The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1962

Donald Beightol , Mannington, W. Va., ,ght a carload last yea r to help clean up p Patmos . The work week is schedu led May 28-June 1. ,arles Martin Ordained Byesville church \n ordi nation council wa called the Calvary Bapti t Church of e ville and met Feb. 19 for ex– ining Charle Martin , Ray E . Fel– ger. clerk of council announced . \t tending the council were Pa tor rold Hou e. Calvary Bapti t; Pa tor mer John on un hine Bapti t ; t ,tor Mar hall H arper, econd Bap- p .1 tor David himp Fairfield oti t: P a tor Ray Fellenger and ee deacon , Ebenezer Bapti t ; Pa - Gilbert Cubbi on and one deacon. v./ Harmon~' Bapti t; Pa tor Roy , k'1nder. Fir t Bapti t ~ Pa tor My- Guy]er. Mar1etta Bible enter; ,tor James Cheatham. Parker burg ile en ter. { O\' Wikander ~ as elected a mod- ., tor of the counci l. Ray ellenger elected a . secretar} of the Ct1arles f artin gave a clear and 1ci e presentation of hi conver - to }1rist and his call to the I p~I n1ini stl'}' J>a<; (or f·el lc11ger I. Hi preparal1on " as at 13oh 11 i vc r i t \ ' . H i doc t r i 11a 1 stat e- ., \\ 1 e1 e i11 accord 1vvi tl1 the • 1pture . Tl i i.::: cot1 nc 1J tu1a n i n1ot1 l,, rcco,11- ., 11(lecl l1i l rcl i11ac io11 ar1tl tl1e serv- \\ a 11 ltl i11 al at ) 13ctJJlisl. svil le tl1e a111 e e\' t;n i11g '" itl1 J>as- J-1 u e 1, r11 ging t 11 ge. l 11 Ii e, . I r . I art i r1 , ,~., i l h 11 i JlJI ) I~ 11 >\\ r>a tO J ing tl1~ )leaver p11 l ht11 11 t}1 l a t St111 l)ur ' IJSI lllll }1 a11d th ( r1] u1 c]1 a l] 111 1 tl1 \\' t e 1 I nr 1 un 1> ,l to I l c JJ n g r i I. e OtilO I t DEP NOE I BAPTIST News in brief Ea tern Repre enta t1ve of the GARB . Rev. A . F. olwell i to peak at the Plea ant iew Bapti t hurch. Wren. Ohio. May 27. Rev. 0. B. Turner i rpa tor. ·'· '1• ... ... Bethan y Bapti t Fellow hip of churche met at haron Bapti t. haron. Pa. Dr. Mo e Gitlin, di- rector of the Me ianic M age to Jew · and lav wa peaker. ... ... ... , . ·1· .. Dr . D. B. E tep, pa tor , alvary Bapti t Church. ovington Ky.. died March 19. He had ju t recently cele– brated hi 35th anniver ary a pa tor of the church . ... ... * • •• . .. A fa ther and on banquet wa held recently at Fir t Bap,ti t hurch. ile Ohio pon ored by the Chri ti– an ervice Brigade Men' Committee. ... ••• ••• ••• •'• .,. Ladie of alvary Bapti t hurch, Bellefont aine, Ohio. packed boxe of cookie and ca ndy to end to the boy in ervice. They met jn the home of Mr . Lydia Wi h. ... "I• -!• ••• . .. . .. A pring B·ible onference with Dr. W. W. Barndollar a peaker wa held at Wheeler burg Mi ionary Bapti t, April 15-22. Years Ago (A look into tl1e past fro111 the I iles of T/1e 0/1io / 11depe11de11t Ba p– t ist 111c1gazi11e.) (30 years ago, M3y, 1932) Rev. George Bate . pa tor at pencer. a chairman of the Young People' committee, planned a pro– gram for the Yot1ng People' Bible conference at Bethe da. R. T. Ketcham "- a pa tor at lyria. The church clerk reported a total member hip of 792. (20 years ago, May, 1942) Rev. H arry hepard, pa tor of Trinity Bapti t Church, Lorai n, wa named circulation manager of the Ohio Independent Bapti t magazine. Rev. Jo eph Mc aba. writing from the African field. appealed for more worker , e pecially for a couple for chool work. The ew Te tament in Zerma wa completed. A vocabulary in four different languag wa fin– i hed and ready for typing. ( ] 0 years ago, May, 1952) The edi tor of the OIB a ked un- day cho 1 and young people ' group to ttbmit nam for the )'Oung people camp on Kelley I land. total of 1 0 ugg tion reached the edi torial office. amper ,:vere to be a ked dt1ring the camping ea ·on to , ubmit other name . LOS ANGELES BAPTIST COLLEGE John R. Dunkin, Th.D. , President Three Year Bachelor of Divinity Degree in Theology Three Year Bachelor of Divinity Degree in Missions Three Year Bachelor of Divinity Degree in Jewish Missions Four Year Bachelor of Arts Degree in Bible or Humanities A growing graduate school of Baptist persuasion in sunny Cal~fornia Address all correspondence to Los Angeles Baptist College, Newhall, California II II/ 1111111111111 r 111 11111111111111 11 11!!lfIf I" I '1, 1111 ·, , , , ,, ear, ,,, • II II ll llJ ~ I J • ' I ,,,, ,,, )1111,t ,,, 11l1.11P• ,1 ,c F ITII Ol\1ETII B'Y HE4 RI C1 "Je,\s ,,110 ,vill 11ot e11t. r ci. cl1t1rcl1 ,vill lt111e 111 o t1r" le ' ~g to I:·rrlel' ' bro<1dc,1st~ ,\i1 e(l o, c1 50 st,\t1ons ,v.1th {'o,1s t -to-coas t i111(l fore1g11 co, er,,ge, 111clt1d111g the ~ t,1t of Isr,l I. Lany r hed for l1risr ~y i:11ail,. .orre I on ten. c C>t1 1 e n r1 l 1,er 011 1 alls. l l1t n11n1~t1)', no" ' 1n 11 • 1c 26th ye,tr, i dep nd 11t under od upon the 'I \/1\I 1COUI.1SO 'SllfJPIIElll>, l)f, )erful and fi r1ancial sup1 ort ~f li1 peo.ple. I I ll11>ire.r. tor. f.'or!11.vtars i u • "etl<l for free cop)' o f tl r 11lforr11nt1v :i 111 g- 11 l I tir e GoBJJt l I t ,u Jjt r y . Cl T I R \F. I az i11, ll~ ' • 4; 1 ;J "'· I _ 1 1 1 1 1~~11\,,111, - _ ' 1 1f.l, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL, Inc. lln 6 2, l, e n t'rnl r,o t ( tl i<'<', t>\\ York l, Ne" \ ork P ge 15 MA'r 1962