The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1961

GOOD PREACHING ,1ti,1,1t· i. /1 c ,,, 1 ti (' I I 1i~l1t i11 it .st.l11d < 11 ~< 1 ~1rali tl . l 1 or l" • 1111 lt'. tl1 • <. 'l'\ nt1, <'' 13111 t1,t \,, 1,1t, ,, d<'t' 11ct g< .1, tar .1, \ \ <.' c 111 st l'-lr.1t1c111 a11cl tltt')' nr(~ '<.)tl– t \I}( J, f I r}1t 111(! :\llllltl~ ,t t llt'lll\t.'l \ l'~ ' ,,,, '<' lll' elf tl1<.111 art.' ~l.1rti11g tt 11 , , ... Jc I t'lg11 1111,~t<.)tt l,<,,1rcl. 1)('<.\1\t. L' t11t' c,Jd ,,·ill 11c)t clc.'111:111d tl1nt .111 t l1 'tr 11) · l) 'lllt<.'l'~ l,t:•lt('\ t' itl t]1' I)I 111ill .,.1)– lll,tl l't'ttlt'll ()t ( 111 tst. rl'l1t.,. 11(.'\\ l)c>~1rcl ,, ii] l)t1t tl1i1t 1)l,1nl i11to tl1e11 clc)('– tri1lal ~t.1t >111t' t1t. 1)1 Kt'tcl1~1111 prc– dit t t l1t (. ... 8 \ \\ 1 ill 11ot ,l('Cf\l)l tl1i llt \\ l)<.).1.1 <l. rrl1e11 11~ rt',1cl f rc>111 .1 Lt1tl1er,111 111~1g~1zi 11 t11c:1t Bill, Tr,111,1111 co11- f e '"t~<.l tl1~lt o f r1r ,1L 11e \\ a. co11- l' r11t.:d. tl1cre 111igl1t be a n1ir,1cle ,, rot1gl1t 111 cl11lclre11 \\ l1e11 t11e)' are 1)ri11llecl. a11cl 11e did 11ot 111i11d if it ,, a called bapti n1al rege11er,1 tio11. H aid tl1at h1 ,, ife a11cl all l1i cl1il<.1re11 are pri11klecl and 1nc.1nberc, of t11e Pre b\·ter1a11 l1t1rch. H e read a letter fro111 tl1e Luther,111 editor i11 ,, 1 l1ich he <1 tired Dr. Ketcl1am tl1at yr.1l1a1n had ac tt1,1ll\ aid t l10 e ~ thi11a . • .\.11 i11 all ,,,e had ,1 \·er,, aood a1 - ~ nt1al meeting thi )'ear. Regi tratio11s Tue da) niaht totaled 203, 6.5 of them pastor ; and man)' more came \ \~ednesda,, and Thur dav·. ,,~e heard ., ., that the total registration aprut from the ,,·omen ,,·ho came only for their rall~.t on Thursda)·, \\'a o,·er 300, b ut ,, 1 e do not ha\·e the exact figure. 'fhe editor ¥:as not able to remain for the closing ession. but again Dr . Ketcham spoke, a11d h is theme ,vas "Fi"·e l tnspeakable Things" : Christ \\·as unspeakably holy, loving, p ower– ful. patient, and full of grace. The text ,,:as I I Cor. 9:15. Hebrew Christian Society ( An Independent Baptist Mission) 2524 Euclid Heights Boulevard Cleveland 6, Ohio • • • • PRESENTING CHRIST Through Means of: Literature Distribution House-to-House Visitation You th CJ asses Junior Vespers !\dult Forums Camp Nathanael-Huntsburg, Ohio • • • • PRESENTING THE JEWISH NEED To Christians by Means of: "HE:BREW CHRISTIAN VIEWS AND NEWS" Station WCRF-FM, C1eveland Station WDLM, E. Moline, Ill. Publication: STAR OF DAVID REV. ALAN C. METCALF, Director Mr. John G. Bennett, President O\' · 1111> ·r, I961 SEPTEMBER GIFTS TO THE OHIO ASSOCIATION l lt'\ '. l"')' t111 llc1g 'I'S. ·1~rca~ . 78.r5ll . Bc>yclo11 Il cl ., ortl1fi ·Id '\ <1r tl, ll<>, 1 nlt c>1 13a1>t1 , t ' l1t11 t• l1 '\J c>rtl1 l\oya lto11. 011i<> ................ $2. 00 131l>lt' ~I i~~1<>11 13a1>t1 , t ( .. l1t1r ·1- l{c , 11c>lcls l>t11 g, Oll10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !5.00 c::ll\'ttr)' H,tt>t1 , t < '111 11 (' 11- 'l(, , . ,1~t11 cl. ()l1io . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Bc>t11l ,}1<.'111 l1,11) t1~t ( : ht11 cJ1 Je\.('la11cl , Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 00 }/ 11 ~t 13a1) t1~ t ( 11l1r(· l1 (; nJlipo l1s, Ol1io ............................ 10 .00 ( t.. <1,tr IIill B<1plis t Jl111rcl1- (~le la11d, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 I"r111it )' B,1ptis t _, l1t1rc·h - Lora i11, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.00 ' }1,1ro11 llapti t .. l1t1rc l1 . .- haro11 , Pa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Brook ic1~ Bapti t ht1rcl1- .11 , , land, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 ~ orto11 ..e1 t r l~apti ·t ht1rcl1-Barbe rton , Ol1io . