The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1962

OH I r-, 111<' I 01 : il r r. " ] tt>lcl lll\ ll)\s~l(lll \)Q,\l' l l tl ,\( ] ,, t>ttl] i>r' ,1 t11cltltt'r I 11,t a 1111,,1()11.11, • f'{ c l l 1. . < d 1 , 1) l'l, i1 l' Q.(:' l l l l (' i () l l 1)( tl1. l>lll tl1r·rc 1 .1 l) tC<:' t<> })n\. · . l111itt<:'d c>tl<' <Ji tl,e 111~1rr1t cl 111 1 ,\1c>n– .1rie, i11l :'.\r, "' ' '" l ,lt \ \ i11<111.1 1 .lh.l. ·· lol>ilizt' .. l fc>r ~11,,u 1,,·· ,,a, tl1c.· tl1t'11lt <>l tllt \\ t'(llll \(.1.,, l'\ l't1it1g , , )tl cJf tl1 :'.\ '"(ltl1 \ 1111,1nl (. \.)11iL'rL'11c ~ or ti1, ; 11 ral \,,<>Li t1tio11 c)f l\egt1lar "·11Jti,t l1t1r ]1L, (.)11 t11e 1)l<1tfor111 ,, re ) 1111, t<>t,1~1r1L' ~.• 111cl tl\.eir t'()111- l li11t l 111 "~' )11~1r, ''\l)L'rie11cc re1)1e– ', 1tec! 97lJ , '. I\ ()l , r, tLC for Cl1rist • arot111d tl1 glol)(. ,,r11~ t of tl1e '() t ()f tl1at e'\1)erie11c;t"'? 111 ~,11 .l t ci(1tio11 tl1c1t ca11 bc,c1 t of rri,;11cr to tl1e tt111e of tl1ree a11cl a l1c1lf .:::- ~ 111ilii011 clollar i11 tl1e ptl t ) ear, are t11ere 11t: rl1a1) l1iclde11 t·t) t tl1at 0111) 1 the i11tli, iclt1al 111i "io11ar, ca11 tabt1- • la tl:l ~ Per ·011al i11ter, ie,, re, ·ealecl 0111e c.· 1~ t , fro111 ,1 ,, 01n(t11' t a11dpoi11t– cc t 110 IB~1 111achi11e cot1lcl e,Ter br111g to ligl1t. .._. ...... It co t frofe ionall)": 1Ii ..t\.r– le11e pl1rlock.. R.~ ... of Gallipolis, Ol-l10. 111i io11ar')· for eight years in ~I ,1rti11iqt1e the11 the Niger Colo11y i11 Africa tate , alt n1ean exch ang– ing n. clet1n, ,,"ell-eqt1ipped h osp ital for a le tha11 , vorkable disp e11 sc1ry; COll ta11t impro\ri ing, often U i11g rnedicatio11 for things other than their i11tended u e. It means havi11g no opportt111ities to keep t1p ,vitl1 the ne,, trends in my profes ion." 111 thi ntrrse s opinio11, the practical n1atter of there being no compariso11 ben, een her mis ionan' allo,van ce J and the salary of a registered 11urse in her nati, 1 e Ohio, carried no , veight at all. The opportunity for service, e, en u11der frustrating circumstances, is a challenge sh e \,rill soon take up agai11-glaclly. To ~f rs. Bernard Ba11croft, a mis– io11a11Tto the Philippine I slands since 1936, her children-three girls and n, o bo,·s-are her concern. Conscious • that thev had no ch oice in the dedi- ., cated decision of their mother and fatl1er to become 1nissionaries, it is h er constant pra) 1 er that they ,vill grO\\' up ,\·ith a clear u11derstanding of all that 1s in\·ol,,.ed; that their at– titudes \,rill mirror sympathy with the life-\,rork to \:\.,hich their mother and dad ha\ e gi,,en their lives; that there ,vill not be too high an emotional price to pay for b eing "missionary kids." There is an emotional price to pay for being the \\'lle of a missionary. 11£ J :lt>ttary, 1962 -- - - WOM N MI IONARY 11, 'n11 ' ll ' 1Jc1ck rl>i' r\ 1 \11 " \ l i~g<> Ol "r11, ,, 11 <> ,, 1tl1 l1 c r ' 1111, \tc.·1~111 ~t1 rg<'<lt1 ln1'-tl>,1 11cl ,, ill lc~1, c [1l,\at1k c.'c.~ ,,l1e:'1' Lltr'\ ]1 ,t, c' s11e11l tl1<:' tr l )t t'l).1rnl1c>tl ) ' C~, 1 s ~rl1e1r Ll11 c liltl , girl" ,111cl tl1 , jr l>1c1tl1 ' t ,, ill s,1\ gr>(>t1-l>, le> g 1 a 11cl1)a t 11 l '> i11 l'olcclo, <)l1i<.), a11cl :\ el)r,1sl,,1 'it,,, '\-c.)l) r,1"ika . • 1\11cl J<.>a11 {)lsc>11 ,, ill tel l , c>11 , " It 's • tl1c.' /)tt <!,.') ll1c c·l1ilclr .. 