The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1961
~o,·ember, 1961 Cedarville, Ohio THE OHIO I DEPENDENT BAPTIST Page • 1ne GOOD PREACH ING, continued and his hearers did not dare to eat aften~:ards. That \\rord \vas never supposed to be spoken out loud! Be1nard Bancroft, \vho is at the head of Associated Missions, gave the final message. He began and ended ,\·ith poetry, the last one about ' 'The 1,il' Brack Sheep." He is a real mas– ter at that. He mentioned briefly the , ,vork he is now doing for Associated 1-1issions, tl1e missionary a11n of the International Council of Christian Churches. Some hve11 ty missio11 agencies are connected with it. This agency is recognized by gover11ments just as the International Missionary Council is for the more modernistic missions. H e soon turned to his favor– ite topic, l1owever, ,vhich is the Philip– pines, ,vhere he labored for many )' ears, and ,vhere his father labored before him. There are 7,000 islands in the group, \,,ith 28,500,000 people, speaking 12.5 languages and dia lects. ..[hey are a freedom loving p eople, ,,·110 resisted the Spanish for 400 years a11d the11 opposed tis ,,·h en ,ve took tl1e islands o, 1 er. Yet they love tis for ,,,hat ,, e have done for them; a11d 1nore people u11derstand E11glish after the fe,, , years ,,,e r1.1led them tl1a11 Spa11isl1. Re, 1 • a11cl 1 1rs. Ralph L e11z of To\ 1 elt)', Ohio, visited the conference a11<l \\ 1 ere asked to sing, ~ -hicl1 the) clid i11 a l)eat1tiful \\'a}' · After,vards Re, 1 • James 11,1\v poke briefly of 111 ter11 a lio11 al ( ~1 risti,111 Relief, \.\ 1 l1icl1 i<; tl1e relief ar1n of tl1e merica11 ( ~ou11cil. Clotl1i11g a11d 1no11e)' are l>otl1 11eedecl to meet the desperate 11eeds ir1 Korea, a11d i11 otJ1er la11ds. After tl1e 1njssic)11,1r\' }1ot1r \.\·e e11- , jc1yed ,L mess,1g > f ro1n P,1stor Dea11 Ife11r, 1 of Akror1 on Il ab,1kkt1k. It is ' a 1)rol)le111 l)c>c)k. Tl1e pt oph c.l t \\' ,lS facec] \\ 1 itl1 th problem of t111ar1- s,,,crec1 pra}'Cr, a11<l l1 t1d to lear11 tl1at ,od' s ,,,a>' of a11S\t\ 1 r111g is ofte11 t111- l) .)li >\ 1 a l)l .). 'fl1 ~r > was ,ilso tl1 p1 ob– l ;o1r1 of ,o(l's J1c>li11 ss ,111cl t11 I)l osper– irlg of t11 > \\ 1 ick cl ; a11<l (~ocJ s v\ ,1vs ~ are 1111 - u11d rst,111cl~11Jl ·. 'I'h 11 tl1 r .. is tl1 >11<l r >suit of it rtll , or tl1 · s11ff ~r– i11gs of t11;) rigl1t o\1s ; a11(l ,o(i's ·J1ast --11i11g i 11ot a1)J)rc:·c·iat <l ~xc ~1)t l)e g,Jdl)' 111 11 lik lJ al)akkt1k. 'J\' ~I l~Sl)AY t J ,I I rl, SEJ{ \ TI ~1~, As 1J1st1al , tllis ,,..,, s tit ~ l1igl1 \\ 1 at ~r 111a1k i11 att e1id, 1 ,.1 . 1.. 11 ~lt1clitorit1111 s ;.,1ts 55() ar1d t;o\ 1}' s<~,1t ,,,as ft1ll . J , • I ""}' Illl I1,1g rs ,,,as tl1t~ s,111g l acl - "r , arid a]) j0i11< <.J l1i111 i11 111nl i1 g t11 ;) r,tft .. l ri1ig. 1")1 11 ...,,, •fJllJ1l· il <>f tc 11 , a ii t1 d,1 --d, aJ t r ,,,} i 11 , 111 11 ' s ·lloru of 20 , oic s ( 111<) t]}, JJastors ) sa11g " sp ·ial . 