The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1961
1 ovember, 1961 THE OHIO I DEPE DE T BAPTIST Page Seven GOOD PREACH ING, continued an hour with his experiences and vie,,·s of the \\rork in Africa. "Jesus ne,,er hid his scars to ,vin • disciples," was one of his striking statements when emphasizing the dif– ficulties of missionary service. H e told of the present struggle beh,teen Christianit)', Commnism and a re– surgent paga11ism tl1at leads some to sa,r that missio11s is at the cross roads. , He ,,,ould rather sa,, that "missions .. is at impact.., The battle is bei11g joi11ed. His charge ,,·as that ,,·e ri e to the occasio11 a11d do omething to n1atch the seriousness of the hour. He pointed out from Ro1na11s 15: 19 that i11 fifteen years Paul had fully evangelized the Roma11 Empire fro1n J eru alem to Illyricu1n, or 1nodem .i\lba11ia. It might not have been co1nplete in the se11se of reaching e,,er}' inhabitant, bt1t it was doc– trinal!}· in the se11se that he had preacl1ed the full gospel, and geo– graphically, in that he had established churches in all the trade centers, fro1n \vl1ich the ne,vs might go out to all tl1e area. ctToday nominal Christian– ity is a \\ orse foe of missions than Communism, Islam or Catholicism.' ' It has so slowed us do,,.111 that after 1 ,900 y ars ,ve still have not finis l1ed the jol). OLTR ASSOCIATI01 AL SESSIO \\ 1 e<lnesday mon1ing w,1s our as– sociatio11al hour, bt1t 11ot without pray– er a11d a Bib]e study to co11ditio11 us for the doi11g of our t aster's ,vill. Pastor Darrell Bice of Litchfie1c1 'A,as tl1e sor1g leader, ,ind Pastor Lorne 'I'l1or11psc)r1 of Et1c.licl A ve11u Baptist .J111rcl1 of Lor~1i11 \\ ,ls tl1 devotio11al 1 ac.ler. He si1n1)l} read th 011 l1u11- <lr ;.>cl a11<l tl1ird P~rtl1n, so tl1at ,,,e 1nigl1t l1a,, ,1111plc time le) l)ra). e\·- ral r <1u ~sts \\ 1 er -1 rnad a11d fi\ 111e11 I ,.cl us to tl1 • 'fl1rc)11 \\ 1 1ll1 tl1es r "'CJltests. '], }1 11 follo\v~d tl1 B1l)le 111 ss, g ) lJy PastcJr I)atil Sc:l1e11ck <)f ,. ,•vi11slJt1rg. 11 • \l)oke <>11 "'Noal1's ,ood11 ss 11 f rc>111 ;, -11 ~sis 6: 9-1 :3 <111d JI >1,r .. ,,,s 11:7. J{ ) poi11te<l ot1t tl1c1t t11 r() \\ 1 a s 11c, '·11 \ ' :a rtl1 ::.} ~ss' ' aft >r }1is riglil "C)tlS l) SS, ,lS \\ 1 itl1 S<J 111:111}' of tl1 gc,ocl l' i11gs <,f Isrr1~l. 11 ~ \\'as 111ot satisfi cl ,,,itl1 l1is 11,,irc>11111 11t, 1Jul \\', Jk d ,,•itl1 ,cJd i11 a \\'ick cl g n ratic,11 . Ile ,v~ts . 111, 11 of faitl1 , llut also of ,;)11ac1tio11 , for 11 ,,,~ts "11 o, cl ,,,itl1 g(>cll)' f .. nr." II \\'as I ,l 1 1a11 <>f cl els, ,,,}1c) J)t1t l1is 111otio1 lo ,, orl.. le, 1Jt1ild tl1 ark. '] l f 1 t) 1 -fi,, .. 111i11t1t s fc)r lJt1si11 ~. \ Jt t1· t ·) tel a l)it , l),1t , ,c~11 so \ r too sl101 l 1 r lll 111, t t rs ir1 l LI d , s t1st1all , is tl1t ase. our clerk, Rev. Adam Galt, h ad moved t o Pennsylvania, Pastor John Strong of Painesville was appointed clerk pro tern. He reported that only 78 churches out of our 123 had se11t in r eports in time for the meeting, but eve11 so gains in me1nbership exceed– ed losses by over 500. If all had reported, undoubtedly the gai11 wot1ld have been behveen 700 and 800- Rev. Jol1n trong, our new clerk \.