The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1961
()\.' ' Ill I> •t 1961 • 1 1urc es a astor NEW MISS IONAR IESAT LORAIN 'l"lll \\ t ·t ~t(ll'– l!a1 t ,,t llt1rcl1 t>f J ..,()1':\11\ }1.1, ll l\l'\\r llll,,ttlll!ll \ C(lll l)}l '- - }{r·, a11tl \ l 1 \ St,t111t·, (.. ~1111tl1. l''l11, 1, t11e1r tl111cl f ll'}l{ llll(lCt '"f}1 l "'t•llcl,, \1111) <l l 13\11)– t ~t, fc)r I lc)tll(' ~ l 1~~1t111s. 11,1, 111g er, ed 111 , rnt'tt~e. '\ .) . ,, l1er tl1c, cle– , el(ll)t l tl1l~ 1:1r. t B,111ti~t Cl1t1rcl1 of F ,1,t .. ·, 1,1ct1'-ie. a11cl <1t L,1kc \\ 1 orth, l·"'lorid~1. ,, l1e1t' tl1e, l1elpecl ,1 11e,, 1 1 1 t'Stal,lisl1t'cl ·l1t1rcl1, linrlc>11 l{ c><1cl l3r11J– t1,t ( )l1t1rc l1. g<: l a l>e,111 tif t11 l>11 il (l 111g n11<l c·<>111c' l e> self <-i ttt)IJ<>rt. 1>1 t'\ i- <ltt~ le> tl11s tl1c·, l1 ~1cl sc•r, (•cl i,1 fc) ttr ]),t~tc>1 tllt'-\ 111 Ne'\\ ) "c) rk St,1 tc. Ile is a gr..1clt1,tl<.' c>f Ba1Jtist B11)1C' "' C'1ni11~11) n11cl 11,1 al () st t1(li ecl ,lt c;orclc>11 a11cl I!c)t1gl1to11. ~f rs. 11itl1 st11 cliecl at ( c>111 11 l T11i, ers it}. ..-fl1 } l1,1ve fot1r t·l1il(lre 11 : D ,l\'icl~ ,1ge 12, Jt1clitl1 , 10; l)ea11, 7 c111d De111is. 4. \\'elco1ne to Ol1io! TJ1e \ \ 1 es t ide Baptist l1t1rch \vas tartecl b 1· Re, ·. and 1rs. Rob e1t T{c>ge1" 111 1 f).5() . rrl1 c~\ \\ t'l (! ~ l l (;- • t·c(•clecl l>,, [{(~\ . a11 cl ~ 11 s. J , l Il1(' ', Ii-' . c;c>clle:'\', J1 .. llll(l cr ,, l1 c>se lcaclcr<i l1ip tl1e f i11e c·l1l11 c·l1 l)t1il cli11g s1 c),, 11 <>11 " p ,1ge 13 \\ ,ls erec:t– ecl a11 cl clecli(·a tecl . It 15 loc,1ted i11 a gro\vi11g resicler1tial ,1rea and h as every prospect of l)ec:oming a s trong 'A'it11es for Chris t . CALVARY BAPTIST, Fl NDLAY, CALLS RICHARD SNAVELY '"fl1i, , t1111111er Re,. na,·el) ca1ne to 111 l10111e cl1t1rcl1 to er, ·e ,1 interi1n 11c1St(lr He l1,1d bee11 for ·0111e )·ear at Bob Jo11e lT11i,·er it)r. ,,l1ere l1e rec.ei, ed tl1e B. t\ . a11d i\I .A. clegree a ,, ell ,1 ,:1 teacl1i11g ce1tific,1 te. H e al.;;o ,, 011 the Chri ti a11 H eralcl . ,, a.rd for C'l1ri t1c111 leadership r.11cl ct1t t,111di11g h1<le11t achie,·e1ne11t. H e clirected a b·,1,·elli11g en e1nble h, o ~rear . a11cl i11 1960 ,,,011 a preacl1i11g conte t i11 ,,·hicl1 1.50 con1peted. Dt1r111g l1i interim ser,,ice se,,eral ,,rere adcled to the cht1rches ancl other ,1re a,,·aiting baptism. The pi.rih1al to11e of tl1e cl1t1rch became tl1e be t it l1a been it1 \ ·ears. It ., l)eca1ne i11creasingl}· e, iclent to t l1e deaco11 and to tl1e Inembers in gen– eral that God had se11t his 0\\'11 ma1 and the~· ,,~ere glad to ratif)' H is act. Re,·. Richard na,,ely is married and has one son, tephen . H is ad– dress 1s 42,3 :\1onroe Avent1e. His mail1na address is Box 19.5, Findlay, Ohio. BELLEFONTAINE, FIRST, CALLS C. RICHARD PHELPS The First Regular Baptist Church of Bellefontaine issued a unanimous call to Re,·. C. Richard Phelps of