The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1961
ov·ember, 1961 GOOD PREACH I NG, naturally for our conference, our speakers, and for our host chw·ch. After time around the throne of grace, Chairman Hall Dautel named the auditing committee-pastors Don Beightol of Mannington, \V. a., Le– la11d Ho\\·ard of Amherst, and 1artin Holmes of \Vheelersburg. Also he appoi11ted pastors Clare11ce Tovvn– send of Bo,,rling Green Ben Garlich of Huntsl)urg, and Elton C. Hukill of Berli11 Heights to serve on the elec– tio11 certification co1nmittee. \''ith tl1is brief item of busi11ess tended to Pastor Arthur Houk of Mara11atha Baptist of Springfield \vas introduced to bring a Bible Message, and a blessing it \Vas. He took us through all the key verses in Malachi tl1at sho,v the lack of spiri tuality in that day of nearl)' 2,400 years ago and showed ho,v similar is the situa– tion toda 1'. There ,,,as social sin ancl di\·orce i11 those days, te11sion be– t,, ee11 pare11ts and children, strife be– t\vee11 capital a11d labor, the clergy \\ 1 as not right \\7ith Goel a11d \\ 1 earied of tl1eir ser\ ice, a11d ,vould do notl1- ing \\ithout being 1Jaid for it. and the people brought Jess than tl1eir l)est sacrifices. He illustrated the sins of today b)' contrasting our cle– , ·otio11 ,,,ith tl1at of C. I . Scofield, the co11, 1 erted drur1kard-lawver ,vho be- , c a1ne a great preacher a11d Bil)le teacl1er. He took the pastorate of tl1e First Co11gregational Churcl1 of Dallas, Texas , \\ l1e1 its 1nem 1)er– ~1111) \\'as made tip of or1e 1na11 c111d e]e;\ e11 ,, ome11. He l)t1ilt it tip ,vith tYlucJ1 l1arcl \\ ork lo l)e c>11e of tl1e great c}111rcl1es of t11e 11ation, a11d fi 11 ,1l lv J tcJok it out of t11e Cc>11gregatio11al cl 11cJ1r1i11atio11 ,v11c11 l1e f c)t111cl tl1,1t it l1acl l)eco111e so 1nocler11 istic tl1,1t l1 e c·ot:tlcl 11ot f ello\v~l1ip \vitl1 it ,111 1 lor1g r. I-I • lcJ\ d lo tell \vl1 ,1t a drt111l rtrd 11'"' l1ad l) ~ ~11 a11d 110\v \\' 011- d ·rfullv .. l1rist }1,lcl S,l\'Ccl l1i111 . Y ~t , l1c f ~It tl1at 1r1oclc:r11is111 \\r,ts ,, c>1 s tl1a11 clri11k, fc)r 11:. saicl, " I ,, 011ld ratl1 r sp ~11cl St111cJr1y 111or11i11g i11 ,1 srtl<><)11 tl1a11 i11 rt c11l1rcl1 ,,,itl1 ,l 111ocl- ri1isti, J)ast<)r.,, Aft r , cc)1lgr ~gatic)11~tl 11)' 11111 ,,,c! l1ad , s co1 tel s r111c>11 l1v l 1 as tc>r (: ..orge 1 I11ffr11a11 of lt.: t1 licl- lotti11g– l1a11 .1 J3, ))list l1t1rcl1 c)f ...,) , 1 c:-lru1cl . J t \\'8S so tlif f '.if '.i ll l frc)1 J) t) }( I)f , , il)llS 11Jlle sag;) tl1,tt tl1 ~re ,,,, s 11<) ,,, ~nri11r)ss im1 lis t 11i11g l<> l)fJtJ1 . J3otJ1 ,,,cre ·– )JO ilio11al, for l~rc,tl1er IJ11ff111rt11 tool lJS tl1rc>ug}11 II rfi111 . ] :3- J,t (\1 11 , s J!rot11 r I Io,1k took tis tl1ro11gl1 tl1t \\ 1 o] I 0<11 of 1 ,1 lac]1i, l)tt t 011 po itor is 111 , , r j11st lik .. t111c>tl1 r. J)asto1 1 Joul.. is J)r - t 111i11 1 tl) , t a 1 .. r, aJ1cl l'astclr J lt1ff111, 1 , continued pleader-both young men and both good. The p leading power in Brother Huffman's mit1istry comes from a per– sonal experience in the first year of his \vork as a minjster. H e b ecome so ill he cared not whether he lived or died, and had to spend much ti1ne simply looking up-flat on his back. At last a desire to live came into his soul-to live for Jesus and become a ,vi11ner of souls. From the life of Timothy the speaker poi11ted out that ,ve need men \vho are t ear-stained , men ,vith a tenacious faith , ancl men vvith a Dr. Ilo,\ ard G. Yot111g ot1r r I e\\' c}1air1n::111 l1eave11l )' a11oi1 t · 1 g. The tears n1t1st c·o111e f ror11 a l)roke11 heart. broke11 lJy tl1e tl1ot1gl1t c)f tl1e p erisl1i11g 111illio11s a11d b)· tl1e si1 s of ,ocl's O\\ 11 people. '"fl1e faill1 111t1st be like that of Abra- l1a r11 a11cl 1oses ,111cl Davicl. ,.fl1 arl) cl1t1rcl1 acco111plisl1ecl o 111t1cl1 l)ecat1se it l)e]ie\ecl so111etl1i11g, ,111cl \\ tr\ lo co11ti11t1e its \\ ork "" il]1ot1t , itc, faitl1. 1 .. l1 e a11oi11t111g 111t1st be Ll1at of tl1e I-Iol} ~1)i1 it, \\ l11cl1 ,, ill set 11s cJ11 fi1 c. II like11ecl tl1at st11ri11g tip tc> tl1e \\ <>I k l11s latl1c."r t1srcl tc> (lo c~1c:l1 ,, 111tc1 111c>r11111g, \\ 11<. ~11 11 brok tlJ) tl1t~ eli11ke1 s ~111cl ~11(><>k clc>\\'ll tl1e asl1 '.)s i11 tl1c' olcl l1a1 cl c·oal 11 \atc•t ar1cl 111aclc! it glo\\ \\ itl1 ,l 11t\\\ fla111c.~ . II ) al sc> tolcl c>f 111~ ft1t1l atl<... 1111)t tc> \x1)lai11 l<> l11s l)<>) \\l1,1L clc'etric1t, ,,,as. I l e fit1all) saicl, ..,, ell, tl1t• 111 rti1l tl1i11g is l(> tt1r11 tl1 ~ ')\\ 1tcl1 a11cl tl1 lr·c tricit,, ,,,ill l> t1r11 il11<.l tt1r11 it - off ~() tl1 ligl1t \\ ill gc> ()llt.' ' rrl1 l lol)' S1)irit is tl1 11c,,,, ~r tl1at 11t•t•cL to 1) tl1111 cl <111 i11 c>t1r li, 1 t>. if ,, c: .t1 t ltJ )J Ill t) t)f f)C)\\1( r. .. I~1 1\ 11 \ TJ I"" I.. l!J r[' \ ' - 1~I) rl,tlt: scld) af lC'J'll(}()I) , clar, 1 ill( ~()1 - leg l)nt l>I ll 11 a ti1 1>1l)gra111 tl1,tt al] of ,1~ ,, is]1 cl it cot1 lcl l1a, l) c 11 on real TV. Prof. John Reed ,vas master of ceremonies and ,vas ably assisted by an octette of four girls and four boys to furnish the special music, two girls to assist at a big display tablet, three boys as ne,vs reporters, four former sh1dents for a panel discussion, and last but not least, Prof. \Vebber at the organ and Prof. Russell explaining the pro– posed student