The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1962

\ l olume XX.XIV .. .;~uAR'IHLLE COLLEGE LtSRARl CED .R\IILLE, OHIO THE OHIO FEBRUARY, 1962 ---- TED 1 umber 4 ------ A CHALLENGE TO THE CHU l.CHES • P ictured above is the complete structt1re of the fi elrl hot1 e anti stt1de11t t1nion draw11 by Architect Rola11d V. Stot1l of 1 olumbus, Ol1io. Work is to begin on the fr t pa1 t as soon as weather permits. Construction Planned For Student Union .; c}n r\rj]}< "'c) l} :ag l10~1rtl C)f r] , l'llS- t :. :.s , t its 1, g ,1l ar c1t1a1tc•1l} 1 111·c,ti11g J a 11t1~tl1' l ~3, \ ' <> l c1 le> l) •g11t ·011s tr11 c– t io11 0 11 tl1 11 ,, lt1cl,)11t ..., t•11l r as so lu as \I\ ,~ntl1<:. r · c) 1 cli t i< >11s 1 r111i l , ] r. J t1 t J1 S rf'. f I JI ia }1 , l'> f SiCl l) ( (Jf tJ c·o] 1,~g S,lill . A l }Jr s 111 l SOll $1.5,0()() is "' rti J,.. a l)l ~ i11 gift~ f(> l' tl1i~ t)rc>1<'t' l , a.11cl at l us l $50 ,()()() \\ 111 1)' 111 nclc ,t\ ,111 ,ll>1t tlirc>11g l1 tl1 ) salt~ c>f S ric)s .. 1~· l>< >11cls. ,\ clcliti()ll ttl ftlll ( l ~ l CC }l t i l' 'C l t <) ('(l ll l - 1>l c t • tl1is s tr11c tt1r ~ 111t1 s l l1t' c> l>tail 1l~l l tl1r<>t1g l1 g ifts <>f i1 1ter<:\St cl <·l1t1rcl1es a 11cl l r i<~11cls. ' I 'l 1t~ <<>11 g ,viii l>tgi1 1 tl1i l>t1il l - i11g a11tl 1) la11 ff>l' it s C<>1111>l ,}ti c,11 ~,s f11 11 cls nr <Hl l1a11c l f<,r tl1t J>l'<Jjl ·<· t . rl , l l })11i lcli11g call l)t {' ()111}>1( lt cl 1()1 )<.)SS tl 1<1 11 l i5,()0(1. S l tt < lt.'1 l s c,f tl it lll t~gt' 11,1, t ~ "llt>,, 1l t ) 1 t ' 11 l 1l t l' 1 l \ l i 1l t ~ l) f ()} t '(.' t })) }.!; l \ 111 ~ <> f tl1 e11 <>\\ 11 Stt l t l \C ' t 111tl t 11l1s t 111g tl1t.• ait l l>I t> tl 1t: rs \0 t ,t .tl)lisl1 a "' tlt– cl< 11l ; t 11t er f11ntl . l {t t •c•11tl , tllf') ,ts– ~t·Ssf'cl tl1t1l1~el,t ~ 1 ' l() J>er ~ 111 st c-·r ..~t ,1tlt 11t l J11io11 (\ . 'f' l1is i~ tc> l)f" n llt r111,t11 t l l t•l1arg · l<) t ucl<.111 t s a 11 St Ill t e l Hl l 1 l ilt'" l fl l l( \ \\ ii} l)t} \ IS( l l <l l)a~ off tl1t l)c <l~ ,, l11cl1 ,lrf-. ·c>l l i <> t tl1is ll1t1lc li11g ·c}jc·<:t.