The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1961

J_ul_y,__ 1_96_1________________________ '_1~1i-=--=O~HI=-=O~IN=..:.:D=E::.PENDENT BAPTIST ~~~~~~~~~~~----------~------__:P~a~g~e~F~i~ft~ee:,:n The Fire and the , .v ood E~1 G la~)·s Bai11 ::-s, Director of \~.7oman's D epartment, Baptist 1id-~1issions, 1740 E. 12th St., C leveland 14, Ohio famil)' closel} reaching the 700 mark, and "vith missionaries scat– t ered all o, 1 er the world, ,,re are gra teful for those \vho h a,·e been faithft1l ste,,,.ards of that "' ith ,,·hich God has entrusted them. Those \\'h o keep the home £ires burni11g need a love and devotion to faithfull,r do The \,·armth of h eart and home of man)· ,,,onderful Christian families has b een ot1r p ortion as ,,·e h ave tra, 1 eled all o, 1 er the United tates seeking to present the ch allenge of ~fissions . ~1a}' the Lord b e pleased to refre h that "risit as once more ,,1 e meet, but this time through the medium of the printed page ! \:\Tith the ,\·armth of the st1mmer in our midst, , ·et looking ah ead to– ,,,ard the fall and \vinter. it brings to mind the piles of ,,,ood I u sed to chop in anticipation of ,,·intry morn– ings a t Pigeon Roost. i11 the l1ills of Kentuckv . I r emember those cold, creakv floors as the hour of rising was , upon me . . . and the \varmth and refreshing the ~ 1 ood brought in jus t a short time as it crackled and snapped and p opped. No, the box ,vas not fill ed ,vith grape \ 1 ine twigs-their ,,a]ue comes not in the twigs , but in the fruit , bt1t that chestnt1t log could be split up so nicely to do its ' 'office \\'Ork" of providing ,~,armth in that littl e mountain home snuggled "back in the hills .' ' fay I r efresh you ,vith L ev. 6: 12, 13-"And the fire upon the altar shall be bt1ming i11 it: it shall not be put ou t: and the priest shall bur11 ~ 1 ood on it every morning. and lay the burnt-offering in order upo11 it; and he shall burn thereon the fat of the peace-offerings. The first shall ever l)e lJun1ing trpon the altar; it shall 1 E\ 7 ER go out." Indeed, in this great re5ponsibi1ity th ,1t the L ord had gi, 1 e11 t111 to tl1e pries t t1ncler the I.J \ 1 iticr1l Ja,\', tel give a lte 11<lance at tl1e altar, it \~.1as his respc)11sil)ility to see to it tl1at tl1e "fire t1pon tl1e a ltar sl1all l)e l)t1rr1i11g." He>,, 1 ecclf t 11 it ,,vas tl1at tl1e alt,1r l)e r '.;l,1cl\ 1 a t ,111 • tim ~s to ccJ11s11111 tl1e l)t1r11t offf' r- i11gs a11d t11e J)eac offeri11gsJ \\' }1at if t}1 J)ri s t ,,, :>r ca rel ss a1 icl c li<l 11ot J) :a rfc)11r1 tl1e f,111 c· tio11 tc) ,,,J1icl1 tl1 1..iord l1 ac] :ll1 'lei 11i111? I I ar ts lo11ging lt1 ,.ax11eri 11c :> tll<" "co,, r- i11g" affortlf)<l 1111d r tl1~ I.",,, of 1 os s \\ 1 e rc> gra t ~l ti I fc1r t 1 J)ri st- J1ood ; a11cl )' ~t ,,.,ortl1)' as it '"';1s, it tool inor tl1c: 11 tl1is fui1clio11 t<) co111- JJJ t ';) t J <Jff ri11g. As i1:1 tl day· of t]1 1"" , ,jtic, I <1f- £ "I ii1gs tl1 J)ri st] ood t ooc1 i r1 11 r:1 ] of \\ ood i11 t1 1o.. '-"1"11 t t11< fir sl1 11 , r IJ 1 11111i11g a1 d 11 , , r go out ,, o 11 111id] l ;3 1 r 111irid \J a to t:11 11 tJ od u d to r J)1 11i 11 tJ1 tlJJJJI}'· ot 01 1 , di · tl1 pri st a11 , J.., .., it s 11, , , ~ r Jlonsillilit ', 1 ut tl1 .. Jl OJ>I ... id I o. \ ' ]1 t a ])I i, 1 i- ] g , a , II a J SJ 011 ibi)it}', tl1 priest had as h e gave attendance at the altar; and yet important as his function was, still he needed the help of others. How imp ortant it \\'as to have a ,vell-filled wood-box, that "the first shall ever be burning and never go ot1t." H ELPERS ARE EEDED STILL As we realize the responsibility of obeying the Great Commission, a11d of sendi11g missionaries to every kindred, tongt1e and nation to pro– c laim the good news of salvatio11 through the Lord J est1s, ther e are manv ave11ues of service. As ,ve " think of the missiona1·y h eeding the call to go, ancl the years of prepara– tion and anticiprttio11, ,ve realize tl1at all this is brot1ght about throt1gl1 the instrt1mentality of man)' p eople along the way. Uncler tl1e L e \ itical J,1,v it \\'as tl1e r esp()11sibilit} of tl1e priest to give attencla11ce at t11e altar, bt1t it \\ as jt1st as i111port,11lt for tl1e ,, c>ocl– ga tl1erer to l)e f ot1 11cl faitl1ft1l to tl1e I .,orcl, ac; tl1e f 11 ") l1{1cl to be l epl bt1r11- • 111g. ,,, j tl1 Olli' 13apl1st 1 icl-\I 1s,1011s " their part, "tha t the fire shall 11e, ·er go out. " 1v1a11)' of yot1 \vho have b ee11 pre– ' 'ent ed from active missionar}· sen·– ice for one reaso11 or a11other can b e ",,rood-gatherers" for the Lord. There are so many a\ 1 e11t1es of service through ,vhich yot1 can h elp, alo11g ,vith your spiritual de \ 'Otio1 throt1gh pra:·er. Did yot1 e, ,er gi, 1 e a dollar to pur– chase a brick or t\,'O for a buildi11g? When it ,,,as completed , ) 7 0t1 had the feeling that you had a ti11)' ·h are in its construction. Ho,v h app }' \\'e \Vould b e for you to experie1 ce th,1t over a11d over as you beco111e God's i11strt1ment in n1aking it po ible for our missionaries not onlv to reacl1 • their field of service bt1t to s ta,, tl1ere • as }'Ot1r r eprese11tatives. A our Baptis t 1id-~fis io11 1111 - io11aries make kno,,n tl1e ir iI1di– , ,idt1al need for personal i te111 of clotl1ing, for equipn1en t of a ll ort , ,,,e \VOt1ld be l1app>' to h ,1re ,,·itl1 )'OU a 1nis io11ary project for ) 'Ot1r 111i - ionary circle. Perhap ) ot1r t1n- day school clas ,, oulcl like to do so111e tl1ir1g pe('i,11. \\.,1tl1 ( l1ri~t111a co111i11g 011 , ot1 ,,·011cle1 Jt1 ·t ,, 11.1 t to 11<l to ) OLtr f,1, ori te n1i~ ,\ . 11er– l1a1)s ,, e \\'Ot1lcl be abl<.~ tc> l1t' ll) , <>ti \\ itl1 a st1gge5tio11 . O t11 f 1le"- ('(>l1lcl tell, <)t1 Jttst ,, l1at tl1e, ,, <)t1l(l e !)t'tt,tl - 1) CllJO) l C(;Ci\ 111g 111 t}1' !).1(.'1'_,1ge - \\ l1etl1er it \\ ot1lcl l)e ,c)111(\ l)Ct "-<>11,11 1te111 <)r ,l I),11 t·el of fc,c>cl <)l' ga111t\~ .111cl lo,. for tl1c' t·l1ilclrt'11. 111 C'f>t111tr1e ,, 1 :)rt• it 1~ 11ot ft t il>l~ <)t .t<.l, 1~.1l)le to "-t' 11cl ~1 l).1ckagt' 1)erl1,11)\ ,, t' <. ' >t1Icl lC011tinued 01z pag lb) LOS ANGELES BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY J 011.11 R. D1,nkil1, Th.D., Preside11t THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN THEOLOGY THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN MISSIONS THREE YEAR BACHELOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE IN JEWISH MISSIONS FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN BIBLE OR HUMANITIES A gro11Ji 1 na gt'ad1,ntf: c1tool of Baptist per t.ta.sio·n i ·n S1t111111 alifo1,1ia " I 1·rp<:~ n 11 correspo11de·nce to I os A11gel I apc1 c ollegc, Te,, J1all ~11 ornt,l