union building. The ejght singers presented an excelle11t variety of double quartet, male and gjrls' quartet, trio and olo numbers. Prof. Reed's presentation of Cedar– ville's needs and challenge by means of the display tabl et was professional– ly p erfect and very convincing; the panel disct1ssion ,vas t1n-rehearsed a11d spontaneous, bt1t sho,ved that ,vl1ile Cedarville cot1ld not give altogether adequate b·aining for a school pri11- cipal , a mi11jster, a gradt1ate stude11t and a nevvspaper career, it did con– trib11te a great deal a11d C(got'' them their job . \ \ ' itl1ot1t its trai11i11g they could 11ot ha,·e qualified at all . Time prevented 111t1cl1 disct1s io11 of the qu stion a to ,,,}1at cht1rcl1e c,111 do for ecl::1r,,ille College, bt1t tl1e a11- S\\1er is fairl}· ob,·iot1 - prt1>, gi, e a11cl furnish stt1dents. 011e goocl t1gge - tion \Vas for tl1e forn1t1tio11 of a "Dad' Cl11b., for the fatl1ers of tl1eir . t11de11t . The Ceclc1r,;Ile Hot1r c·a111e to ,111 end a]111ost too qt1ickl~.: bt1t tl1e re ·t of tl1e after110011 \\a · ble ·sed ,ll ·o. Pastor Dea11 He11r)' of ".\kro11 ·a11g l1is f a\·ori te olo, "He tl1c Pearl) ,1te \,..ill 01)e11 ,', a11cl ,,·e t'()t1lcl se11 e l1e f .... lt C\'e1 y ,, orcl l1e s,111g. fter ,1 cor1.– gr gatio11,1l so11g, Re, . .Ke1111etl1 Good. Fieltls Director of tl1e J?el1o,, l1ip t)f Baptist · for 110111 ~Iissio11 ) g,l\ e tl5 tl1c cl1alle11gt~ of ·ta1tii1g ot1r ki11cl of cl1t1rches i11 ot1r cot111tr, to 111eet tl1r gr at i11t·re,1se c)f popt1 l,1 ti 011. He <l1(l 11c)l li1.c to c.·all it .1 .. popt1latio11 ('\– plc)sic>11," l)ttt l1e 1 ecog11uec.l tl1,1 t b, 198() ,ve 111a v 11,1, e 275 111ill1c>11 ~0111 • i11 tl1e l T .S .,\ . tl1,1t 11et .. cl to bt .. g1, t"11 tl1 gc>!) I)Cl. II .. i11s1 ·tecl tl1,1t tl1t: (;teat ( 0111llli Sl()ll C,lllllC>t be ft1ll, c>l)t 31 \ 'cl ,, i tl1c)t1 t l),l IJti/i11~ Ottr 'l>11- ' (•1 l ,111tl org,1111~i11g tl1f•111 111tt} lc)c·:t l cl1t11 c l1c~ ,\l1e1t\ tl1t .., ,,111 bt' .. t .tttl!,ltt ,1) } t}1111g\ n l ' }lt' }()C,t] c:}l\ll'C}l is (,t>Cl~~ fal'Ill a('('(}ICli11g t(J l (\.>1 . 3:9, ;lll(l it 111t1~t tl' \cl till" 11!1t1<>11 tilt" brri.,1cl <>f lift' . It i~ (;otl 'i l1t>t1sc~11c>t tl1t l>ttil lit1g l>t1t tltL' Lt>11gr gatio11-,, 11 r (;<>cl ,. S1)irit ,,,isl1tl>~ tt> l,,,c.: 11 . llt l) )i11t- t'< l <)tt t t l1a t if ,v tl<> 11 c> t kt' p ~tarti11g llt \\ }1t1r •}1c_.S \\ ' t1 \\ 1 il) g tilt \\ ~t r <Jf <Jtl1 r ·l1,1rc·1t 111 , <:'111 ~11 t s. l 11 t•l1t1r ·l1 t'S <>f J>a]t st hit f <til l a,1 l 11()\\ it is 111is ic>11 lt'"l rilor, ; fr(>111 tl1 rt ( J )11 t i11,, <I <>11 1><1g< 6 )
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