11 nr' ,lfr,1i~l <)f i11 f<1r-~1,, ,1, E(1\t P,1ki sta11 (,, l1er tl1e ()1s t 11\ ,, 111 tlrr1, e 11c\:t J a1111ar) 1 ) a11cl rigl1t 110\\, tl1c i11ter111i11 ,11)1° <= l1ots! '1'11e IJC){)r ki"ls ,lrc l)etrif icc1-a11d t }1P.rt ~ are 111c)re 11eecllcs , et f I tl1i11k: tl1at 's ,, ]1,1t it is costi11g 1ne to l)e a 111is- ,, 1011ar, 1 • • ~Ir') K:1rl Lt1) be11 of Lil)eria, \,·itl1 11er f a111il) ,111 togctl1er for ,1 brief ti111e i11 C'eclc:1r,ille, Ohio, is ,,·ell a,,,1re of tl1e c1notio11,1l cost of bei11g a 111i~– sior1ar, ,1s sl1e see the cla\'S tick off ,, . tl1e cale1 der. It ,,·ill soo11 b e ti111e for ]1er to lea\ 1 e l1er three l1igh scl1ool ) 7 <Ju11gst ers a11d tl1eir college fresl1- mn11 brother , a11d retur11 ,vitl1 l1er l1usbancl to Africa. h e remembers tl1at people used t o sa)', "Ho,v ca11 >'OU t ake these little cl1ildren ,,rith you to that counb·y.' ' "Ho,v ca1 I leave tl1em ?" is a far more difficttlt question. The emo– tio11al cost! "If tl1ere is a11y cost b eyond that of leaving my beloved family, it is the fact that I have to giv·e up mode1n teaching methods and the fi11e scl1ool f .. -:cilities I \vould ha e teacl1i11g here i11 the Stat es." So says Mis Beulah H agar of Marlette, Mich. , missionary school teacher in T1ujillo's Dominican Republic. "Ma terials often ha, 1 e to be h~anslated or made up originally before the actual t eaching b egi11 ." • ,f iss r lag, r xpl nin 'cl~ 'frf11 c sc.:l1 cJo] ,, as s t a rt 'c.1 i11 111\ 11cJt15 ; tl1 r "v 're J 2,5 11111) i Is. • 1\ c>t 111a11, ,11 (' t·a]l('Cl <>11 t<> I)n)'' the 11ric c>f 7>C'1 .s<J ll ttl f, <~c<f 0111, as ,v re :\1 r~ . 13c)1111n , 111i s<i io11,11 )' tc> tl lC' Pl1ili1)– p111 l c;lc111 c15. "'1, l1e cos t for 111e.' ' she rcl,1Lcs, "\, ,ls l)ci 11g c11t off l)y ,, ,1r, f10111 110111 ), 1n) cc>1111lry, c>ttr 111iss1011 l)<J,1rcl , for )'ears; l)ei11g st111)pccl 0£ e cr)·tl1i11g, e\'e11 in)' Bible-a11cl sepa– ralecl fron1 1ny l1t1 \ l),1 11 cl, 11ot k110\\ 1 i11g if l1e ,, ere ,1li\ e or cleacl. ., J'l1ere \\ ,1s a cost i11 spiritt1al a11d 1ne11 tal cle1Jression dt1e to lo11g im– p115011111e11t, st,1rv·atio11 ,111cl c1uelt) 1 ." rl~he cost of lJeing a 1nissio11ar) 1 ! ~1rs. \ ~ictor Barnarcl, a 11ative At1s– trali,111, st1ms 11p i11 h er \\'Ord , "It co5ts e, 1 er) 1 thing to b e a 111issio11ary .' 1 A11d sl1e sh ould k110,,,. I11 tl1e hill c·ou11trv of E a t Pakista11, the n ,1n1e • '':\f ar}' \:\ 1 i11ifred Bar11a.rcl" 1narks the 11igl1 cost of b eing a missionary; marks not a ledger but a gra\,estone. Four– t ee11-)'ear-old Mary, dyi11g in Chitta– go11g, , vas tl1e price h er parents paid. "I ha,,e 11ot mentioned the gains," , ·oluntcered Mrs. Borom, but e \ 1 en in the ligl1t of all tl1e hardship of im– pri onment, they out\veigh all tlie costs. ,, Bt1t they are there, these hidden costs: professional, economic, social, and- most of all-emotional; yet com– p ensated for always by the kno,vledge tl1at she is a missionary, and she vvouldn't be anything else in the \,,·hole world. ---------- ' ' good preache1.. may move people bt1t a good pray-e1' moves oc1. ' ' On our beautiful campus over looking San Francisco Bay, high school grads can obtain- A CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR LIF'E AND SERVICE. B.A. and B.Th . degrees; Bil,le major with minors in Theology Pastoral Education, Christian Education, Missions, Music, Greek. Social S~jence Education-Psychology, or the Humanities. ' Co-operative programs leading t-0 B.S. and R.N. degrees, also B.A. and M.BA. or M.S. degrees in Business Admmistration. Write for free catalog, Dept. I ACCREDl1'ED: AABC \VEST_ER_N BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE Rev. H. 0. Van Gilder, DD.• President Hill and Elm Streets, El Cerrito, Cal.