The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1962

BOOK REVIEWS Tl1e Zo11den1a1i Pictorial Bible Dictio1z– rJ1. Zondervan. P1tblishi1ig House, Grarz.d ~apids, 11ic11. 1200 pages, $9.95 . l\1errill C. Tenne)\ general editor, ornpiled the book l\rith th e assistance ,f a staff of 65 leading scholars and ex– )erts in , 1 ariou s fields. I t h as more than 5.000 entries. l\ Iore than 500 photos, :harts, signed articles and maps. In preparation for four years, it ~rill ,e a one-volume Bible dictionary, com– ;-,letel)· up-to-d a te in form and appearance, :on er, ative in outlook, comprehensi,,e in content . As its title implies, it will feature illustrati, 1 e material, in modem photo form, a ttractive!,, displayed. E,,ery ,,•ord and e,•ery article in the dictionary is n e,,v. It is not b ased on or a " re, ision of anv former lvork. I t will ha,re a page trim size of 6 3/3 by 9X inches. - R evie,\•ed b) 1 The Editor. ''Happy l\10111e11ts 1Vith God," by l\1argaret A1'zderson. 186 pages, Zonder– va1i , $2.95. This is a book of de, 7 otions especially ,, ritten f or families "'vith )'Oung children. The author in simple and deligh tful st)•le tells brief little stories which reveal much-n eeded criptural truth to seeking )·oung minds. Ian)' of the illustration s are actual experiences of the author's own children and those of her friends. It is a collection of 100 stories count– ing the cripture index. Each of these ~tories closes ,,ri th pertinent qu estions for di scussion ( to h elp fix the lessons learned in the minds of all), a suggested Bible reading of se,,eral , 1 erses to help bring home ,vl1at h as been learned, and a sentence pra) 1 er to guide the family's prayer time. Pen sketches accompany man)' of these stories to add reader in– terest and illustrate some of the episodes in the book. - Revievved by The Editor. Albert Yost ordained at Northfield Baptist The orthf icld Baot ist Church through their pastor , Lynn Roger , extended an invi tation to the Hebron A~c.,ociation of Regular Baptist Churches, Cleveland Area Regular Baptist Churches and other Bap ti t 1ninisters to sit in counci l of et ting apart Albert Yost for the work of the gospel m1ni <; try. He i'i a member of the ortl1ficld Bapti~t Church, received tl1c Th .B and B.A. degree~ fron1 ec.larville C allege. He has had two ~, ars of cxperic11cc serving as A~~1st– an t to the l'a~tor of tl1e 13iblc Bapt1~t "l1 t1 rc l1 c>f J3ed ford , and for tl1e past foltr 111o r1tl1 J)astoring the llil)l c Bap- ti t l1L1rc t1 of oltl\)\.•ater, Micl1 . l~ ev. ,c.::<)rge 1il1so,1 \\ 1 a elected to er,,\; as 111oder a tor a11d l{ cv. Ala11 1 tcalf a8 clerk of tl1e cot111ci l. '"J"'hc r 11 ca ll re\'ealed 13 c l1t1rc l1l:;s v. 1 itl1 a l tal f 19 re1)1 e c 11tali\ 1 c . l tic ca nLl tLI at e's ,,as tor, l ) 1111 l{l1g- r s, i11tr (lltCell tl1e an(liLlate givi 11g Lil\; f)artictalar n ear)' as to J1i 1,acl gr ouncl. 1 lie car1tlida t '" a a k\; I l IJJ 111 111 a l, ati 11 J'lc:ricnc a11d lall l tll 1111i lf)'· ll tl1e11 , a a ked to give his ., ta te1nc1 t of doc trine co111pletely before q Lle tion- Daniel Webster said: If rel igiou book are not wiucl 1 circulated among the ma c in thi country, and the people do not be– con1e religiou , I do not know what i to become of u a a nation. And the thought i one to cat1 e olemn re– flect ion on the part of every patriot • 1ng. Brother Yo t gave vividly the ac– count of hi experience of coming to a av ing knowledge of hri t and hi ub equent Call to the Mini try. He pre ented a well-prepared tatement of doctrine. Further que tioning re ulted in the pas ing of a moti on tha t the candid ate be dismi ed , and the council went ir1to executive e ion. F avor able com– n1ents wer e made concerning the can– d idate' incer e and devout manner of pre entation and his thorou ghly bapti tic tand . Motion was carri ed that the candid ate be accepted and that the orthfield Bapti t hurch proceed with the ordin ation of this candidate to the go pel mini try. DISTINCTIVES AT GRAND RAPIDS BAPTIST COLLEGE AND SEMINARY * Dilige11t acaden1ic trai11ing perinea ted by a h ris tian philoso1)l1y of life. *D octrinally or thodox witl1out a11ology. * ompetent fa,:ulty- Seminary profes– sors average over 10 years of trai11ing b eyond high school. * pecialization in preparing 1,astors, missionaries, music directors, hris– tian education directors, church secre– taries. ""Fifty fundan1ental Baptis t cl1urc l1es in Area affording hris tian ser, ice op- lJortunities. *La1ge city employn1c11t 01 1Jortu11ities. * A rapidly advc111c1ng scl1ool - 35% i11crcase tl1is }rear. and hri t ian. If trLLth be not diffu ed. error will be· if God and H i Word are not known and received, the devi l and hi!S wor k will gain the a cendancy; if the evangelical volL1me doe no t reach every hamlet the page of a corrupt and licentiou literature wi ll; if the power of t he Go pel i not felt throt1gh the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and mi rt1le, degration and n1 isery, corcuption and darkne , will reign wi thout mitiga tion or end. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 58th Year A sta ff of eighteen full -time or 1)art-ti111e ,vorkcrs ,vi tnessing to our L ord 's "bre thre11" in Ohio, \ \ lest \ l irginia, Brazil; and o ther areas b) radio and tl1e mailing ministry. Our polic) 7 to coopera te ,, 1 i tl1 loca l Ne\\' ..-f esta111e11t cl1urcl1es in tl1e ac– ce1)te<l methocls of criptural e,·angel– ism, ancl the plc.1,.:i11g of 11e\v co11, erts. \ \ Te ex1)ress our a J)preci,1 tion to the pastors a11cl friencls in 54 of our Ohio Associa tio11 l1urch es ,, h o in tl1e 1)aSt ) ear l1a, c l1el11ed 111al'-e tl1i .., 111i11istry po ible. ta ff 111cn1bers are l1a 1)11\' to vi 1 t c l1t1rcl1cs i11 tl1e 11irit of . \ ct l 5: .+ to s11arc 1e1)orts a11cl i11~1111c1t1on,1l mcc;sages co11cer11i11g tl1c 111i111 tl)'. \ , 1 rite for f rec co1>) "rl rt1111peter for Israel" n q t1 ,1rtcrlY cle, otccl to Je,, isl1 l)ropl1ecics, ( :'t1r1 11t I e,, s ,1 l)ou t tl1e Jc,,~ a 11cl tl1r1ll1ng reriorts fron1 111issio11aries. ( ~eralcl \ 1 • n1else1. llI)t. P 0. Bo" 3S'l6, ,le,eL.111cl I&, ()1110 Los Angeles Baptist College and Seminary Newha ll, Cal iforni a • 4J r. _J /1ri . tir111 ( <Jllege l, cJO I I 11111/rJ) 111 11t • Si.x 11,nj(Jr~ (!\ ./~. legree) ( l1ri "' tin11 "'t l l i e • ~ 1tl'J 1rrl1r111 r11111J1t • "' >ort JJrogrn111 • J)r,;t 11 l.. ac11ltJ' l... 1 a11a •Ii ti· 1 11111l1t1,i Also, a t~1eological Sen1i11ary 3 yt'. course leaclit1g to tl1e g,adu te Baci1elor of Divi11ity cJegree. St)ecial e111pl1asis upo11 E11glisl1 Bible, or igi,1al la,,guages , tl1eology a11d stucJe,1t preacl1i11g. John R. Du nki n Th .D. Pre~ident - C. L. True Th .D. Regi trar