The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1961

EWONDER WHY ll,11 11 ,, :-. Se1, i r 1 l rt , t 11. l ,tll l ,11 t1 t g1 lll s ,ll'f' t1.1r11i11g :t llt'af t'nr t,, .1 ,111 l , J k<)' Zlli\.ll<''' - 11 t 1 lt'lll () tlit J,tlS~l, ltl 1 ,lI)lt,t\ ll> .it lt 11d .1 ( c 111111t1 n ist-s1 <)11,<,r<?ll l < ,l < c >11f< rt.:11 ' t ir1 1 ra, 1 t1t. l t' . i'cl– ,, i11 11. l"t1lle: I\ l!f-'lll'l'al St'C'l'L' lrll' of tl1~ \ 111< ri .111 l .11 ti. t ( "tltl- ' I (l( ll. ,l\, lll' cl<l ' llC)( ar, rcaliz-' it. ' l 'l1t' fln11gt\1 · is 11 L1 t tl1al tl1c 1 ( ,.J<l 111- 111\1111,t" ,, ,IJ ·t1clclc11I, r<. .sc1r l tel :t11 - o,1 l ,, ,1r. l)t1t tl1a l tl1t'r, ,, 111 lJ, ~1 1,atrl<lll<. < ,11lc)St<J11 i11 1\111<:'rtc.:a tll tl l , \· ill felt er· <)ltr I)t <.'\icl(•11t i11lc> \\ ,lr. t)11 , 111c>1 <' ,c1ft -l1caclc•cl l)l t111clc1 \\ 11) ' r}1c' ('()111111()11 !)PC)- A I~AR~f I .AD'. PHILO OPHY A SOUTHERN BAPTIST EDITORIAL 1 • 1{ . I)a } 'V ; J 11 .. 1·11 ' 011i() Il a pt isl r C!SSC t1g 1 1' ( \:\ 7 clc) 11c>t c>f l<' 11 l>c>rro\v clitc>riaJs l)tll th, v\ 7 11 rtl "fo 1 ~111 ) 'c>t1r Pr(',1c·l1 r , j11 Ja11t1ary isst1(> c>f tJ1c . ot1tl1er11 l3a1)list s lalc 1 paper, was so goocl \\' C' kept it . 011l y al><>ut tl1i l lll:lll~ 1,,l\)tJ,t', f l'()lll t , ~ \. t111 tr,\ ,, c,tt. r11 l~l1rc>1)e:. • r l...,at · 1 .1\ 111t.'r1c·1 ,,,ill at- tt 11cl. 1)1 J l)'t.1 <)rclc'11l1a,1g. g 1 'ra I 't. ' r<:' t~,r~ <)f tlll l~~11)– t 1"t \\.. <1rlcl \ll it111ce. "' ' ' 01. l \\ 'r1tten nearly 12 years ,1go, soon after the author had ans,\cred the call to the n1in1str} He still had to help on the farn1 an(.i start two ,, eek~ or a month late to school . W ork came f 1r t in those days! ) a ye,1r l)efore· \\C J1ad r11n so1ne thing si1nilar, lJu t l>v ., tl1is ti1ne it may be apprc>- pria te agai11 . Both la\ men Zl11 : <)\ ,11c)kL' <)111) for )1i111- 't lf .111\.-l 11c>t f<.Jr tl1e 1\ lli~111ce. D1 Pc, , t<:~1 Ro11 tl1 "" 1tl l1e l1, "'' '. of 11t) 0,1 tl1e111 Ba pti t ,, 110 pl,111ned to atte11d. \\·1,, tl11 tt1r11i11g of the ... colcl l1c1t1lcler to Dr. Zl1idkov 1 e tl1a11 a , ear after tl1e\· o . ., l1igl1J,, l1011c)recl h1111 at Rio • cle J c.111eiro? There can be 0111,, t\\ o rea 011 and the fir t i tl1at tl1e~ fear more 1111f c.1\·orable p,1l)licity from ll~ Ft111cla1ne11tali ts. They ,,,ot1ld not ,1dmit it, of cot1r e. but ,\·e belie,·e ot1r prate t l1a,·e done good! :\'o t that the) \\·ould pay a11,r atte11tio11 to u s if there . ,,,e re not ar1other reason, bt1 t tl1c n,·o li11ked together are , ,er~ compelling. .. Tl1e second reason ,,·hy these Bap– ti~ t lec1ders are so emphatic in their reft1 al to Ii te11 to the man they c l10 e 12 months ago to be one of the , ·ice presidents of the Baptist \\.orlcl .. \.ll1ance is that thev sense "' tl1a t the :\merican people are getting ick of our fifteen , 1 ears of soft11ess " to,, 1 a rd com1nunism. In 1949 thev " lear11ed ho,, 1 t erribl, 1 Roosevelt a11cl • '"f rl11na11 l1acl sold us out a t Yalta ancl Pot , da111. ,, he11 ,, 1 e had to spend 1njJJion~ to ,1,,e \\.. est Berli11 in Rus– ...,ia fir t atte1npt to take it from us. I11 19.51-53 ,,,e lear11ecl ho,\ 1 terribl, 7 " ,,,e l1acl bee11 old do,,,n the ri,·er by Geo1 ge i\1arsha11 in Cl1i11~1. ~ o,,, \Ve l1a, 1 e }jad 011e 1nore 11n1mit failtu·e, \\ 1 e 11ave bee11 clisaracec1 i11 Cuba. f1re called a paper tiger i11 outheast A ia, and a re 11eari11g tl1e dead-line ,,·he11 ,,,e must choose \\·l1ether ,,re \\ an t ,,,ar or \:\-est Ber1i11. 0 11r pre~i– dent and ,rice-preside11t a re still talk– ing lJoldl) 1 , bt1t 110 01 e takes tl1e1n seriO·l1sl,r an,, more. )"et ,,·e are sick ~ . of it, a11d these compromising Bap- A furrow straight cannot be plowed By looking back or downward, But by loolc1ng ahead to the fields before And up to the mark on the hilltop. A noble life cannot be formed By living for past or present, But by looking ahead to the coming years And upv.'ard for strength and guidance. A field of grain cannot be found , In emerald verdure growing, Unless the seed the earth received W as free from mustard and cockle. An honored name cannot be won By those who are undeserving : Foul deeds are the weeds we must root out, And virtue the seed worth sowing. A golden harvest is not reaped From golden, waving oceans Save rain in its season , and su nshine too, ., and p ,1s tors are trot1bled \\ 1 1th this piece of church proto– col. They feel as Baptists that they ought not to co11- fo1m to the standards or de11ominatio11s that e ither openly or covertly consider their ministers priests; and yet they do not kno\v , v·hat else to d o-or cannot agree on it. This editorial mav h elp. ) , Has blessed; and the g round has been fertile. ' 'Well done, well done" is not received Call him Brather, call him Pastor, call him Mister, call him most anything else, but don't call your preach er Reverend. Of all designa– tions used for ministers, Reverend is the most unde– sirable from the standpoint of correctness and from the standpoint of the preach ers desires. In spite of this, On earth , nor ye t in heaven, Unless one is true and strives to win, And, striving, is blessed by his Maker. pie of America have had about all tl1e}' ca11 take. Eithe r Rt1ssia and China "'·ill h ave to ease 11p ( and Casb-o ) , or our leaders ,vill h ave to s tiffe11 11p and start ,vinning the cold ,,,ar; or they ,vill goad u s into the explosion tha t \vill b·igger the mis– siles! '''e don't \\ 7 ant war-we pray clailv that it mav b e averted ; b11t the " " ti1ne has co1ne to speak plainly. Any one ,vho continues t o play around ,,·ith the Communists, vvhetl1er he be a politic·ian or a preacher, is playing ,,·ith American \Vrath . We ar e glad a fe\,, Baptis t leacle rs are ,vaking up, and hope more of them '\Vill. --------- The Church Is A Place of Pray·er, not pla)'; Faith, not folly; Praise of God, 11ot of m an; H oly joy, not human jollity; Confession, not conceit; Conversion, not conformity. ho,vever , it is the most commonly used designation for the preacher. To begin with one of the basic meanings of the word reverend is "to be worthy of \,,orship," and this can apply only to God and never to man. Those who use the ,vord in refe rence to their pastors , ho,vever , do not t1se it in this sense, and this is n ot the main objection to it. Reverend is a11 adjective and can only prop e rly b e u sed in conjunction , vith other titles as Tli e Reverend 'A1 ister or The Revererid Doctor. Tl1ese are clumsy, hovvever, and oth envise undesirable . \'' h at shot1ld a Baptist call l1is p astor? The m ost acceptable titl e is Brother . This is in keeping ,vith th e Baptist belie f in the universal priest– h ood of b e lievers and suggests a closen ess b ehveen the pastor a11d member ,vithout undue familiarity. The n ext most appropriate title is Pastor. A f e\v Baptis ts u se this desig– nation, though it ,vill continue to