' l] elect a girl ,,,}10 goes alo11 g ,,·i tl1 tl1e cro,,·cl. 1o~t of tl1e kicl dri11k. da11ce. atte11d 11ightcl t1bs and 111oke. a11d I clid11't do any of tl10 e tl1111g I al o didn't a t tencl foot- 1-,~111 crame becat1 e the)· ,,·ere pla)·ed on t1nda)· , o 111),' election , ,·a a b ig • . l1rpr1 e. Q: Ho,\· dicl )'OU manage t o live a ,. eparated Chri tia11 life" ancl at the ame tin1e recei,·e o many h o1 ors? .:\ : I , \·a a\.·ed at 11 year of age and ,\·a reared iI1 .1 Christian home . , ,·he11 I came to ~ ichols High as a freshma11, I \\ a determi11ed t o make Ill)' life cot1nt for Christ . \\ 1 he11 some of the girl told shad 1, jokes, I r e– ft1 ed to laugl1. For a time the kids thought I \\·as craz\·. Bu t \vith the ., Lord 's help I triecl to be co11sistent. To compromise I felt \\·ould be fatal for m)r te timon) 1 • One boy asked me, "' '·hate\·er do )'Ou do for a good time?' ' I tried to tell him as a Chris- tian I had more fun than anybody in school. \ \ ·he11 I recei, ed h onors I B:\SKETBALL \\ 1 I~ ERS The Boy's Brigade team from Eu– clid-. ·ottingham Bap tist Church came out as state champions for the second \ 1 ear in a ro\v! Thev won the ... orth- ~ , east 1'9 tournament and \Vere f irst in the . "'ortheast Y League. They \von 20 games out of 22. The)' have the congratulations from all T een T ime readers. Of course, that doesn' t mean some may not reso]",e to try t o beat them next year . Eh? trit'cl 11c> t l <> l)e l1 :1t1g l1t\: l>ttl le> I t tl1() l1cl~ k11C) \\ I ,, ~,s c>11c <>f tl1 ' Ill , tl1c>t1gl1 I cc) t1lcl 11c> t 1J,11 l1c i1)~1tc i11 1na11y of tl1e11 ~1c.~ t1, ities. Q : Diel \' Olt 111iss <>ltt 011 n lot of tl1i11gs? i-\ : I ,, a 1 ot abl tc> go places wh r l l11c,, I cot1lcl 1 ot go t111d take l1rist ,,·itl1 111e. I 1n issecl hnvi11g so1ne fr i 11cls. B,1t as a ~hri tic111 I fot1ncl acti, ·1ti(\s tl1at 111ore tl1ar1 1na.cle up for thi11gs I 1n issecl . Q : Ho,\' clid yolt a,.roicl the home– co111i11g cla1 ce, tl1ot1gl1 bei11g Quee1 ? A : I c:lccepted 1ny cro,v1 , vitl1 appre– cil1tio11. I si1n pl 1· ignorecl the d a1 ce. I }1;1cl no prol)lem , for m y class1na tes l1ad k110,vn my stand for fot1r years. Q: \\ 7 h c:1t ,,,as 011e of yot1r most dif– fict1lt times of tes ti11g? A: I \Vas 01 a triple date . V-t 7 e went to the home of 011e of the girls . She asked if , ve ,var1 ted sometl1i11g t o drink. " urely she \vill offer us Cokes," I thot1ght, so I said, "Yes." When sh e brought out highballs I h ad to ex– plai11 tha t as a Christian I did not dri11k. Q : Ho,\ 1 can a high school student sta11d tip for Christ in school? A: First , I ,vould say, stick to your convictions . The worst thing to do is to sta rt right a11d the11 gi, 1 e in and be the "wish y-washy" type . H i g h schoolers are quick to spot a phony, too. Avoid a "holier-than-thou" at– tit:l1de. A little kindness and sweet– ness goes a long way. Let the gang knovv you are a Christian, not just a "good girl ." They may not agree with yol1 and some may laugh, but they'll . . ' ' 1espect your conV1ct1ons. -Power Magazine VOICE OF CHRISTIA YOUTH May 20th the GARBC young peo– ple of Greater Cleveland met at the Euclid- ottingham Baptist Church and h eard Kenneth Andrus , the talent– ed pianist, youth leader and pastor of the First Baptist Church of Grove City, Penna. He brought with him a Ladies r-frio, which was much enjoy– ed , as was the Young Men's Quartet from Euclid. A fellowship hour with refreshments followed the rally. YSTERII~S Brgi11 with the r111ml> r of clays tl1nt thr mrss 11g rs, sent 1Jy Mose~ i11lo .,a11aan , sp 11t 011 tl1eir spy trip ( tim. 13:25) . Mltltiply lJy th nl1mlJ r (>f clays tl1at Jonah spent in tl1e fish's lJ lly ( Jonah 1 :17 ). Divicle by tl1 • tlt11nb r of bask ts of foocl \vhicl1 r - mai11ed after ..,hrist fed the f iv thousand with fiv loav s a11cl hvc> fi hes (Matt. 14 :20 ). Acld the nt1m– lJer of days in , vhich Clu·ist said he ,vould rebuild the t emple ( John 2:19 ) . The rest1lt should eqt1t1l the nt11nber of ti1nes the children of Is– rael were instructed to march arot111cl Jericho ( Joshua 6: 3-4 ) . A SWERS TO Gl\' E-A\VAY QUIZ I MAY TEE -TIME 1. d 6. g 2. a 7. e 3. b 8 . j 4. c 9. h 5. f 10. i FI DLAY, FIRST, VERY ACTIVE The Christ First Youth F ellowship of the First Baptist Church, Findlay, presented a play on April 16th in the evening service entitled, MY SO LIVES. The young p eople un– d er the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pope are very active these days with their own Sunday evening programs, calling nights, county home services, parties, and other activities. They are looking foiward to camp this summer with anticipation and have sent in their registrations for July 17-22. HEBRO ASS' BOAT RIDE The annual boat ride cruise for the Hebron Baptist Young People, ages 1 2 and up, is always a great time of fun , fellowship, and inspiration. As usual, Pastor Homer E. Graven of Avon is the director. It will be held June 26, or if the weather is bad, on June 29th., seven to ten p.m., E.S.T. They take the eumann Boat Line from Sandusky and will undoubtedly have the full number of 225 present. It would be nice if some one would write up what they do on this trip, where they go, etc., and send it to the editor of Teen Time not later than July 4th. -- ---- "The Soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.' '
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