The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1962

J,1111 ~1ry ]9(i~ ~----------~~--------~--------------------- -- BACK UP THE NEW EDITOR 1 4 h1, 'l'r l 1,t l'r ,rtun,r, tt) t.d1t<)rial- , ., tl1 'l ~h ,, e .1lrt~ h.i\ h.l, t: Urother J<)l1n \ 1, n, 1t.1tu. n tt1 ~l~11d 10 • rt1lles .tn(l p 11, ")t'\te in .1 ,,h1le \\ 'e l101)c ro pr \.l.l\.t ,, l1 lt ,,c ,, ill l1e1e l rc.1(h, ~o ,ve ,, ill d") , c .1 lter the 1 ordlund n.. 1n1e h,\ r!"-'ti:en .\ little t.11ntt. r and no one t. 1 t ll e u, ,.)t till tt) 1ng ro run che ( .11 e. ~ '" tl11n~ coultl be ,, orse than that, to eJ1c,..1r like pa tor n1u t be fr''!e. e .tre ~o rhanktul chat ,ery fe," e, r even trle'1 co cell u "hat to do. ,,f~ c en1em– l'ler at, ,, e got t\'\ o gentle sugge5l1ons on "1Uf ad, ert1 ·1ng, one that ,, e should print ... n1ore n1i · ~1on ne,,·s. and two or three full, ju t1t1ed obJecttons to ome of those tool n11 take that 010 t editors make. W e haYe hatl many expre sion of regret chat " ·e are lea\ 1ng, and nO\\' ou r clerk, Rev. John trong, asks me to put this official chank-you 10 from the Council of Ten : "The Council of T en of the Ohio As- oc1at1on is indeed grateful to our Brother 1 ordlund for his ~·ork done among us as editor of the Ohio Independent Baptist. In session at the conference a motion was passeJ by unanimous vote of the members of tr.e c.'.>:.i ncil present that the council pub– licly express appreciation on behalf of the Association for the work done by Brother r ~ 0 ctlJnd in f ill1ng in the gap for us " ·hen v:e needed an edi tor for the maga– zine. "Brother ordlund has faithfully served us these years through the magazine and in ministry 10 the local chu rches with a great heart filled with devotion to his task, to the brethren and above all to his Lord . \'XThile speaking personally, I feel cer tain that I express the minds of the brethren across our scate v.~hen I say that we have been impressed with our brother's gra– cious spirit 10 his desire at all times co knov. and co do the will of the Lord and co do 1t v.·ich a passion born of a burden for souls. We h-ave greatly appreciated the fell o"·ship o f this beloved brother in the Lord: and v.·h1le not presuming to tell the Lord. v:e caonoc help bu t pray that He v.Till see fie to lead him into a field of sen·1(e in t his sca·e, v.. here we might con– cin1·e chis fellov. 7 ship together." Thank you, Brother rrong and all the brethren of the Council ; but we have head– ed this editorial, "Back Up The ew Editor.' ' for ,ve feel oe r greatest honor v.·ill come in his success. We hope he will carry this v.·ork on for a long time, and ~\:e hope that from time to time readers v. ill v.·rire in little appreciations to en– courage him. Of course, there are more practical ways co cheer che new editor s heart. Pastors who have sent us bulletins and monthly pa– pers should cake us off their mailing list and put him on. H 1s address is Editor James R . Johnson. Box 184, Cedarville, Ohio. Bev-er than bulletins for a man v.·ho is as busy as he 1s v.:ill be monthly news reports sent in by the pastor. clerk or appointed ne\\ s reoorrer. May we sug– j?esr that the;· be made shorter and more facrual. wirh occasional praise o f pastor or evangelist, but nor too much. Some pastors would have been embarrassed if vte Editor J ames R. J ohnson had printed all the fulsome praise we received from correspondents. They meant well , but what sounds well at the door of the church looks bad in print. Brother Johnson jlill u ndoubtedly do some cut– ting too, t>ut don ' t feel badly and refuse to send i '1 any more. The s .1e can be said about devotional messages! nission stories, and Bible studies that pas.~\)rs and missionaries send in. Please s ~r1d them oftener in the future, b·· t make them short and then expect the , e=.f itor to make them shorter yet. He may do it by cutting our redundant adjectives, or a phrase here and there, or a whole sentence or paragraph ; but he does it be– cause room is limited and he must! Brother Johnson is a newspaper man and may print some helpful rules on h ow to prepare your manuscript. If he does, try to abide by them. It won ' t take very much extra paper to write things double soace and to leave wide margins. Abo,re everything else, re-write your article jf you have to make too many corrections; or the editor wil l have to take the time ro re-write the whole thing himself! Very few people can write with short, telling sentences, and keep the tenses of the verbs and the pronouns and antecedents straigl1t the first draft-so correet, boil it down, and ,vr ite I c over J f y<>u never could tell v. here to use a c<>mma and where a semi– colon, do the best you can and leave it co the editor . Very likely the new edi tor \Von 'c punctuate Just like the ol<l one any– way! ''100 TIMES MORE IMPORTANT'' The Baptist Bible Tribune quotes an edi torial from the Chattanooga News-Free Press that in turn agrees with Senator Alber t Gore that the work of missionaries is 100 times more important than govern· ment programs. The senior Senator of Tennessee had just rerurned from a tour of 15 African nations when he said this: "If the American people through vol un– tary contributions to the missionary pro– grams of their churches, and direetly to other wor thy mission organizations, gave the degree of financial support that some of our foolish foreign a id programs have had-and coupled this financial aid with spiritual support- the beneficial results would sure!y far exceed anything that has yet been done." Amen co that, especially as it relates to our aid to fellows like Kasavubu and Adoula-and to the United Nations troops that are killi ng off the most civil ized uibe in the Congo. D ay by day our ire so mounted that at last we wrote and asked our President if there \\ 1 asn' t something he cou ld do to stop it, since we were pay ing almost a ll the bills and the Russians wl10 will get the most good out of it are paying nothing! We didn' t suppose he would read it, bu t just . in case he or Salinger would, we asked him to remember the Congo is as large as most of Western Europe, and the people more b1rbarian than our forefa thers were 1,000 years ago. If Europe's tribes developed into many nations, why do we have to force the Congolese to unite and kill off friendly Ka– tanga to do it? Yes, mission work is a lot more ef– fective the Peace Corps too, and a lot of other things we could mention; but do we Christians give and pray as if we thought so? We have to pay our taxes for all these fool things the government does, but since Christ only beseeches us, we give only what we have left to H im. May tee Lord stir us up to give more and pray more in 1962! ~~-~'--~~--------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ 111111111111 r' 11 111 1 111111111 111 11!!l/ ll 'll 11 1 ~ ·, IJ,, ,1 , I, I I JJ 'Ill. .......11111,~ ,, ear, • ,,, ' 'FAITH COMETH BY HEARING.' ' Jews who will not enter a church will tune in our ' 'Message to Israel' ' broadcasts aired over 50 stations with coast-to-coast and foreign cove1~age, including the State of I srael. Many reached for Christ by mail, Correspondence Course and personal calls. This ministry, now in its 26th year, is dependent under God upon the prayerful and financial support of His people. Send fo1, free copy of our informative mag– azine, MESSAGE TO I SRAEL. MESSAGE TO ISRAEL, Inc. Bo'< 6~2. General P ost Office, New York 1. New York