The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1962

( (I r Iii<' l t1,l1st ollc c r: Ibt. r • COM• NG EVENTS ( · 1 }, ' '() T ... : ,,t i<, o f n,cut - t11.,., > ~ l '• ~ It\ Ll\ t Ol \ lll\ n tll\, s t " r "' ' ~1 c • .-. r J ul,lh', tJon :,t l t \~t 30 d , .__ l rior t " l\t~iu lt~i dnt ~ . l1t k , , 1tl1 ~ ur g1 u p fot d t•t.. il~. ) t<> .,\ 1, l~l .. \\ l'tll (' t l 0 " \l i~~1<)t1,1r,, l l}l t lll l,11l(' l l l )ll .ltt(l \ i t l t<.) ..] l illtl'}l l l l lllSt':· 13,11 lX"l tOtl • •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fel). 20 tltt tl1 lletl1l~l \\ Cltltt 11"s ~l 1ssio11ru"' ".. lX' Jt t, . (. t"<:l .. u" 1lle . . . . ~l ,lrcl1 20 • \ t l r,1ll,1, i ' c)rtl1 "id Bapti.. t , L1111a. 0 . . . . . . . . . ~l arch 26, 27 ~l t1~1c \\'ork.. ho11. ed,1n·ille Col- lt'ge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~larch 24 Rot111 <.l-Robi11 conf renc , Bethel F llo,,r hip area . . outh p ril 4-8 01tl1 Be thel ~I i ionru-v nion # Fir t Baptist , Bo,,,J'ing Green •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t\. p1il 5 ( ",u11p Pabno ... . .. June 25- ept. 1 -------- Ohio's Most Powerful Christian Witness WEEC - F.M. 100. 7 megacycles 113.5 Bechtle Ave. pringfield, Ohio 77 t housand watts of Christian t estimony presented in a daily we 11-i nt eg rated pa t te r n to reach unsaved and Christ ian al ike. New FM Station Broadcasting In Springfield 1\ 11c:: \\ F~·l l>;111cl r<1clio ~ ta tio11 is l)ro(1cl c.. ,1s tit1g i11 1)r111gf icl cl , 0 ., c t1l - 1r1 ii1ati11g 111a11 n1 c>1 ths c>f p repru·a- tor, ,, c>rk a11cl a mt1ch lo11ger p eriod of 1Jl,11111i11g. "l,,l1e sta tion i said t o l>e a " hri tia1 te timo1 y presented i11 ~1 d ,1ily , ell-integrat cl p attern to r ach t111 av cl a11cl Chris tian alike." The station WEE -FM, made its i11at1 g11ral broad cas t beginning Dec. 15. It broadca t a t 100.7 mega– c , cle and i owned by World Evan– geli tic E nterprise Corp . of which Paul Pontis i president; Rev. Glenn Green– ,,lood of Ble secl Hope Baptist is vice– pre ide11t · Dwight Coffelt is secre tary– treastrrer ; and Charles Shaw is di– rector and techn ical advisor. At the inaugt1ral broad cast , vv' alter A. \ Vilso1 , general mai1ager , ex– pl ait1ed the t ation's policies and pro– gramming. It ~rill b e broad cast from 6 a .m. llntil 11 :30 p.'m. Monday through Saturday and 8 a.m. through 11 :30 p.m. Sundays. Programs , vill in clude n ews, music, b oth religious and syinphonic, educational and r e– ligious subjects. Members of the st aff are Lany v\' eber of Altoona, Pa . , program di– rect or, Lew Fields of Springfield, commercial manager , Clair Miller of Dayton , announ cer , Bonnie H ober ty of Springfield , secre ta1y-receptionist D avid Jeremiah of Ced arville , Plul Brower of Kalkaska, Mich ., and Larry Baker of De troit Mich. , all p art-time announcers~ and Mis atalie Myers of Lima, n ews corresp ondent. Cedarville College no,v has a r adio voice over the st ation. Two programs each v.;eek are pre ented: Sunda\ ·, 2 p .m ., and Tuesd ay, 8 p .n1 . , - --------- BEAMS 1 FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE t'Co-n tin·,ed f r om page 6> ful for c111 the h elp you gave me while I was ,,.,ith you . I was restored b ack into the church , ab out three weeks after I came h ome. I feel it all came about through the h e]p yot1 gave me , ,·l1ile I , vas at the Door of Hop e. I ha , ·e b een so h app)' ince I came b ack to the Lord again. Many tl1anks for sh o,,ring m e tha t C od still lo,·e :.1 1ne and \\'as anxious to recei, re me hack i11t o fello,\ 1 ship \\ 1 ith H im. \ \Trite soo11 . \'' ith lo,1'e in C1u-ist CLF.'' ' \\ 1 e jus t received another girl i11lo the Door of Hop e three days a go. -------- -- "Don' t think you are necessarily on the right road because it is a well– beat en path." I;, ~l)r1 t flry , 1962 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE ( Co,,1in11tJ fr"11f '1•1• 13 ) l)H~<.' (111 t. A r siclc~11 t of ;r··cl~u~ ill maclc" tl1is C'Om m t"n t . ' ' I'\ c l 1 v d i11 ( :ccl~1rv i11 40 y~ars ancl I've nev r l1r-arcl ,11 ytl1ing so lovely l1ere b fore.'' O t1r choir clir tor , Rich rird ooke n.rr ,tnrrcd the orch estra tio11s. s "ve look to the future, the one tl1i11g t1ppermost in all of our thoughts is the need for the n ew Student )enter for next fall . We can n ever J1ope to provide for the increase in students , exp ected next fa ll , without this multi-pw~ose building. The enthusiasm among the students is most encouraging. Led b y the stu– clent counc il , the students voted to a ess themselves an extra $10.00 fee p er semeste r to h elp in ge tting this building for next fall. Many faculty ai1d staff members have given $100.00 each toward this fund. The ladies auxiliary and other ladies groups have also given sacrificjaJly. Business Men·s Banquets are b eing h eld in various parts of the country in an effort to acquaint the men of our churches with Ced arville, its progress and the needs for the future . Read ers of the O .I.B. , ""'on't you pray with us for this n ew building and other needed facilities , so that we will not h ave to tum a\vay our 0\\ '11 young p eople who , vant to be trained in om christian Baptist Col– lege ? - by Mrs. James Jer emiah (BY REQUEST) DISTINCTIVES AT GRAND RAPIDS BAPTIST COLLEGE AND SEMINARY "' Diligent academic training permeated by a Chr istian philosophy of life. • Doctrinally orthodox without apology. • Competent faculty- Seminary profes– sors average over 10 years of trai ning beyon J high school. • Specialization in preparing pastors, missionaries, music directors, Christi3n education directors, church secretaries. • Fifty fundamental Baptist churches 1n area- affording Christian service op– portunities. .. Large ci ty employment opportuni ties. -k A rap idly adva ncing school-35 cto increase this year .