The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1961
_D_e_ce_m_b_e_r,~19_6_1~~~~~~~~-T-~~-O_H~I~O~I~D=EPENDE T B~TIST Page Five Jesus Cl1rist at Christmas rune as much as it does . Carols sing his praise. and candles proclaim him the Light of the World. Even the ever– green tree is supposed to speak of Him as the ReswTection and the Life. Gifts are given to remind us of the gifts of the vvise men and so ac– kno,vledge him as the King of kings. 1illions of children h ear about Christ at Christmas time \vho otherwise would never hear about him at all. Even modernist preach ers have to read and sing and preacl1 about the virgin birth of Christ whe ther they believe in it or not; and the common people know they are supposed to belie,,e in it largely because the doc– trine of the inca1nation is taught at Christmas time. Thank God for our American Christmas f It cottld b e much worse, but should it not b e b etter? If Jesus is indeed our Lord and coming King, ,,~ho will soon com e a1 d set up his Kingdom, should \.Ve not do our b est to prep are for his coming? Certain– ly all drunkedness and over-eating ought to end on that dayl In a day \\:hen Christ is d enied, it might b e more suitable to f ast and pray! A good meal might h elp children to enjoy the day, and some of t1s grey– heads are still childre11 t oo; but cer– tainly intemperance does not glo1ify our Lord. The same migl1t b e said about the orgy of gift exch a1 ges among relatives that need nothi.i1g! I am not against all excl1angi1 g of gifts-like the dinner, it seems tl1at people the world arou11d have al"vays c:elebraled special da) s b y an ex– cha11ge of gifts. Tl1e J e,vs did it after the hanging of Ilaman, and it cloes riot need to be wrong. It is the xtra, aga11ce of it that se ins so out of harrnony whe11 ,ve re1nember One \\ 1 ho \\ as borr1 i11 a stable a11d \vas lJuried i11 a borrowed loinb. \ Vl1 y 11ot giv lo tl1c poor i11 tl1 e 11ame of C'hrist, ~111d to 1niss io11s? \ l1y not sc·11cl ,1s 1nt1cl1 to l11ter11atio11~1l ...l1ris– ti,111 Ileli f, 736 I l f1<ldo11 A\ ., ol– i11gs~1c)c)cl , . J ., as y·ou spe11 cl 011 }' Ollr l1ristmas di1111e1? 01 se11cl tl1 1n c1c>tl1 s S(J tl1osc £r~e/111g i11 Kor a ca11 k,.. I) \\ 1 :1r111? ... ertc:Li11] }' S~lll t,l ..J}a l lS S}lC)tl lcl ll<)t 1),.. gi,, 11 gl<>l'}' i11sl ;)acl c,f tl1e ~c,11 (>1 ;(>tl , <>J' \\ 1 c)rldl,.1 .... l1risl111as ar<ls 1> I s 1al l<) ot1r fri 11cls. If \\C lJ 'l lit>,,e J Sl IS is c:c,cl' s ·ter11~d Sc,11 , 1 L l lS c l ~l)rrtt ~ .J1rist- ·<>11t r cl .-J l1rist111as. TRINITY BAPTIST CALLS JOHN R. ALLEN • The Trinity Baptist Church , located at E. 3 1 t treet a11cl Ca1y Avenue in Lorain, Ohio h as extended a call to the Rev. Joh11 R. Alle1 of \Varsa,v, .Y. H e \v'ill begin his 1ninistry in Lorain on Sunclay, Decemb er 3. A 11ative of Port H t1ron, Michigan, Pastor Alle11 is a gradt1ate of Baptist Bible e1ni11ary in J oh11 on City, . Y. Fo110,vi1 g }1is gradt1atio11 ir1 1951, he p astored the Falls Baptjst Cl1t1rcl1 of Falls Pe1111a. t111til l ay of 19,53 ,,,hen 1 e took tip tl1e p a torate of the First Baptist Ch Lu·ch of \ \' arsa\V, .Y. D urin g his eigl1t ar1cl 011e-half )'ears there the church enjoyed many bless– ings, including ,vithdrawal from the American Baptist Con,rc->nhon, 45" increase in Sunday School attend– ance, 80% increase in missionai·y giv– ing, and an extensive remodeling and decorating program. A1ong with the faithful people of "frinity Baptist , Pas tor Allen faces the task of building the program and 1r1inistry of the church to meet many of the spiritual needs of Lorain's thriving south sicle. I-le \vill reside with his wife and four children at 2029 E . 30th St. Both the Allens and the church request your prayers for their new ministry together. We want to \velcome the Allens to our state and association and ,vill in– deed pray t11at the Lord uses the1n largely in this good chmch. , ve mig-ht also mention that for the last .... six weeks or so Rev. Paul , Vehman of Elyria has been er,'i11g as interim p astor. \Ve understand that he is a former member of the First Baptist Ch tu·ch of Elyria a11d had some }tear of experience as pa tor of tl1e GARBC c:hurcl1 at Morrison, Ill . GOOD AD ICE E're a child has reached to seven Teach him all the \\'ay to Heaven; Better still the \\'Ork , ill thrive If h e learn before he' fi, ·e. - . H . pt1rgeon ·--------------------------------- ~------------------------· BAPTIST BIBLE EMI R TRAINS LEADER ! B. B. . Graduates Are rving Witl1 Distinctio1,. at Home and on ti, Mi sion Fi ld If you are called to full time Christian Service, you should prayerfully cons.ider what Baptist Bible Seminary offers. FOR FURTH .. R INFORMAT ION WRITE TO DR. ARTHUR WOOLSEY, PRESIDENT ThB. Bre & Diploma Courses BAPTIST BIBLE SEM INARY JOHNSON CITY, N. Y. --------------------------------------------..-..--~=--------·
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