The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1961

olume XXXIV -~ Cedarvtlle B~-p---Ua_..__~ Fol": Library • CoJlere Cedarville College Library Cedarville, Ohio THE OHIO DECEMBER, 1961 umber 2 ---- ----- · · ~ -----~-~~~~ • tn By Ralph T. Nordlund We wish yoit all a Me1rry Christnzas Day, And woztlcl 11ot st eal orze wholeso 111 e tl1rill a,1)ay. May all those l11t11ia1i se1iti11ie,its t/1at tw i1ie Aboitt the Day for yoit i1i sple1idor sl1i1ie : Siispe,ise a11d sweet s11,rniise, The childre1i's glad siirprise, A11d love-ligl1t i11 all eyes! Aroit11d a !1eavy-lacleri Cl1rist1nas tree Ma), all e11joy brigl,t Y1tle's f estivitJ,! We w is/1 yo1i all a l1allowecl C!Jrist 111as ti 111e, Made sacrecl w it/J t/:;e t o11c/J of t/Ji11 gs 11bli111 e : I 11 all 011,r t,~eas1treel f o r111 s a,z cl f e f al Ior£' Ma y Christ 111ore jJrecious ee 111 than e'er before. ef love's cleep 111) 1 Sf£' Y) ' , I 11 l'a1" 11tl I f De' it'), J ,i I-Ii., Na I, vi I) ! MaJ' ca,·ol slrc1i11!:, fro,11 tl (f ll l'SS /J 1 i 11 ,.~ .\II J"l'l'tl ~l',