The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1962

THE OHIO ~EOARVlllE COLLEGE LIN l CEDARVILLE, OHIO =================================================-~~~~~~~~~--·– Volume XXXIV - JANUARY, 196? Number 3 -~-- --- -----------·--- - WANT TO MOVE TO ALASKA? • , .. • •• • ""'· • ' .. • Northland Baptist Church, Sterling, Alaska As }'OU look ar thi s cl1urch at ~rerling, Alaska, o n tl1e Kenai Peninsu la, you m:1y f cl you havc ic C<)ld enougl1 just no\v in OJ110 and want t <) stay i11 your gas– he-"ttJ J1ouse and enjoy all the o cher con– vcnie11ces of 111oder11 An1crican l ife; l)uc 18 Baptis t 1'1id-Missions workers }1ave l1ad enougJ1 of che l)ioneering s1,iri c to venture UJ> rl1ere co evangcliie tl1ac wild und lai gely godless land. More will be goi ng there in the n1c ncl1s al1ea<l. W e Ol1ioans are J)a:rticu larly i11teresced i11 Violec Able, ~ ·}10 is a :n1~111l,er of rl1e Euclid-Nottingham l3apusr hurch o{ Cleveland, and 1 Re\ and ~frs R D 1le Dav t'i, \\ ho a, men1 ber!) of the c:edar 1-Idl Biipt1st I r(h uf leveland. Tl1e D ,1 , 1s's are Jusc t . v get ri ng started in a ne,v proJet t 1n a ·uburh o l Ancl1oragc, rhe boon1ing ' 'big I Alaska. Tl1ac is, he l1as rctently house for his fan1ily. and v. e supJ. ,,,jll soon be ,vith h in1 tl1trt:. ty ' of )Und ,l t chey Actually, cl1ey ttll us char th ,, ho le under-side of Alask,1 , in ludi11g the bt,tuc i– ful Ke11ai Peninsula, does 11ot ti t ve, y cold , ~i ,1ce it is ,, 1 ar111ed by the Japane,t' (-u rrent Jt ' C ,ts or,, .1y 1 · b) rhe Gulf Sr e.1n1 Ot course. the ,, 1ncers art 1011g, t l t di1y are , er) hort JUsr no,v, ~111d the: SOO\\ IS deep 11,ln) of us ,,ere delighted by the sco11e, of l>tar. Jeer .111d n1oost hunring 13rotl1er D,1le D.1, 1s hai to cell ,,hen he ,, ,ls hon1e on tur l<.>u~h. but the 1n1i,orc.1nt thing 1s co ren1en1ht'r our I l 1111~ 1011,1r1ts s1 end 1nt1st l>f their c1n1e hunc1ng ,tnd t 1!>l11n.t; for soul ,ind not f<>r g 1n1e. Pie.ts l>I J)' f <>1 ther11. -