The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1962

BOOK REVIEWS YOUR GOD and YOUR GOLD, B)· Leslie B. Flynn , 137 pp. , $2.50. Zonder– ran Puhl. H ou e, Grand Rapid , lich . Thi b ook of se, ,en chapter \\ 1 ill de– tight an)· generous reader and ,vam the ting)r. I t is a veritable mine of ,vitt sayings and illustration s tha t will h elp pa tors to preach on ste\.\rard ship. We give Jnl)r one: ' 'Just as 'permanent ' for ladie I hair are misn amed, be~au e they do n ot last, and so h ould rightly b e termed temporaries,' so securities sh ould more aptl)' b e called 'in ecurities.' ,, The chap– ter h eadings are themselves different: '.\1one>r T alks - But What D oes It ·ay?" "God l\1ade the D ecimal P oint,' ' · an You Justify Your Expen se Ac- .:oun t?" "Y ellovv Fever," "H ow to Give," h ~ 7 hen I\l oney Tums 1ute," and ' '\\l here \~/ill Your 1oney pend E . "'" tern1t)' t :\Ir. Flynn is pastor of a on servative Baptist Church, a region al editor of Christian Life 1agazine, and teach es Journalism at l)rack. If he preache half as v.,ell as h e \\rrites, he must be good. ------ BIBLE DAY , by 1eindert D eJong, 90 large pages, dravving book style, art coYers, $1.50. Zonden•an. H o,,, did the people of P alestine spend their days and live their lives in Jesu s' day? With full page pictures and simple language the author helps us to look into their homes, sch ools, syn agogues, car– penter shops. tax booths, fishing, farming, and h o"v they dressed and traveiled . Bright Juniors can read it and unday chool teach ers will enjoy it and profit by it. HRIST' WORD FRO 1 THE ( RO , by har les H addon 120 pp., S l.95. Zonder van . There is n o need reviev.,ing a reprirlt of any of purgeon 's ermon s, but only to thank Zondervan for getting this volume into cir,: ulation again. he title tells us there are seven long sermon in this book and ~,}1at they are about . purgeon himself tells us hi a ttitude to\vard the la st ,...,ords of our Lord : "First , tl1e) teacl1 and confirm many of the doc– trines <>£ our hol)' faith . . . A second n1odc c,f treating tl1ese seven cries is to vie\v tl1en1 as setting fortl1 the person an(l offices of our Lord ." I le una~hamed ly finds tl1e sub')titutionan a tonement in the fourth sa} ing and i~ a ll of the111 ~ces Jesus as tl1e supernatural King of C~racc. If n1odern preachers \·voul<l read aloull (J11c S1>urgeon serm<)n a \veek ir\ th "> \"'8}' the) tl1ought he n1u t l1a ve ]>reached thcn1, ,,r tr}p t<>, tl1ey \l\'C>uld nc\ ~r at tc1111>t to cot>\' hi111 in tl1c 1>ulpit , l>ut tl1cy vvould prcacl1 better than tl1ey do. 1 1>0~1,.1C)I{ v c) r r ~ 011 the.. c,c)s J)l· J ()I 1~\1 f"Jf \,\ b, \i\7. A (r1s– \l\PlJ l(>J J)p., $2.95. 'lo11cicrva 11 . \\111 ~tl1er tl1e c ar · 11otes used i11 tl1c tud)' lt> 1>r ])are tl1i ,,vorcl1v st1cccs or of 1 r . f'ructt to J'J "acl1 extc~11pc,ra 11eou. Jv, or h<, rt 11a11d un1e~ <>I \·Vhat h .. , ctuallv said, is 1101 clca r; 1,u t tl1 , t t hcv ,vill b~ hl1>ful 10 any or1e p,eacl1ing ~< r 1eacl1 ing through 1)1 f.. i1 t ( ,os11 1 i!-i cl'.). 1. \i\ hi] -> I r . ri ,, 11 l'«:1lls thi 1>0<.11 .1 t<1111 n1entar} , it i rc>t a ,,or<l b ,l\,c,rcl e J>osition 01 e, :> 11 a , er~ L>, ve, e t u<1, · I ; ' >ut r 1l1er a rapi(l sL1r, 1 e) of tl1 , gr at th 1ne Jf la11l1 \I\ ' (., > J)Cl . lt is tru to tl1c llf10l ortl1odo · a1d 1>1 111ill n11i ,I \I\ J11l '" 1J1n r ,i \\ r l1a nc,1 r <1d it lh OHIO INDEPENDENT BAP IST careful}), a )'et, h e has san1pled all the tell-tale pa sages and not found him to de,ria te ~n ee from the accepted, funda– ment~l ,11e,v. ~ e ~,as not h eres)'-hunting, but Just confirrrung his ideas of Dr Criswell . · The previous 4 books revievved b> R. T . ordlund. Pocket Testament League takes to the air "Vision and enture", a half-h our broadcast sponsored b 1, the Pocket Te ta– ment League, has made jts debut on radio station in e\\' York, Buffalo, D etroit, ea ttle, L an caster, P a., and other cities. The program i directed and narrated by R ev . Victor Bea ttie, H ome ecretar)' of the League, and dravvs upon the \Vealth of dramatic tor)' material ac– c umula ted during the evangelistic and cripture distribution campaign of the Pocket Testament League in more tl1an 25 countries in ortl1 and outh Americ... , Europe, Asia and Africa. · C urrently the League i engaged in a continent-vvide cripture distribution pro gram in outh America, cooperating in that area as in A~ia and Africa \.Vi th tl1c man)' mi sionary organizations opera ting in the L atin American countries. H ali a million Gospels of John in l)anish have already been di tributed in Peru, most of them to people ""' ho never before held a Bible or Go pel in their hand . Fron1 Peru the teams are moving on to ( n– lumbia. W orking in on e coun tn, at <1 time, the job is ex1>ected to take~ everal )'ear . Five year vvere spent i11 Africa. Mortgage reduced ( con tinuecl fro,n page 11) Monta na; April 6, E uclid Avenue Bapti t , pokane, Wa h . Apri l 7, Fir t Ba pti t , Ri chla nd , W a h .; April 8 a .m., Fir t Bapti t . Othello, Wa h .; April 8 p .m. , Fir t Ba pti t, P a co. W a h .; April 9, Fir t Bapti t. ca- pon or Ea t Wen 1 a tchee Bi ble Bapti t , W ena tc hee. W a h .; April l 0, Fir t Bapti t. Bellevue, Wa h .: April 11 . Calvary Bapti t, Everett. Wa h., April 12, Fir t Bapti t of ook ack. co- po n or Grace Bapti t , Ever on. Wa h .; April 13, Youth Ra ll), Gate– wood Bapti t , ea ttle. Wa h.: April 14, ( te ntative). Galilee Bapt1 t, eat– tle, Wa h .: Apri l 15 a. m ., Tabernacle Bapti t, eat tle Wa h .; and April 15 p .m. Temple Bapti t, Tacoma, Wa h . T he tour will be climaxed 1with a re– ci tal in the College G} mna ium at 8: 00 p.m. o n Thur day, April 19th. Thi wil l be the o nly appea rance of the choir in Californi a . ·----------------------------~. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 58th Year A staff of eighteen full-time or J>art-time vvorker \\'i tne ing to our Lord's "brethren" in Ohio, \\ 7 e t \ l irginia, Brazil; an<l other area by radio and the mailing mini tr}·. Our polic) to coo1)era te ,, itl1 local e\v T e tament cl1urche in the ac ceJ) ted 111e thod of crit)tural e,·angel– ism, and the J)la,~ing of nev., con, 1 ert . \\ 1 e expres our ar>precia tion to the pa tors and fri end in 54 of our Ohio A ociation l1urcl1c \\ 110 i11 the pa t }'ear l1ave hel1>ed n1ale thi n1in i tr, J)OS ible. "' taff 111en1ber c1re l1ap1>)' to ,i it cl1urcl1es in the , pirit of ct I 5: 4 to . hare re1,ort and i11spirational n1essages co11cerni11g the mini try. \i\ 1 rite for free co1)) - ' '1 'ru1npeter for l sracl1 ' a quc1rterl,- de\ otcd to Je,, i h Prophecie , 't1rrent 1 e,,·s about tl1e Je\, an<l tl1r1ll1r1g report f ro1n 1ni ionaries. Geralc.l \ ' . me I er, u11r. P.O. Bo'\. ~556, 'le, cla11(l 18, Ohio On our beautiful campus over look1r,g San Francisco Bay, high school grads car1 obtai,1- A CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR LIFE AND SERVICE B.A. and 8 .Th . degrees; Bible maior with minors in Theology Pastoral Education, Christian Education, Missions, Music, Greek, Social Science, Education-Psychology, or the Humanities. Co-operative programs leadi ng to B.S. and R.N. degrees, also B.A. and M.B.A. or M.S. degrees in Business Admini strati on . Write for free catalog, Dept. l ACCREDITED: AABC WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE Rev . H. 0 . Van Gi lder, D.D., Preside11 t Hill and Eltn Streets El Cerrito, C lif. PAGE 13 APRIL 1962