1rs . J"<)uis ' f't1lg, <>l ,,,el]ington sang a solo, "Let tAe Live ./\. t Calvary." The message was by R. T. Ketcham, ational Const1lta11t of tl1e GARBC. \ Ve ettled do,vn to enjoy 90 n1inutes of good preaching and \vere 11ot dis– appointed as to either length or qt1al– ity . His text ,~.ras Mk. 14:26, ".And ,,,h e11 they had sting a h y1nn tl1ey ,vent out." He told us it ,,,as ct1s– tomary for the Jews to si11g Psalms 113 to 118 at the close of the pass– over feast , and so J est1s and his dis– ciples mt1st have Sl1ng them even if it pointed right to the death H e was going to die. It took grace for hin1 to sing, bt1t h e did . Bro. Ke tcham believed that all these p salms were 1nessianic either in their primary or secondary meaning. H e explained how Ps . 22 primarily sp eaks of tl1e sufferings of Christ, bt1t Ps. 69 speaks of David l)t1t is seconclarily typical of tht st1fferi11gs of Cl1rist . It \\ 1 0t1ld be i1npossibl e t o r ep ort ,,,h a t Dr . Ketcham said 011 each psal1n, but it wot1l cl be a blesing for ot1r reade rs to read Psalms 113-1] 8 pra) 1 erfl1lly a11d see l1ow ma11y thi1 gs tl1ey cot1ld fincl i11 tl1en1 tl1at poi11tecl to t l1 e cross of 1 ris t. \ Ve are st1re yot1 cot1l cl 11ot fi11cl l1a]f ,ls n1a11)' as Dr. Ketc11a1n did, ht1t the fe,\ ) 'OU fot111cl \\'Ot1lcl be )'Otlr O\v11 . Tr) it! THUR DAY i\10R1 l i. re A ft111eral 1Jre, 1 e11tecl Pastor yril 1nith of LaGr,111ge fro1n atte11di11g the confere11ce and leading the pray– er time at 9: 30. P astor Edw. 1or– rell , Jr., of Bedford took his place. Prof. Richard Cook of Cedarville led the sii1ging. The first speaker was Dr. R. T . Ketcl1am, ,vho came in as lively as ever i11 spite of l1is long eveni11g sermo11 and his 70 or more years. This time h e ,,,as limited t o 45 mi11utes a11d took exactlv 43. H e • spoke from Isa. 36: 13 on F aith 111 the Dark." H ezekiah 's faith "vas a refuge for him and ]1is p eople in a cla)' when ennach erib vvas threat ening to take Israel captiv·e. Faith is 11ot, as one preach er said, "a jump or a le,111ing over until you lose your bala11ce," but a t aki11g of God a t his ,vord. The M issio11ary ymp os it1m can1e 11ext , ,vith Rev. Robert Col]in , Di– r ector of Publications for L atin A1ner– ica, for AB\VE a11d B .B.~1. i11 their co1nbi11ed ,vork, spoke first. i11ce he l1acl spe11t m,ln y years i11 Brazil before taking tip his prese11t ,,,ork iI1 Porto Rico, he spoke n1ai11l)· 0 11 tl1is great cot111tr) , \vl1icl1 is so prot1d of its la11cl tl1at it call · Goel a Bra1:ilia11. It cc11tai11 half of the area ,111 cl 11all of t11e p opt1l t1tio11 of Sot1th A 111eric,1 It is a 1nelti11g pot, \\ itl1 it 70,000,000 fro1n all 11atio11s, ,111 cl ,, it]1 ,1 n1ixtt1re of r,1ce . It t1secl to be 98% J,1t11olic, bt1t is o 110 111ore. Tl1e p eople are ver)' ope11 to tl1e go pel, ,, itl1 ,1l)Oltt 7 ,000,000 Prote t ,111 t , l1alf of tl1 111 Pe11tecost,1ls. ( Conti1111ed 011 JJage 11 ) ·-----------------...----E.-ia.-=________ l------~-=--------------------8 BAPTI T BIBLE LEADEB~ ' • TRAI . Crad,,.ates Ar e • er v 111 a B. B. JTI it/,, Distinctioi r at Ho111 e a11d on tl, e Mis io,1 Field If you ore called to full time Christion Se rv ice, you should prayerfully con~ider what Bapt is t Bible Semi na ry offers. FOR FURTHER INFORMA1. ION WRI TE TO DR. ARTHUR WOOLSEY, PRESIDENT ThB. Bre & Diploma Course BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY JOHN ON CITY, N. Y. ~--=-----------------------------------------...... --------.,__--=-----•
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