Xe,,, L)·me and he plans to move on the field Xov. 1. He leaves the J. evv l ... )TJ11e church after a successful pas– torate of four )'ears. Attendance has gro,\71 and there has been general satisfaction i11 his ministn-he leaves • \\ 1 ith the good \\ 1 ill of his people. ' ''he11 h e came there the church \\·as official]), in the Conser,,ati" e Baptist ..Association, but ,,·as far from other CB.. \ churches and found most of its fello,,,ship \\ 1 ith our churches in that area. About tvvo years ago the church ,,·ithrlre\v from the CBA and asked for fello,, ,ship ,,,ith the OARBC and the GARBC. \\ 1 e ,vere glad to receive them. The First Regular Baptist Church of Bellefontaine is a strong mission– ary church , and ,ve are sure the Phelps's \,,ill be b]essed ther e with a good 111inistry. F or the last eight years it h as b een faithfully pastored by Rev. Gerald Barlow, who has been called t o an indep endent Baptist church som ewh ere b e rn,een Belle– fontaine and Columbus-we are sorry ,ve do not have its name and place. FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST, CALLS HAROLD WINTER After being p astorless since 11arch first. the F ell0\\ 1 ship Baptist Church of ~1edina called Rev. Harold G. \\.i1 ter of ~l a ratho11 , r. Y., ancl h e and his family movecl on tl1e field the first part of September. \\ 7 e are s till ,,,aiti11g for his picture, but he gi\ 1 e tis the follo,ving ne\vs to h e lp t 1 get acqt1ainted. H e is a graduate of Practical Bible Training School of Bi11ghamto11. N. Y., i11 the class of 193.5, a11d has also take11 some ad– clitional \\rork at tl1e Baptis t Bible e1ninar1 1 of Jol111son City·, 1 • Y. In 1954 l1e ,.,,a called to the Lapeer Ch ristian Cht1rcl1 of .1. e\\ 1 York State arid i11 1958 also took on the leader– ship of the Ht1nt's Comers Baptist Cl1t1rcl1. H e served bo th church es t111til l1is call to Ohio. He a1 d ! rs. \Vi11ter ar e original}~/ from Cresapt0\\11, Md ., where they atte11ded the Cal,·ar y Baptist Church -one of the f ello,vshipping church es jrJ the GARBC. They h ave fi, ,e sons : Tirnothy, Gar)', Robert llan and v\ 1 illiam . THE MYERS BEGIN A NEW WORK This may not exactly b e a case of a church calling a preacher, but of him beari11g the call of God to a ne\v field. After four years of fruitful labor to establish the Bible Baptist Cht1rch of Grove City, on the south– , vest edge of Columbus, they felt led to resign and b egin a new \\rork on th e booming east side. After weeks of surveying and seeking for a place to meet , they found Pine Hills, a n e \v de,,elopment vvith 375 ne,v h om es and no church. Thi is on the extreme end of Columbus, about hvo miles south of Rt. 40 and the ame distance \vest of Reynolds-but six miles ,ves t of the GARBC church there . It is a n e,v development ,,,here many more homes \vill be built.
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