The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1962

• • The Ohio Independent Baptist • ait r1nc1p e pp,e • • • Church provides Car for missionary family By ROBERT D. McCARTHY Editor 1 s Note : Robert D. ,\1 cCartl1y is pastor of Grace Baptist Fellor!' hip C/1111'<:!1, ( Te111porar}t Location) - Cor11er -4-tlz a,1d Perry Streets, Da1·to11. Ol1io. In his pastoral ~ letter to l1ir chz1rch, Pastor Mc– Cart/1)· said, "L et llS go on 'from fai th to fa it/1 .' That is, allowing li·/1at oztr fa ith has given us in tlze past to prod1,ce greater faith a11d cor11idence i11 oitr Lord and His z1n fa ilin~ promises. We must 1 1 eac/1 111ore with the Gos– pel! ''T/1ese are days of crisis, but tlze)' lend real opportunity to of– fer the 1nessaoe of true and abid– i,1 f? peace to a sin-sick world. We 111ltst go on building, both in lii·es and in brick and mortar 'looking zinto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.' We serve a great God, limitless in po1rt·er and provisio11 , for all who pztt thei, trust in Him. L et us look well into our own hearts as individuals, and then with com– bined effort through His Spirit, t11ake 1962 a }'ear of new vic– tories for His glory." Following is Pastor McCarth~s re– port of progress in the church. How v.:e could have overlooked the }early report to the Ohio Asso– c iation is beyond me. That space on page two of the January issue follow– i ng our church name. Grace Bapti t Fello'h ship of Da}'ton, must be filled. Here are the figures. five additions by baptism and eleven by letter. We regret that one of our faithful mem- ber . Burgoyne Griffing wa called home b)' death. Seven of our Page 2 MARCH, 1962 faithful member have moved to other place of ervice. which leaves our member hip at 159. We rejoice to report our offering a follow : Cur– rent $14,076.79, Building $5 320.83 , Mi ion $7 006.32. Our total giving amounted to $28 110.95 and we ended up the year with every bill paid and a working capital balance in each fund, for which we gratefully thank the Lord. Our yearly report bears out the fact that God is ignally blessing the work of Grace Bapti t Fellowship in Dayton and throughout our world– wide missionary interests. Numbers have confessed Christ through the work of our Gospel teams in prisons and mis ion meeting . Dr. Ted Price, is chairman of thi t and along with the pa tor lead nearly f arty men in this soul-winning work. Eternity alone can account for· the true report of the many Gospel por– tion and me sages in word and song given out. Car Provided In these days when some of our mis ionary boards are departing from the faith principle" in supporting the work and workers, it will be refr·esh– ing to hear of in tances like the supplying of a Chri tma gift of $ 1,500 toward the need of a car for Rev. and Mr . Tom Croom, to use in their work in the very heart of Africa. This took place as the re ult of the tremendou challenge given us a a church through our ovem– ber mi ionary conference. everal of our young people dedicated their live for ervice during the clo ing se sion of the conterence. Then the H oly pirit led Pa tor McCarthy to MARCH, 1 REV. R. D. McCARTHY present the need of $1,500 towa the needed car for Croom . We wt led to call it "The Griffing Gra Opel Fund," in memory of Brott Griffin.g who him elf had served foreign land as a teacher and f the government. Thi goal et by official action I the church sent us to prayer as ne-v before. Soon the pecial off~ri~ began to come in. A dear Chnst1: lady living in a home for older pe ple ent in $1. Fifty cent of tf offering wa her tithe, and fifty cen wa the change he received from h ocial ecurity check after paying f1 her board and room. Then Juni, High BY et a week a ide for sac1 ficial aving toward thi mi ionru need and thi brought in an offerir of $5 5. A gift of $25 was ent from two home missionaries. Our Ladie Mi ionary Society It in a king our member and frien, to end only one Chri tma card I the Church for our member to t po ted on the bulletin board. TI money saved in po tage and ( Continited page 11) The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS