The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1962

nnua meeting sc e l i t' n1 i11t 1,1I 1" f t i11g ,,f tl1t tll1i._l , \ ~s.. ,ciat,._,,, ,1t l{ ct1ttlnr lla11tisl l1t1rchcs 1 'llt''-ltll\:'ri l cu· l)'-"l\' ' '-' ' I . - 1,' .,l lht' <,ral1a111 l{ l),ttl tl,111tis t ( ' ht1rc l1 ( ti 'Hll (Jga l ,tll . ( t,i .. . R....., . J" h11 I. St1\,11c. t',t,r .. ,1 l)I 11,.._, ( ,11, ,11, l1t1rc l1. f>a1nc,v1llc. 111 (). ,111 ... 1 '-' '-. . '-' l lr) ._,r tl1t' cr,.1ttl'· "'-'tlt i11 th,, l'llll ll1l ctc 111 <.1gra111 f<)J' tllL' c<.1 nf crc ncc. I r. ll", ,\tti 1 , tlt111c 1, cl1,11r111,,11 tll t l1c cc.lt1 lcrc11cc. I-l e, . ( larc11cc I c.J\ 11~c nd ...... , 111 t ,,c "l1air111 ..111 . l 11t' J r 1grn111 t ('ti I )\\" \ 1 <J11dav ( ><'·t I - • 7: .... 0 11 111 . - 11c,tlcr. Dr. \ i ll1crt \V c le 11 1,1,e., la ,·. ( c' I 1 (1 Q "O a 111 . - tc,,,,gc. Dr . \: ilhcrl \Vcl ch I 0: 15 - l I : l)(1 - cllo\vsh1p hottr, introdttction ui 11cw p,tslor . etc. 1 age. \ 1 rnon 1 i lier - 00 p .111. - dt1 ati nal h Ltr _ :45 f e .. age, D nald Beight I 3: l - Rep rt on hon1e - f Jlowe<l by bLt trip to Hilltop Holt ·e ,, ith lt1nch er ed there 7. 30 l e age, Dr. Jame T. Jercmiah Oct. 17 Jf 1 e<l11e, da_,,. 9:30 10: 15 a.n1. - I e age. Dr. Wilbert Welch 11 :00 ociation HoL1r - Report of GARB Me age, J. Edgar Beckley ounci l ob ervcr 2:00 p.m. :00 Me age, John Millheim A ociation hour 3:45 Me age W. J. Shellenberger 7: 30 Mi ionary Me age Dr . Allan Lewi T/1,,r da,1. Oct. 18 ~ 9: 30 a.m. Me age, Dr. Wilbert Welch 10: 15 Mi ionary Hour 11 :00 Me age Herbert Webber 2: 00 p.m. Ladie Mi ionary Hour 1en Forun1 - Walter Warfield 7:30 - Me age, Dr. Wilbert Welch l Dr. W. Wilbert Welch will open meeting October 15 Dr. W. Wilbert Welch pre ident of Grand Rapid Bapti t Theological eminar)' and Bible In titute i to be the evening peaker for opening da}' , ivfonday Oct. 15, at the Ohio A ociation of Regular Bapti t church– e annual meeting at Graham Road Bapti t Church, Cuyahoga F all , Ohio. Dr. Welch has a background of training and eX!perience that well fit him for thi mini try. H e was born in 1arlette, Michigan, where he pent h1 earl}' years . It was there he be– came a Chri tian at the age of 15. He pent one year at Michigan Uni– , ·er it) but upon feeling a call to preach, he tran ferred to Bob Jone Uni\'er It} from which he graduated in 1940 \.\.'i th an A.B. degree. Follow– ing gradu ation he returned to Michi– gan and became pastor of the orth Ca novia Bapti t Church in J anuary, 1941. In 1942 he wa ordained in the Kent Cit} Bapt1 t Church. In June of tha t , ear ~11 1 Iervl E. Ball of ... ., Green\. ille became :\fr . W. Welch and to them God ha given four on . _At th i point in h1 m1n1 try Dr. Welch felt the need of furt her rtrai n– ing o he moved to Mu kegon where he obtained employment in a factory for a few month and took on a part– time pa torate in order to earn nece - ary fund rto return to Bob Jone Univer ity. Thi he did in the fall of 1943 and obtained hi Ma ters De– gree a year later. Following t hi he took up a pa torate in Rome, Georgia where he remained until moving to the Calvary Bapti t Church of Mu ke– gon in February of 1950. While in Georgia Dr. Welch pur ued further tudies leading to hi doctorate a Ph.D., in 1948. Hi major wa in y tematic Theology with a double minor in Engli h Old and ew Testa– ment . Hi di ertation wa 'A Com– parat ive Analy i of the Orthodox and eo-Orthodox Po ition on Re– ligioL1s Epi temology. In addi tion to Dr. Welch' preach– ing ability, which had became abund– antly evident before coming to the Mu kegon pulpit, the following yea r have brought into harp focu the unu ual admini trativc ability which 1clCI hns given llJ hi111 . 1\ l\\< -1 art liuiltling Ir 1g1 a111 h" l1L'en dCC<1r1111lishctl r>1L1vitling an aucli lt1riu n1 capacit)' <)f I .C>l><> anti ·unda Scht)<1l facilitic for I .i t ()(). ~rhc ap– prai l:cl value.' of the cht11·oh i $450,· ()()(). ·, he average <.;t1n<.la) 1 Schoo) at– tc nclancc f t1r th e past year was 8 6 a nti the cht1 rch n1cmbcrship is 85 () {)n hc,ng qucstionc<.J as to the growth anti ,tal1ili ty of the cht1 rch untlcr hi!\ n1 ini , try, 1)1 . Welch a ttr ibt1tcs the c.,,amc lo a Bible teaching ministry cot1plc<.l with an aggrcs 1vc cvangcl· i tic emph a i~ in the . und J} School and 'hurch. ~rwo campaign a yea r ·et tip on a ci Ly wide ba i havc been held each year. In add ition to th c<;c cmpha c a trong mi ion:try pro– gram ha been promoted until the church now upport 20 mi ionaries Dr. Wilbert Welch Dr. Welch ha erved a Moderator of the Grand Rapids A ociation of Regular Bapt i t Churches, and i on the Educ3 tion Committee and a mem– ber of the Council of Fourteen of the General A ociation of Regular Bap– ti t Cburche . He has been a mem– ber of the Executive Board of the Baptist eminary ince 1953 and Ohairman ince 1956. Ohio Association needs your help! Lynn Roger , trea urer of the Ohio A sociation of Regular Bapti t Churche, . notifie u that gift to the Ohio A ociation are not enough to meet current expen e and more help i needed from our churche . (See page 3) The magazi ne ·uffered a 'etback la t Septen1ber when the other printer a ked for a 25 cent increa e in price. Thi i a 600 per year increa e which i difficult to overcome becau e of limited adverti ing and circulation. We wi ll try next month to explain about operation of our magazine and how thi deficit can be overcon1e. Your prayer will be appreciated.