The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1961

July, 1961 Only a fe\\T boys can yet be sand– ,viched in to some of the J unior and Junior-Hi camps, a11d that is true also for all the Senior camps except the last one Aug. 28- ept. 2. There \\Tas some talk of making room for some extra Junior-Hi boys and girls along \\ith e11iors the '"'eek of Aug. 7-12. but \\Thether it \\'as done or not \\ as not clear fron1 our tele– phone co11\'ersatio11 ,,·itl1 Registrar three missionaries. The pictures will sho\v there were some la\ 1 n1en also .. and a good represe11tation of wome11. The churches represen tecl \\'ere: Hu11tsbtrrg Baptist, ,t idview Baptist of Grafto11, Penfield Jct. Baptist of Lorain, Rochester Baptist, First Bap– tist churches of ~e,v Lo11<lo11 , Bo,\ 1 l– ii1g Gree11 a11d Lagrc111ge, C,11,,ary B,1p– tist churches of Sandt1sky a11d of ~1 an11i11gto11, \\'. \ 1 a ., Brooksicle B,11)- Page Eleven I • new cabin, and used his truck and tractor-loader in leveling the grou11d in the orchard. All \\'ho came to \\'Ork did not get in 011 the pich1res, but each one's \York is great}}' appreciated. There \Vere 32.5 meals sen,ed during the ,veek. At 011e meal there were 39 ht111gr)· people to e11joy· :Vf rs. Hukill's cooki11g. The \\ ork of bt1ilcli11g tl1e 11e\\' cabin Men working on new cabin All gather to rest a bit! Bol) Barrett the other day. At any rate, that ,veek is now filled up> un– less it ,, ould be for a fe\v extra boys. \ e are sorry if some young folks \\' ill have to be denied the blessi11gs of a \veek at c:amp, but 11ext year they \\·ill k110\V tl1e importance of regis– teri11g early. It is quite e\. ident that as our as– sociation gro\vs, Camp Patmos is goii1g to l1ave to l1ave a larger cli11i11g room as ,v 11 as 1nor c,1bir1s- a11d eventually a larg r cl1dp "'I, u11l~~s \Ve fi11ally de- id > to se ur a11otl1er camp i11 tl1e soutl1 ~r11 part of the state. Tl1 r , }1as lJ 1 so1n ta) k al)ou t st1cl1 a sou tl1 >r11 ca11•1), l)u t tl1at \\'ill t:1k :. so1n li111 - a 11cl also clot1 l)l <)rga111l'. .. 1- ti<)111 ar1cl 11 or,! XI) >11s . 1~11 truste s of 110111 a1 d , 111p \\ 1 ill ]1, , , -:. to d - ·id~ ,,,J1" t t<) do to })1 o, 1 icl f<>r ftll tl1 )'OU11g JJ op) ,,,110 , r g :> tti11g j11- r st d ii J1risli, 11 , 111)ir1g; l1t1l t]1at is a11ot] .... tl1f>ic ti 11 1 Jl1fl)' \\' II dis u '"' ll 11 1}1 )' 1 , ,, tl1 ir tllr ;a de }' c( 3Jll]) ]J, (Jl10 • J)l . '1-6. Jl r ] }~;\ 1" s ES . J)i ·l ur 011 t] is J) g. slllJ\\ a 'iOJtdt1fuJ I J)()J S;) OUJ UJ)l . I, i 11 • ~ To,, 1 Prid, J • 1f t •) UJ •) S \\ t f 11d a OJ , 11d tist of Clevela11d, Ca1nclen Baptist of Kipton, Ambrose Baptist of Fa}' – ette, L ewis Avenue Bapti t of Toledo, Trinity Baptist of Lorain, a11d F:1ith Baptist of Amherst. If a11y cl1urches "vere o,,erlooked , please let tl1e editor k11ow. Special me11tio11 sh ot1ld be gi" e11 ,. f rs. Elto11 Ht1kill , '\vho served as cook, to Pastor Lela11d lio,v,1rd, \vl10 \\taS tl1e 11ew c,1bi11 co11structio11 en– gine r, a11d to Mr. G orge Bar11e , wl10 t, a11 ported tl1e lt11nbcr for tl1e is qt1ite e\·ident i11 the 011e picture, a11d tl1e mov i11g of ru1other cabin and the cutting do\\il of the old orchard a11d tl1e pt1lling of the .. h1mp ru1cl leveli11g of tl1e grou11d ca.ii \\ ell be i1nagi11ecl, bt1t onl)· \\'Omen ,,rill tm– dersta11cl 110\\ h'"1rcl tl1e \\ on1e11 ,, orked u:1 cle~111i11g ,111 the cnbi11s, litchen a11d di11i11g room, office a11d cl1apel Ye , tl1e) eve11 l1elped pick tip the n1ess tl1e 111e11 n1 .. 1cle i11 bt1ilcl1ng the ne," t·a bi11 ! The BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY thorough training OFFERS - ------- for Christian Service • Three Year Graduate Serninary • Bible (_ ollege - \\ 1th a eneral ourse plus strong n1inors f 01 1'1issionaries hristian lhlucacio11 Dire t r l usic Dire ors 1>a~to1 s- J>re- ...e111inary ,vork rr,vo ) ' ear ertifi re hurtli ec,et I)' our e hrisrian \X'orker·s our e rtl1odo - chol rl) - D pti ri l .oc ced in l,eautJful Trand ll 1,1 ls, For inforn1 tion ,vrit BAPTI TH OLOGICA S Ml 811 W Ithy t ., S. ., Gr nd R pi hri t - ntered lJ l1ig n RY 6, Mich g n