The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1961
1Jlfi l 00 en re "ll 11< r t ,,110111 }1 11 r L lttl.' • tl1 , ~ ri1 lt1r ~ n11 1 ,, itl1 ,tll < <)11- 1 t:1,1t1 11 f r tl1e fet li11~, <.'X\ rt'''t'<.l lll tllt } ll l \\ ( t dit l i,l} (lll } U\!<.' {\\ \.) \ t \. \\ till S(. )ll "11 ]l,l\ (;, )l(lt \( )\ t{!llt 11011\ 1,,1, d met--.:. l 11t l1n, st) ,,,e:,11 Or. James T. Jeremiah earned them that they have come un Ol1ght. To uch ,ve gladl)· give tl1e title of doctor and rejoice ,,{ith them 1n it. Pre iden t Jame T. Jeremiah of edan·ille College received a Doctor of D1\ i11it)r degree fron1 Central tate College at ,,.ilberforce, ,vhere he al o ga, e tl1e Baccalameate Sermon Jt111e 4tl1 Hi sacrificial ancl highl)' st1cce ft1l ,,·ork in bt1ildii1g t1p eclar– , -ille College i appreciated by us all. Central ta te also appreciates l11S ,,·ark. ince the n, o schools ha"'e a ,, 1 orki11g arrangement by ,,·hich student can recei\ e degrees from botl1 schools. This has enablecl Ceclar, 1 ille students to qt1alif)' for teac11i11g po itio11s. ancl ah·ead}· f:\\'O of tl1e c tl1de11t hav·e recei\·ecl bo1101 at Ce11tral tate for their c11ola1 l1ip. Robert T. Ketcha1n. 1J.D., Xatio11al Co11 l1lta11t ,, 1 itl1 tl1e G.. ~RBC. has re– cei,·ecl a eco11d 11011orar}· c1egree– t1.i ti111e tl1e clegree of Doctor of La,,. fro1n Bob J01.e~ lT 11i,·ersit 1·. H~\ 49 ,,ears of mi11istr,, has inclt1cled • pastorates of se,,eral leading Baptist ht1rcl1es. inclt1dir1g First Baptist at Niles and Fir t Bapti; t of El, 1 ria. 1nan) 1 )'e,1r..., ,1s editor of the Baptist Bulletir1 a11d 11ine , ,e~tr as _-a.tio11al Represe11tative of tl1e G.t\RBC. H e l1a~ en ed on ma11\ 1 educational a11d , .: "'1onar\' l)oards ,1nd on the execu- , h, 1 e com1nittee of the .:\CCC a11d ICCC. He has \\TJ"itten manv books ., a11d pamphlets. S()me that required a great deal of re earch, ,, 1 hich IS all tl1e more remarkable \\ 1 ith his ' '<:'r'' li111itt'cl , ,ic.;it)tt. Ilis 1. tC'st l)oo'k .. 1, ,l f11ll \1/ '<1 \ c>ltttll , :(le]·, } 1 1 Cl\ l~JOJl fc, 1 '\c>1111,\I l1r1stia11 l ,1, 111g l )1t'~1clc'11t .\ll ,t11 1£. l ,C",,1 <) f l ~,11) - t,~t ~I1cl \l1,,1cl11~. ,, .1~ gi\•e11 ;1 l)c>c– tclr <l( 1)1, 1111l)' clc,grC'C' f1 c>111 (;ra11cl l{a1)1cls l~ai)tist '1'11 c>lc>gi cal SC'n11- 11a1,. l3or11 <lf 111i. s1011ar) par 11ts 111 1\[ r1ca . l1e ,, a l(1rgel, 11sc)cl c>f 7c>cl a l)a tor c)f tl1e J{ ,111clol1 l1 t. l3apti~t l1t1rcl1 of "' l1a1 le tl)11, \\'. \ "a., for Dr. Robe r t T. Ketcham four )rear , and of the Euclid- otting– ham Baptist Church of Cleveland for te11 )'ears. For the past 18 months l1e has been ser, 1 i11g in his present capacity as preside11t of Baptist ~1id- 1issions, a11d l1as travelled all o,rer the l T11ited States and visitecl .Africa. Here i11 Ol1io h e has served m 1 0 thircls of the time on the Council of Te11, all that tl1e rules allo,v, h\·ice as chairma11 of the cou11cil, a11d has seen conti11t1ous ser,·ice 011 the board of trt1stees of Haine a11cl Camp, 1nt1cl1 of the ti1ne as chairma11. ~lilto1 D . Ar11olcl is a11other Baptist ~1id-~1issio1 s lec1cler ,,·ho ,,Tas honored tl1is }'ear. He ,vas give11 a Doctor of Di,·i11ity clegree b)' Piecl1no11t Bible I11stitute. He l1as ser,,ec1 as Dep l1ta– tio11 ecret rtry ,,·ith B,1ptist ~Iid- 11issio11s for many· years , a11cl no,,, re– sides at \\ 1 i11ston- alem, N. Caroli11a, as tl1eir SOl1tl1er11 repre e11tative. i11ce 1no,ring there some years ago, l1e has bee11 a real friend of Pied– mo11t ancl a freqt1ent speaker to its stt1clent body. George . ~Iil11er, a Cleveland busi– ness man, ,,·as gi,,en the degree of Doctor of Humanities at Cedarville College, a 11 l1onor "''hicl1 he richlv . July, 1961 onore cl s 1, C'S, fo1· l1,1111nn s r\·ic0 for ,.; }111c;t 's sake J1ns 1) c 11 l1is l1f c ...-Jo11g i11tere1st. IIC" \\a') pr sic.lc11l of t11e l)c>ar<l of Bapl1st ·1icl li s') io11s from 1945 to Ja11. l , I 960, a11cl l>ro,1gl1t t]1is orga11izalio11 o,,t of cl ep cliffi– ct1l ties as a sn1all faith mission to th plac whC're 1l c<>t1lcl 1nploy f)r L \vis as a ft1ll ti1ne presiclent. lle cc>11li11ues lo ervc ,lS cl1airman of its l)ortrcl. Whe11 he tt1rne<l over most of the work to Brother Lewis, Bap– tist Mid-Missio11s had 617 mission– aries ser\ring arot111d the world. His seco11d human i11terest l1as been in the traini11g of young people for Dr. George S. Milner Christian service, a11d has been ac– tive on the board of Cedarville Col– lege from the time of its inception, and a large contributor to its needs. His third interest has been the care of the aged, and long before \Ve began our efforts to secure a Regu– lar Baptist Home for Ohio he has been on the board of the Cleveland Baptist Home, ( ,vhich accepts board mem– bers a11d inmates from all Baptist grot1ps . ) M ucl1 more could be said of his benefactions, but ,ve kno\v h e ,,,ould rather be simply kno,,11 as a Christian business man. Dr. Le,,ris' picture has already been h0\\711 on page 7 and ,ve regret that ne,vs came too late for us to get that of Dr. Arnold. The other three appear above. --------- GOOD AD"\ 7 ICE E're a child has reached to seven Teach him all the \vay to Heaven; Better still the work ,vill thrive If he learns before he's fi\ 1 e. -C. H . Spt1rgeon
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