The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1961

July, 1961 sound a little strange until it is more \\idely used. In time this might come to be the most desirable title to use in referring to the preacher. Another perfectly appropriate ,vay to refer to the preacher is "!!.1ister. After all , he is just another man and likes to be conside red so. Should a pastor be called by his first name by the church members? This d ep ends upon the pastor. It can be done respectfully, but often suggests an over-familiarity witl1 the preacher. A preacher will generally let you know if he d esires to be called h)' his first name . Otherwise, don't presume to do so. How about Doctor as a titl e? Though proper, this title is subject to misuse and suggests a rank which should not exist . Rela tively fe\\r Baptist pastors are really Doctors, and it's very improper as ,vell as embarrassing to doctorate a man ,vho is not a Doctor. This title ought to be left off. The only difference behveen a preacher ,vho is a Doctor and one \\'ho is not is three or four years of additional study in a11 educa tional i11stitution. Sometimes a Doctor kno,vs more than a preacher who is not a Doctor, bt1 t sometimes he kno\\.'S less . 1ost of those w l10 deserve the title of Doctor don't desire it, a11d most of those vvho desire it don't deserve it. A preacher with a11 earned doctor's degree seldo1n i11sist upon its use. Some ,~.1ho ,vould like to be called Doctors have ho11orary degrees. \Vhile ma11y }1011orary de– grees are deser, 1 ed, otl1e1 s c:ome l)y self-seeking and pc>litical ma11ipula– tion. This te11cl s to cas t reflectio11 011 all ho11orar,, dc>t:tor cl grce<; a11cl ., it's l)etter jt1st to fo1 get it. 011e ratl1 >r lt1clicrc)11s ~t11cl 1nlJl1r- ra~si11g JJractice is lo 111f1ke Doctors pro1nisct1ousI,, c)t1t c,f f >}Jc)\\'S \\ l1c, are 11ot /Joct ors, ar11 cl cJr 1101 i<>r,ll')' . Tl1is liaJJI) IJS le)<> c>ft 11 ,,,}1e11 jt1st JJl rti11 Brotl1c:)r Jcl11 s <>r 131 otl1 )r S111itl1 is i11t1 9 oduc d t<J a ccJ11gr gnti<,rl f,,r l1is s1> c]1 or so11 c1tJ1 r ,tJ)f> ar, 11e • J 11 su J1 \\'O tl J cl <I<, \\' II to ti ·k to l~rot]1 r. T c,t l1i11g co11 le] l) ) n or 11011oral,J a11ll d 111c1c ·r, tic. A J3a J) tists ,,,.,t do11 1 t , II 11, \ 1 t to ,1s tJ t a111 t 1]11i1 olog}'· \ \ 1• r"~t11 ·a]I 011r 1>r c 11 r \\ 11, t , :)r \:\ cl '>_ . Jr , i11 ·]1 diJ1g 0 111 t11ir1g ,, 011gl1t 1 ot to IJ l1i111 . l~lJL J)I , sc (lon't • 11 ]1i1r1 Re "1'e11d. ' ' 'j'}1 11101' l ]1 ' • 11 . >, 1 { . ' ·iclJl 111( 11 i. 11 l1ii1g a J CJOl' ·1] 11 111811 \ J l l OJl ·\• • THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST MEN WANTE1DAT CAMP PATMOS! For the Men's Fellowship Sept. 4-6, that is. There may still be time for some la)rrnen to arrange their ,,acation so they can take tha t in ; :.:tnd p astors, if at all possible, ought to b e there as part of their regular duty a11d not as a vacation. If some l1ave not sent in the ir r egistration of $3 to Rev. John Teeters, Rt. 2, Fay– e tte, Ohio, le t them do so at once! Rem ember , the total cost for the three days, including the round trip boat ride from and back to San– dusky, will be $9. There will be no offerings taken . Yes, ,ve know there ,vi.ll be car expense to and from San– dt1sky, lJut if several go in the same EDITOR'S OPEN DATES July 9, 16, 23, 30; Aug. 27, all of September and October. Keep him busy every Sunday and in 3, S and 8 day conferences and revivals. (•ar, that \vill not be much . Deacons, if your pastor seems rather relt1ctant about signing up, find ot1t if it is cash that seems to be the trouble, nnd see to it tl1at that hi11drance is taken a\Va)r. ' ''e want all ot1r p as tors to be there, eve1 those tha t live the farthest a,va\' a11d tl1ose tha t sacri- ., ficiall)' serve srl1all cht1rcl1es. Al D ,vE HOPE there \\ 1 ill be ,ls many laymen as pastors comi11g, or e\•e n more. Ot1r lay1nen 11eecl tl1is op– portl111i ty to fello,J{ship ,, itl1 otl1er Baptists fro1n over tl1e state C\ e11 1nc>re th ,111 C)llr 1J,1stors, fc)r so1ne l1ave ne, e1 e11 j<>)- eel st1c:l1 f llo,\ ~l1i11 l)e– f orc. \ \7}1at c'lse ,, ill tl1er l)t.' l)es1cles jc>l1) 1 gc}C)C] f c•]Jo\\ ~}111) a11(! fc>oc]r rf ,\\ 0 SJ)irit11 ,tl fc:),tsl~ eacl1 cl,1, frc>1l1 t]1at J)ri1 lC \ <>f 1)r(!,lcl1c.' 1 <,, J)1 I{. . r•. K e tc l1 ;1111. 11,, c,11 ) ,,,li e> ,, 111 l>r111g J1is I3il>lc· a11,I , fc>llc>,,, J1is l)t eac11i11g ,vill l1tt\'f' tr11tl1 , l11u•1c>r, 1)all1c>s ~111cl , <) s I) c;> 1 t l 1 t 111 cl ) r l c1 re111 <:~ 111 l > ~ r t l 1e r st <>f l1is lif - a11c l ~tll tilt' 111c>r • if J1t~ jc>t ~ sc>111 <>f it clc>,,111 i11 n 11c1le i)Oc>kf rf, }l(.lJ I tJ1c J' \\ 7 j}J l> l\\' () <lis- ' tlSSi011 l)eric>cls lecl l)) tl1 stat rt>J>r<·– s 11tnti,,e , J{al1Jl1 rf'. Nc>rcll1111cl . So J ,tr , s ti111 ,, ill .. II< \I\', , 11 , ll11111 ~1n f)ri11g 1111 att)' tOJ)i ~ J't l~tt cl t<1 tl1 ,ttl:s of .,}1ri t ]1 \\ 1 ,t11t . l< , r111cl tl1e ti111t ,, i]l I) tak 11 111> ,, itl cti ·11s- ~io1 , 11ot ,, it11 ,1 r1f1 11 1 tl1t l1air- 11 a11 . II<;)rc.) '" r , t f ,,, of tl1 111 stio11s tJ1c-- ·l1ai1111, 1 ,, oul 1 ]ik to l c.)ar 1)1 11 11 di ·,1 , tl1ougl1 otJ1 r tl1i11g ( 011ti111,efl 0,1 JJf1ge I ) Page Three The Ohio Independent Baptist Publ ished Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 153 South Jefferson, Berne, Ind. Editor RALPH T . NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fostoria, Ohio Circulat ion Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ 45 19 Wellington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio Subscription Rate: Per single copy _____________ $ .1 .5 Per Year - --------------- --$2.00 DEADLINE FOR NEWS : 15th of each month Advertism g Rate : Per column inch ------------ $2.00 Per half page -------------- $2 7.00 Per full page ------- ------- $5 0.00 Second class postage paid at Berne, Indiana. Postmaster: Please send form 35 ""9 to The Ohio Independent Baptist, 4519 Wellington Ave , Parma 34, Ohio. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Chair,nan Rev Hall Dautel, 1209 Second r Porcsmou th, Oh10 S ecretar)' Rev Adam A. Galt pencer, Ohio T -reasurer Re, . 1·. Fred Hu~sey (> ) \X' ashingcon .A, e. Iles, 011io 111 ission.,ry Ch11l . Rev. I ynn R1..)~er 7 - 4 Bo}Jen Torcl1t ,el...l, l1io ) ' 01,tlJ Director Rev. Icnn reen,,,ood 31 . Ken~ingcon Jlla e pringfiel d, hio ---------- ----·- "'