The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1962

Will you take a subscription quota? "'l 1i1 ti )tls f<ll' tilt' ()f1it l11 t ll' l)(' ll{lt'fll l~clJ)ll ~t lll,ll,ll l<. ' J1 ,l\ <. rc.:' lll,lltl<..' tl ,lt'()\111{1 16()0 l<l 18()0 l'(l l1l l'$ r( lr ,1 ll ll lll l'L'I ( )f \ <.\ 11.... \ L' l L l1c..' rl~ ,11 l' ( )\ ' l' l l ,()00 l11t' 111 I , 11 < t11 ()111<> f c..,ll<>,, ...,J111). ~ 1~111, l)t'r!--<)11,. tl1 cr f r t', dr<: <.' tl1t' r 11 >t i11tt tt'~lt' <.l 111 tl1c 111 ,1g..11i11L\ <1r cl<) tl (ll k11 (>,, tl1 .1t it 1, '..ltt' f t1ll, t'clitt'{l t() I t'l' l ) tl1c111 111f 0 1111 ' cl <) l tl<.' ' ', .1l1 )tit t11 ()111(> f t,llcl\\ sJ11 11 c>f l~cgt1l ,1r l3c11)ti~l l1t1r ,J,t,. ,<.1t1tl1 gr<1t111~. ' ''<)111c11'. ~ocict , 111ccti11g.. c111d 1111~,tf 'll,lrtl' ~ 1 L rJ1a11. st1111c cl c1 11c)t l,11()\\' ,,·I1crc to 111,111 ,l 11 )t1cc· f t1r ~t1bscr11)t1cln ()t1r })c1rt : \ \ <.' offc1 tc.) c1t1r cl1urc l1 es the rock– } tt'C) 111 clt11) rate c.1[ 't 1.50, 11c,, or rcn ,,,al, for ca h f r tt.:11 or 111or ~t1h.. cr1ptio11 . \ \ 1 c \,·ill end ampl e at 10 t'e11t~ cacl1 l111(I t1b, cri1)tion e11 , clopc to tho e ,vho ,1sk for thc111, ,, itl1 d fi11ite })f<)1ni. e and in truction . \ "!\le ,, ill al~c.1 1nc1il a front co,·er each 1nonth for your ht1Ilct111 lx)ard. \ ()Ur 1art: ( 1') \~ ' rite tl1a t )·ou ,,·i] I accept a quota of t<.' 11. 20. ~O or 50 or more ub cri1Jtion to be ent b~- J u11e 30. 1962. ( 2) cl)' ho,,, many copic of the 1110 Independent Bapti t ) ou can carefull) 1 u se, ( 3 _ \ . k for ub criptio11 en,,elope if 1 ·ou want them. \ "ou ma)' ha, e an "OIB Da 1 1 ' if ) 'OU ,vill, pa s <)Ut , ample take ub cri1)tion publicly, se11d them in at 011ce. Or. a ome do )'Ou ma 1 pa)? for ub cription for other , o much a month or all at once. end name and addres e if ,·ou choo, e thi method. ., ddress the Ohio Independent Bapti t Box 184, edar,ille, Ohio, or l\1rs. Joh11 l au tz 4519 \ elling– ton . \ , enue, Parma 34, Ohio. The philosophy of Dr. Eugene Blake con tro, er y tarted recently after the pringfiel<l Dc1il~ 1 .L Te,, and un printed the re olution passed at che 1\ merican ouncil of hri ti an hurche of Ohio meeting in Lima, Ohio. The re olution b1 1 the 1\ , printed in anoth er ~ection of thi magazine, repudiated the "anti-Chris,tian" philo oph')y of Dr. Eugene ,ar on Blake former pre i- dent of the ... Tational ouncil of hurch e . The follo,,'ing da) a11other article appeared \\rith a ta tement b) fi, ·e pa tors in th e pringfield area that defended Dr. Blake. The pa tor in their ta tement said the ch arge again t D r. Blake \\'a ba ed on brief excerptc; from an Ea ter mes, aoe \\ 1 ritten b), Dr. Blake in 19 57. The fi, e pa tt,r c;aid the quotation "''ere taken out of con text. Therefore , ,,·e are printing the re olution b)· the r-\CCC as 1t \\ as u sed in the ne\\·spaper, the statement b} 7 th e pa tor~ and the full text of Dr. Blake' Ea ter mc\c;.agc of 191- to 0 1, e our reader the fu ll story. Page 14 MAY 1962 Camp Patmos work week scheduled It 's ' ( I 'a rl l f I) 1):1i11t t111, f'ix ti f) 1 i111 ·" nt n111 1 I ,1 1111<,s ag~1111, .111c.l tf1t' i11, itnti,u1 is I) ·i11g ·xtc11cl cl t, , ( )l I t<, ,l"i"i t"il \\ 1tl1 t11t' ,,,,1rk ,\ 1,t\ 28 Jt111 · I i,,,,c>I,, ·cl ir • J':i l'l'J):lri11g t]l <.:' 1 cl lll J) f C) f it s ))LI S\ ' Sl111lf11 ' I' SCclSC) tl. ,.l., ]1 l)llllll)t' I' ()r 1)rC)f1()",((I HCC<>1111)Jisl1111c11t" i s grCcll, !)tit 1na11 _ li ctll(l s 111c11,c.· ligl1t \\()} k. '"J 111~ \t'cl t tl1c.· Follc>v,ri11g rir<>j t"' ts ,ire tr> l)c cc)111 1 lctc·cl · c1ll ca l)i11"' a11<.I l)t1ilcli11gs rnt1~t l)c cleanccl, al ~crcc.·11~ c11c tc> l)c.~ clea11ccl c111cl i11~t,1llc.·cl; tl1 c 11<>1) • le 11c is tc> be co1n1)lc tccl; a OC\\ cabi11 \Vil] be bL1ilt; som l)t1iJcli11g~ ,,,ill 11cccf J)a inti11g : t1l1e cli11i11g J1al l i'> to h< e11largccl 1)) tl1 re1no,·I1l of J)art c)f a \\'all; 011e lJL1i ldi11 i. to be 1)artitiion d. Other r>rojccts cc>L1lcl l)c done i t i111c a11d ma nIJO\t\'Cf l)ermit. La t )'ear a carload came to 1am1) f r<>m 1anning ton, \ "f\T. \ 7 a. to help \,ritl1 the cleaning ( ee pictur< oppo. itc I>age) . he e ladic and their pastor, Rer Donald Beightol , JJromi ed to re tur11 again this )'Ca if at all 1)0 ible, fu]l)' l<novling the hard ,vork i11 , roJ,,ed in cl aning and scrubbing cabin . There ,vert al o a fev, 1 ladie from Ohio v.rho ga,,e abl)' of thei as.. i tance and time. hi yea r it i l101)ed that man, otl1er ladie \tvill come, and that the pa .. tor and la)'111e ,,,il l tur11 out in QTeat n umber to a i t ,,,ith the openini (' f the amp. Tho e planni11g to help at amp hould come t< tl1e e\,man Boat dock at andu k,, in time to catcl ,, tl1e 9:00 a.m. boat to Kelle)' I land. Each perso1 hould bring hi O\\'n bedding and per onal itemc; 1,he T ru tee of Home and amp '"rill pro,ride th co. ts of boat tran porta tion food and lodging for al \\'ho come to h elp for at lea t t\i\'O day . Write to Re,,. larence To"'rn end camp upl of Ground Fir t Bapti t Bo,vling Green Ohio. H ,,ri ll be glad to hear that >rou plan to help. Only mediocre churches built? Philip . \ Till Jr. pre ident of the America1 I n~titute of rchiteot a), onl) 1 mediocre churches ar, being built in merica. Church building committee ,ver t:) blamed b ecau e, he says the)' are un,trained and in adequate and smothered the talent of architeots. 1\1r. ill ·poke at the 22nd J ational Conferenc 1 of hurch rchitecture recentl, 7 h eld in Cle,reland. H ,. did concede that architect mu t hare part of th blame for the ,,ra) 1 churche are being built. H e aid ~he merican people hould know mor, 1 ecificall)- \i\'h a t they ivant in a church building an b 0 able to communicate tl1is to architects, but unfo1 tuna tel}. they don' t. 1r. \ "!\!ills said ,:vhat i needed in church designin toda 1 1 i more time - for under tanding, conviction an< acceptance - and le "hurry-up. " H e \i\ 1 amed agains imitating the religious architecture of the pa t. He als, admoni h ed the churche not to expect designer to b both theolooian s and architect . The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS1