The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1962

Hilltup Hous~ For The Ag d 1· r l l)f l lon1<... .111 l t .1n11), Int. t1n l)\ l u nt, l'\..i cc.1 11.11 bt:rt<.)n, 0., to ...,, c. t _ ,tc. 1 " ' '-)l er c,• l)rl1ughc co c l1e Jtten ti , 1 \,i Hent:y. rtpresentat1ve \ l l" "c.)n11 t 1. in~ .1 n1.1jor1t) of tl1e mem· ~ , lf\t)kt, 1 <.1\ c; the 11rop\.. t) called .. the H 11ltf'[ Hl1U ·e...1c ~{); E. l t1.,_ara,, a Ave., Barberton. Lt1l 1ted 1u t t,, o block from a hospital .101 t" o blo~ k tron1 a park, the properry ,,.1 · bt.ilt h; B.1bcox anJ Wilcox Manu– t 1l."tur1n~ o. to hou e \.1 iring personnel. 1 he '-ompan; took the home and built a <lorn11tory on the rear. There are 3- rooms \.Vith s:x baths located 1n the center of about two acres. Trustee ha,·e gone ahead with the pur· chase of the property for 50,000 whi ch include mo t of the furnishings. The only exceptions are fur niture of one liv– ing room and one bedroom and the ki tchen sto, ·e, but the remainder of the furniture and fixtures are all included . heets, blankets, to\\·els, silver aod many other items are all included in chis sale price. The trustees voted to make a down pay– ment of l ',000 on the property, which has been done. The remainder, however, 1s the responsibili ty of the churches of The Ohio fellowship. Possession of the property was set for Jan. 15. but guests could no t be accepted immedia tely. Admission is presently be· iog worked out by a committee consisting of Dr. George . Milner, Rev. Elton C. Hukill and Rev. Leland H oward . It is necessary to obtain a license from the state and organizational work must first be com· pleted. R ev. Dean Henry, 2743 Bender av. Akron, pastor of the Brown treec Baptise Church is preparing a series of colored slides and a tape recording to be used co facilitate presentation of the projecc. Any church wishing such information may secure it from the Rev. Mr. Henry. Collectively the churches of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches can help immensely in this worthy project. Message To Israel Minist ry l ~he close of 1961 marked a milesto ne 1n the lessage to Israel ministry. In J an. 19)... the f irsc broadcast v:as given over , PG, Atlantic City, . J . ,vhen Cou lson ' l1epherJ \\ as pastor of the First Baptist Church there. The or1g1nal intention was co give three radio me sages chat would prove a sp ir itual help to t he Jews. lt was the J ewish peo– ple of Atlantic Ciry and members of the church who encouraged and urged the hepherds to cont inue beyond the orig inal rb ree weeks. The Message to Israel has become in– ternational in scope. Fifey station s from the Atlantic to the Pacific, H awaii , and six foreign stations now ai r this weekly prog1am. Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd plan to spend Passover, Firscfrui cs (Easter ), Independ– ence Day and Shevuoth ( Pentecost ) in the tare o f Israel. ---------- Oppor·tunity Unlimited Response by pastors in various parts of the cou ntry to the new project by Cedar– ville College is encouraging. Many peo– ple are worki ng to promote the college by means of n:en's banquets to be held in a number of d iffereot areas. A men's quartet will accompany Presi– dent ] ames 1... Jeremiah at each ba nquet as they seek to challenge the men as to the ..Opportunity UnlimiteJ" a t Cedarville College. T o date banquets have been scheduled at the followi ng place3. Jan. 19-Fort W ayne, Ind . Jan. 20-D avenpor t , Iov.,a. Feb. 10-Elyria, 0. March 9-Mishawaka, Ind. March 10-Erie, Pa. March 16-Wacerloo, Iowa March 30- Indianapolis, Ind. March 31-Xenia, Ohio. Additional meeti ngs are being planned in ocher cities. The BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY thorough training OFFERS - --- ---- for Christian Service • Three Year Graduate Seminary • Bible College - with a General Course plus strong minors for Missionaries Christian Education Direetors Mu.sic Directors Pastors · -Seq}K\ary work Two Year Certificate Courses Church Secretary Course Christian W orker 's Course • Orthodox - Scholarly - Baptistic Located in beautiful Grand Rapids, For informatjon write: .. Christ-centered Michigan BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 811 Wealthy St., S. E., Grand Rapids 6, MichJgan Lincoln Used Bible Al1raham l..1nc0Jn, l 6th President of the United tates, used his Bible agai n an<l again, in a respectfu l manner to make hi s points clear To Marv peed, September 27, 1841, he v. rote, "1'ell your mother that I have not got he1 present--an Oxford Bible– with me, but I 1nte~rl to read it reg1.1 larly when I return hom e. I doubt no t that it is really, as she says, the best cure for the blues, cou ld one but take it ac– cordi ng to the truth." In his speech , Cincinnati, September 17, 1859, he said, "The good old r.1axjms of the Bible are applicable, and truly ap– plicable, to human affairs, and in this, as j n other things, we may say here that he who is not for us is against us; he who gathereth not with us, scactereth." T o Newton Bateman, before the 1860 election, he wrote: "I know there is a God, and that H e hates injt1stice and slavery. I see the storm coming, and I know H is hand is in it. I f H e has a place and work for me, and I think He has, I believe I am ready. I am nothing, but truth is everything. I know I am right, for Christ teaches it, and Christ is G od. l have told that a house divided against itself C? nnot stand, and Christ and reason say the S3 me thing; and they will find it so. D oug las doesn' t care whether slavery is vo ted up or down, but God cares, and humanity cares, and I care; and with God's help I shall not fail . I may no t see the end, but it will come and I shall be vindicated ; a nd these men will find that they have no t read their Bibles aright. -Copied. --------- NOTICE! Deadline Change The deadline for news for the Ohio Independent Baptist magazine has been changed from the 15th to the 10th of each month! This will help us to gee the April issue into your hands sooner and to allow for any delays in the mail. THE EDITOR Cedarville College Book Store (Ofl the campus of Cedarville College) Sur1day chool upplies \ all Plaque Books Office t1pplie Visit the book store when you at– tend the 1·ound robin missionary conferenee in Cedarville, April 4-8 Bernice Mick, manager