\ 1 hich shows we need a re, 1 ival. Since the cht1rches reporting had a little over 15 ,000 members, it 1nean it took 30 me1nbers to produc the p ermanent gai1 of 011e. Of cot1r e, there \vere losses to off et gaii1 , bt1t e,,en so, if al] ot1r 1ne1nber li,,ed a11d \\ 1 itnessed for hrist, \ e '" ot1ld \i\ in a goocl m,111y 1nor ! Ot1r Yot1th Direc tor, Gle1111 Gre 11- ' ''c)ocl, re1)01i:ecl a goocl y ,Ir at ,11np Pat111os. He also r porlecl for Ja1111) 'freast1r \r L l,111<l Ho\\'arcl tl1,1t $1,000 had been paid on the mortgage, re– ducing the principal to $5,000. umerous improvements had also been made, including a public ad– dress system with a record player at– tachment that makes it possible to play music tl1at can be heard through– out the camp. vVhile he fa\ 1 0red the three-age-grot1p S) 1 sten1 , he recog– nizecl tl1at it created problerr1s as ,veil as solved some, and tl1re\\' it ope11 for clisct1ssion. It vvas tl1is tl1at took so 111uch of our tune , for several pas– tors complai11ed tl1at it \\' U very clif– f ict1lt for them to find enough cot1n– sellors or persuade their churches to pay for tra11spo1tatio11 for three groups. A11other cliffict1lty ,,,as that nine-)'ear-olds 11eeded t\\ 1 el, 1 e and tl1irteen vear old brothers and si - J ters if they ,vere to be happy at ca1np. e1y likely tl1e experime11t ,,·ill be co11ti11ued one more year to see if it ,vill clefinitel)' e11courage older young people to come; but t111- less it does, ,ve fear the majorit)' ,,·ill ,vant to return to the hvo-age S)'Stem. T11e new council member elected by the churches are: Ho,vard G. Young of Gallipoli \\•ho ,,·a al o n1ade chai1n1a11; Donald ~Ioffat, ,,·ho ,,,as appointed as 1nis io11ar)' chair– rna11; Clarence To,vnsend, ,,,ho con– tinue his job a uperi11te11de11t of ground for Camp Patmo ; Ed\,,ard 1orrell , Jr., ,,,ho l1ead the edt1catio11 om111ittee; a11d R. Ke1111etl1 1nel er. Tl1e follo,,,ing cot111cil 111e111ber co11ti11t1e tl1eir te11n 1111til 11ext fall: L)111n Roger ·, ,, 110 ,, ill er,·e a , a ocialio11al trea urer; J 01111 tro11g. 1 rk; J oh11 Bal)'O, lla11 E. Le,, 1 i , D a11 H 11r\. ., ( Continz, etl 011 p<1gc ) The BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OFFERS - - - - - - - - • Three Year C,raduace eminary thorough training for Christian Service • Bible ollege - "1th a ener~l our~e plus strong n1inors for Missionaries hr1sc1an bdutdtion D1rectors Music D1re(tors l'ascor - Pre ~n1inary work • ·1 ,,·c> '\ c-ar ( .. e111ficate ( our es ( ..hurcl1 ",e<.recary ou1se 'h r ist ian ~ 01 ke1 ' out se • Orthodo. - .. cholarly - Baptisti Located in l)eaut iful rand Rapids , For informarion write : ( lt'ntered 11 lti an RAPTIST THEO OGICA EMINARY 811 W althy t ., S. E., Gr nd R•pids 6, Mich g n
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