The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1962

Dollar day for the GARBC "" , , c..'r,1] l1t1rc.. 11t'~ 111 tl1c..' ()111(> \ s~> 1at1(>11 c1f Rt')gtt ],1r l~ .l' 'lt"L , f1t1rc..,J1L' . 1,a, L tl' 1x1rtL'cl tl1c.1t tl1e,, h v or ' ' iJl 11.1, l ,l ·~1)('l' l,1 l " ,l(l\ SC t ,lSt(lc.' rc)r a "I <>liar Da} 1 " f r tl1t' , \l{l~(."'. 1\t tl11.. ti111t' tl1c)? d(·\ ignat an off r i11l. t<,, ,ltll tl1t' , fiLit i11 tl1c gc.'neral fund. '"l 11(· (.)l11t> cl1t1rcl1L ..~, tl1rot1ol1 tl1 ir con1bin d ffort 1t1ltl <.lt1 111t1cl1 to l1cl1) li111i11a tc tl1i deficit and achie\ 1 C ti, gl1,1l. ,.1 l1L' r ,1rc n o,, 125 hurch .. in this a ociation, r n1c re tl1a11 11e-tc11 th th t tal of th RB th r - fc re ,, c could .. up1)0 ~ that one-t nth of the amount 11c l'dcd l1ould come from Ohio. Bt1 t n1ore than that th re i al the need to e tabli 11 a monthl) 1 budget from the churches to help f1nan e 11ecd of the home office. If each church vvere able to gi, ..e 5.00 more per month than is now being g1, en thi ,\ 1 ould mean that $7 500 could be provided for thi need each year. It is a challenge, but a ,vorth one. Astronaut John Glenn's faith John H. Glenn, Jr., America's fir t man in space to encircle the eareh three times, outlined his religiou faith in simple, movin o terms worth reading by every American. In his recent testimony before the Senate pace Committee in Washington, the astronaut, a PresbJ·terian, said: "I can't say that while in orbit you sit there and pra,l' or anything like tha t. It is- a very busy time. There have been people in the past who h ave tried to put "''ords in my mou~ that, at a certain time, I suddenly lapsed into a prayerful state, or something like that, and this just isn't the case. "I feel \ve should live all of our lives every day as though that were going to be the last day. ow, I fall so far short of this every day that it is pitiful, but , come back and keep trying the next day, an 1 rway. ''But I feel that, to me at least, my religion is not a 'fire-engine' type of religion and not something I call on in an emergency and then put God back in the ,,,ood\,rork in H is place at the end of a particularly stressful period. \\' e tr)' to live every day as best we can} and I think that is the way. "I ,,,ould say the same thing happened on the mission. i\1)" peace has been made wi th my 1aker for a number of ) ears, and so I h ave no particular worries about the future along that line." PAGE 14 APRIL, 1962 The Lord's day morning • • • It is tl1 l' I <>rel'" I :1 1 111 r11ir1g. I si t qt1ictly jn the l1() ll S' or ( ;<>cl \\ jtJ1 J f is rx·<>r>I ', f\ f1t1sl1 < f r ,, I' 11Ce 1)rL' ,,a1l~. l l1c.· <)rgn 11 l)r111gs fa111il1 c1r \ lrai 11 s <>f 1) ·]c)\'ccl <> lei 11\11111", a 11cl 111 )1 l1c·,1rt tt1r11s le> (,<>cl, J)r,1y · rft1l))', gr ,1tl' f tt I I,,. I an1 g ra tcf L1 l f <>r the.' privilege of comi 11g here each \vt·ck tc) jc)i11 in tl1 c ,, c>r J1iJ), si 11g tl1e 1)rai~c\ c>f my a, iottr, adcl my " m c11 '' to t11c JJl''a) 1 e r, ancl l1 carkcn tci 1od's ff r of pardon, 11cacc, ancl I O\l\'Cr , a 11c[ I Ti ~ in, 1 itation to " omc" and to ' ' hide." 1y heart responcls tc) I li command to "Go." I am thanl.ft1l fc>r the ''com– munion of saint ." h ese people arot1nd me are God's 1) opl c and our lives are hid togetl1er with Christ in Goel. Beside me a mo ther sits alon e. Iler children were once all by her side. ow tl1ey are gro\1\ 1 0 and gone! "O Father watc·h over those children, and keep them from evil and thi day may they remember their mother's God!" Beyond her is a married couple prosperous, content. Life is at its best. They havje invested wisely in the bank of heaven, so God has entrusted them with greater s te,vardship of earthly good . What a responsibility! "Lord, keep them faithful to u se Thy gifts for Thy glory!" Across that aisle, a sailor bows in prayer. I am glad he wants to worship with us. ''O God, may \Ve never forget what tl1ese boy endured for us~ Help us to understand and en courage them, and to win our way back into their affection . They may feel strange among u s. For Thy name's ake, make us a friendly people!" earby a family devoutly worships, though one is missing - recently called to that heavenly home where there are no more tears. "Thank )' OU, Father, for such a family whom Thou canst trust to glorify Thee even . ,, 1n sorrow. And, as I watch the bride and groom, radiantly happy, I think of the Lover of our souls Who waits the day w:hien His Bride will sit with Him in the glory. "Blessed Lord, may Thy Bride make herself ready!' ' These all are God's children by faith in the cleans– ing blood of His beloved Son ! These are they whose names are written fore\rer in the Lamb's book of life! These are the member of that great company of the redeemed who shall dwell with God through all eternity! These are my brothers and sisters in Christ! I am so grc1Jteful that I may share their labors, their joys, and their sorrows, and I am glad that "the love of God is h ed abroad in our h earts." If Christians Praised GOD more, the World \vould doubt HIM less. The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST