The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1961
• '-' (' 1 GOOD PREACHING, continued l l11 l'.;ti.111il , \\ 4-''llt t() (ll 0 tl1 1-\ (11<.~.1. ll\ll tllert it f,ttltxl t c> rt•111.1111 , 1t .,l .111tl ~<> it al~c i 11<'.\lllt\11 tt•rri t<ll\ tc>cl.1, :11,cl ~CJ \\ ilfl }!, tt{)1'l)l' \\ ll t'l' l ' ( ll<. ' (']ltll (' }l<.'~ :lr<. dt c·:1 l<'lll :111<.l u11llt'l1<.'f 1, 111 tltt' l 11dr·11(' ' . \i\ 11at :1l)<>11l 1\ 111<.'t ll',l - ,, 111 }11 ,t1.1111t, tl1crt.' ~<) tilt' ,, ,l\' t1f .111 t11e: l l '-l 1\111 <.'rica11 ft)t111clat1<) tl" '-lrf' alr<' a I, (' l't1111I li11g: \,·l1 ~1 l ,, <' tlc> \ \ ~ p l ' .... t d{) { 111 J l kl, 1 1, ,,.. 'l~1rc Ill' "'\ I't)\\ ll~Cll(l \\ tlS clsked l<) t'r, e .1~ , c)11g lc\1dcr for t ]1e co11- gregatio11:.1l . 111g111g. ~111c'e C)t1r 111i~- ~ 'l<)11:1r~, ( l1~1ir111~111, L~·1111 Roger , 111c)llt"'\r.1tt'c1 t l1c 111e t111g. 0111c tirri11g , t111g ,, ere t111g, after ,, l1icl1 ot1r con– fere11c,. l)ia111. t , Ralph Ken11nerer, ga, e , 1 ~1ria tio11 of Tl1e )'lnpatllizu1g J e · t1.... l1, reqt1 t . The11 Pel tor a11d ~Ir.. . IIo,,·,u~d Yot1ng of Gallipolis ..a11g. ··con1e l Tnto 1e Ye \\ 7 eary"– a , er) diffict1lt bt1t beat1tiful render– i11g of :\Iatt. 11:2. '- The p eaker of tl1e evening wa Dr. Jo11 Rot1ch. \\·ho erved hvo te1m at tl1e Bapti t 1id-Mis ion l1os– pit,1l ir1 Africa, a11d ,,,ho no,v is in charcre of a clinic for missionarie a11d their familie in Cleveland. H e not onl}· examines all mi ionary ap– pointees for Baptist 1id- tlissio11 as to tl1eir physical and psychological fitne for enrice on the fields of their choice, but serves missionarie and their familie \.vhile home on fur– lot1gh. H e is also a consultant for mi ionary doctors in other lands, as the) send their x-ray pictures to him for ad ,i.ce ,, ·henever they are not ure jt1 t ,vhat to do. H e told brief- 1}· of hi work and the11 filled almost ( Conti11tted on page 1 ) . Jewish Holy Days Their Prophetic • v ~ and Christian Significance by Coulson Shepherd Br ings valuable historical tight and spiritual insights to bear on Jewish holy days. Contains 10-year Jewish calendar showing corresponding Gregorian dates and days. A compact 96-page book just oH the press. paper bound, $1.50. Order from your book store er office: MESSAGE TO ISRAEL, INC. 249 Bay Avenue, Patchogue, N. Y. ( 11 l l) I I) I!. J> l•. I) ..: I" IJ J>'J~ I S' f' N<.lV ·,nl> ·r 19(>1 - -- - -----·-----------------------------~ CONTENTED, SECURE ... AND STARVING! l~, J>,l'i l<Jr (;<.'<>rg <' E. 1 I, 1ff111 ,t11 . l\ ttelicl <) ll ir1 gl1 n1n JJ;1p l1 \l ( :l111rc;l1, C l v ,Janel 0 1•, '<'< l tl1c lie> ·k c) f (;<>cl .' ' I JJc· t r 5:2 1 l <l\\ 111a11, l)( 'C>J)lt' sit ,, 1tl1111 t}1p ..~cl( ' l(.'Cl l1 ,tlls ()f ()\ll ltc>I\ St\ll C lllHll('S 1 ) <.'<>ttl<.' nle(l, sc·c,11 <.' -n11cl s lnr, 1 i11g? 1\ rc• lltt' \ ,, c>1 sl1i1)1)e r~ clc' C'l)I\ i1111)rc.'ssecl ,, 1tl1 tl1 P at's tl1 <..' tie l>e(tt1t \ ' <>£ <>t11 • f <>I fl1nll, (.'() llClt1ct<..\(} "\\ Or. }1111 SC'l \ ic ',n <>r clc> tl1P\ le,1, e ,, ill1 ,111 ~1c·t1 te . a,, art'11Pss tl1nl tl1c) ]1a\ e 11c<1rcl Fro1n II ,1, c 11 ,111cl tl1ei1 SOlt l is c: l1,1rgc(l to clo 0111etl1i11g ,111cl be so111etl1i11g for Jlocl? Is tl1e si1111cr 111i tlt'.)11 i11 his i11 a11cl tl1 sai11 t tre11gtl1e 11ecl i11 l1i ta11cl? Is Hea, ·e11 real a11d H ell 11ot? I forgi,•e11ess ,veet a11d co11cle111na– tio11 t111bea1~able? The other cla)' I read a11 a1ticle \',·hit'h vot1 1nav ha\'e see11. It \vas " , a report fro1n a medical 1nissionary ,,,orkir1g i11 the Suda11 area of Af1ica. In his account h e described a tragic disea e kno,vn as "K,vashiorkor." This di ease i basically one of proteu1 deficiency but is in most instances accompa1 ied by multiple , ,itamin deficiencies as , vell. It is classically a disea e of cl1i1dren about two years of age. The mi sionary doctor's r eport t old abot1t admitting a young mother to the hospital , vho had been severely ill for several months. The following day the doctor discovered her little child of about twenty months in b ed \\iith h er nursing h er breasts which had not produced milk for several month . H e discovered that the child had been brought t o h er b e– cause h e h ad been crying and now h e was p erfectly contented. The little fellovv was extremely weak-un– able to stand or sit . His sparse, dry sca]p h air had the typical red– dish tinge. The skin pulled tight over his face gave him the appear– ance of a wisened old man . His thin extremit ies h ad lost normal contours due to ,vasting of muscle and absence of body fat. His protuberant ab– domen, large tender liver, and dry rough skin complet ed the t ypical pic– ture of advanced ' 'bvashiorkor ." This child h ad taken no milk for months. Whenever he cried he would be put to the empty breast of his mother or grandmother where he would find comfort, security, and satisfaction - but no nourishment. From time t o time h e would also be offered a littl e sour porridge mixed Vt'ith \vater, but would drink only a very little. As h e grew weaker he desired less and less; but he was C01 TE TED, SECURE - A D STARVI G! \\ 7 11at cl tr ctgic pl1) s1c·,1] clisc,nsc~J f3ttl its ~1111 itt1 ,1l ·c>t111t cr1)arl is a lllot1<;ar1t1 t1111c·s ,, 01 SC' . Ile,,\ 111~u1 y <Jf <>111 JJCO– IJl e ,11 c· 1 alf 11 } 1)11ot1c·~1lly s1tt111g i11 tl1e J)C'\\ c·(>11lc11tccl, s •c.:t1rc! a11cl sl,tr\ 1 i11g? rrl1t' \ 111cl\ ('()Ir c;L]}, cl ll(l sysl ' JTiatica ll} 7 l)e rtt tl1e sc>t1rcc \\'}1ic.~l1 p1 <>ffcrs them cc)11 te1 hne11 l ,t11 cl scc·t1r it, l>t• t f,1i]s to sttppl y tl1e m11cl1-11ec.·clc·cl 11c>t1risl1n1e11t a11 cl s ta1ni11a for l1e,1] tl1 y ( :J1risti,111 li,·i11g. Doesn't )'Ot1r l)ttlse c1t1i(:ke11 a pace or t,,·o e,,ery tin1e yot1 stf111cl l)efore yot1r flock to clistribt1te the bread from H eave11? You holcl in ) our hand the very \''ord of Goel; that \,·hich l1as the po,ver to shake and smash the very foundatio11s of H ell and set the sinner \\ringing his way to H eaven in the liberty of Christ; that which provides for the new Spirit-born babe the pt1re, unadulter– ated, spiritual milk for nurturing in Christ ; that \vhich proffers the coun– sel and directives one needs in order to understand the ,vill and \vays or– dainecl of God; that ,vhich is absolute– ly 11ecessary for us to live a ,vhole– some, vibrant glory-to-God life in Christ. Remember that , just before you step out to distribute the loaves and fishes next time, and ask God to super-charge your soul and fresh– ly anoint you for the minish·y of feed– ing the flock. Some of our co11 tented, secure little flock do 11ot even realize that they are h alf starved. Their sun– dried, en1aciated, puny branch is hav– ing a difficult time staying on the vine-to say nothing abou t bearing fruitf But app arently they are satis– fied to be n1esmerized ,vith a :false sense of contentment and security, saying ,vith the Laodiceans, "I am rich and increased ,vith goods, and have need of nothing!'' (Rev. 3:17) Oh, Pastor-Shepherd let 's call om· flock together ,,rith an anointed urgency which creat es \vithin them a "l1ungering and thirsting' ' after righteousness, and let us "FEED THE FLOCK! " A letter from an 18 year old college freshman \ Vas a recent impetus to re– impress this vital command more forcibly to my own h eart. In part h e wrote, "I do not believe that my life can be rewarding and successful through the practice of leaning on the \vord of a book of largely unap– plicable fic tion . . . the beliefs upon which your church stands appear to (Continued on page 15)
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