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 I•"ir ·t B,111tis t ht1rch - iles, Ol1io . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.00 F ir t Bapti t hurch - 1edi11a, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 1 • orth 01111 ·ted Baptist Church- orth O lmsted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.28 ommitte of the t111(lay chool E va1 gelis tic Effort- Bt1cyrus, 011io . . . 27 .00 Fir t Bap ti t Cl1urch - Bo, li1 g Green , Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 The Berea Bapli t Church - Berea, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00\ 'ar)' Bap ti t Ch t1rch-! 01walk~ Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 ---------- MISSIONARY BRIEFS Miss Ruth Hege was able to go back to the Congo after all , taking a p lane epc. 4th. he had supposed t hat land would be closed to single women mission– aries longer and so had a nnounced tha t she would go to Venezula, where she also had labored . Pray for her as she re– se mes her work at Kikwi t. The chlegels are back on t. V incent, West Indies-teachi ng as the only in– structors in the Bible School for na tive pastors, bu~ldiog, preaching and super– vising. They call it getti ng back home • again. T he Baptist chool of the Bible, 13407 K insman Rd., Cleveland 20, Ohio, is re– joicing in the prospects of ano ther good year with a large student body, but some– what disappointed tha t they did not have the means to buy land for future expan– sion. Pres. Wimer is also burdened for some of the missionaries that have gone out from the school to do missionary work among the colored people of our country-particularly for the H unters in D ecatur, 111 ., who almost lost their home for lack of rent money, and who need clothing for their children. Gifts for them can be sent to the school. The Amundsons have had a busy sum– mer wi th several vacation Bible schools that were used to win 11 to Christ . Each month they also have a rou nd robin Bible conference speaker in thei r two churches and in cooperation with some ochers, and they feel this has brought a deepening of spiritual life to thei r people. Now they are considering the beginni ng of a Bibl e study class in a new community. OUR SCHOOLS ARE BUILDING Western Baptist Bible College a t El Cerrito, Calif., is build ing to p rovide ad– ditional two class rooms and th ree facul ty • offices; Los Angeles Baptist Coll ege and Seminary is layi ng sidewalks on their new campus in Newhall ; Grand Rapids Baptist Theological Semi nary has bought a 64 acre campus where they hope to bui ld a school that will eventually take care of 500 students; and, of course, Cedarville College has all its p lans ready to start on the rudent Union as soon as enough money comes in to do it! CHRIST f AS MAILI.L G TO MI SIO ARIES Check with the M issio1 Off ices of your mission aries and \\ 1 ith the P ost Office for instruc tion s as to d a t es f or mailing Christmas cards and p ack– ages. This is important! D o your for eign mailing EARLY! --- ---- T U A F ISH - HOT DISH 1-8 oz . p kg. Egg oodles ( cooked and drained ) 1 can Tuna Fish 1 small green p epper ( ch opped fine) 1 cup Velve tta Ch eese ( diced ) 1 cai1 Asparagus 1 small can Mushrooms WHITE SAUCE 2 cups milk 2 t ablesp oons flour Bu tter , alt, and P epper t o t ast e Place in l ayers in but tered baking dish . Bake a t 300° for 45 minutes. -submitted by 1rs. Luella \ Vhite , Cedar Hill Baptist Ch u r ch , Cle \·ela11d. ---------- One first tha t Russia can rightly claim- the Kremlin put p eace on a war basis .