The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1962

ean o _tu ents as • many respons, By RICHARD T. MclNTOSH EDITORS NOTE: R1c·l1 t1r l 1·. 1\f c·/ 11t() /1. D ea,, of , ... t,rclc. 111 , <II Ce<lt1r,·1/le ( ,c>llege /en,t , <1 /)11 ,,· /1/e. /Jttt 1111<!011/Jte<I– /,· <l I c. ,,.<11 tli11r: 011c <l ' lie ,vork., • ,,·ir/1 ,111cle11t f r c>1 11 C) ttr c l111rc l1e. . Ht! 1s al ,·o c·l1a ir111a11 of r l,e /Joa rd <) f tlcaco11 ,· <rt Grace Bapti. t l111rcl1. e<l<11~·ille. Ol1io . Hi ec/11catio11al backgrottnd i11c/11de\ <l B . A. cle(?ree i11 E11g– /1 /1 fro1 11 Br) 1 a11 College. Day– to11. Te1111e. ee. a11d B.D. and T/1.1\1. degree f ro111 Grace Tl1e– ologic<1l e111i11ar)'. Winona Lake, J 11dia11a. Hi practical back– f!to1111<I L co,rzpo, ed of over eio/1 t )'ear i,1 far1n ing, in- d 1, tr)·. a,zd p11 blic relation lt'ork. /11 acldition to his adn1ini - trati\'e d11tie. M,. Mclr1tosh i c11rrentl)' teacl1ing nine emester /101trs of Bible and eli 1 Te ta- 111 e11t Greek. :·:.:.:.;.:.:.:-:....:·:·:·!'-:·:·:.:.:·:·:·: ·=·.·:.:·:•••·••.• ...• .•.•.•.• ..•• .........• ......• ·•..· .•.• .•..•• .•.• .•.•.....••• ........• .•.••••••••..•.• .••••..•••.• ••.• ..· .• . ·.•.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.•.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:·.·.·.·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·······:······-·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ....................................................... ······· .·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.-.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· In pr enting the di tinctive pro- gram of Cedarville College, a de– cription of the tudent per onnel ervice of the College and the re- pon ibiliti of the Dean of tudent may be of greater intere t to the reader than a per onal te timony. The direction of tudent per onnel ervic i the ta k of any Dean of tudent . but in a Chri tian College he i in charge of the organization ~nd admini tration of all program having to do with the piritual a well a the phy ical and ocial welfare of the tudent . t Cedarville we feel that the tak– ing of Bible cour e and attendance in da ily chapel ervice are not enough to a ure a per onal relation- hip ""ith Je u Chri t and a con– tinuou growth in grace and knowl– edge of H im. Con equently, our tud– dents are required to attend the regu– lar ervice of a local church, cla and all- chool prayer meeting and at lea t one erie of pecial evan– geli tic. Bible conference, or mi ion– ar) ervice each eme ter. They are al o encouraged to have daily priva te devotion . to at tend dormitory and Page 2, MAY, 1962 n11,"t()nar\' pra\ er meeting\, , 11c.l to parti ipatc in · n1c l} PC of hri.t ian r ice acti it . he Dean direct the hri ti an er ice pr gram and keep rec rd f the religiou activitie f ca h tudcnt . In caring for the phy ical need of it tud nt , the ollege mu t provide adequate tudent hou ing ee to it tha t they get uffioient food and re t to mainrt:ain good health, provide pportunity and facilitie for nece - ary recreation and e erci e and maintain health and coun eling erv– ice for tuden who have phy ical or emotional problem . The Dean i generally r pon ible for the e erv– ice and pecifically inter ted in the upervi ion of all re idence ball the direotion of the College coun el– ing ervice , and the admini tration of the tudent health and accident in- urance progr,am . Social Development To help in ure proper ocial de– velopment of the individual t udent and hi inter-reaction with maller and larger group , the new tudent are given in truction in acceptable ocial practice throUJgh the College orientation plfogram and are en– couraged to participate in at least one ou{-of-cla activity. More th'an 15 tudent organization are maintained to meet the need and individual in– tere t of the tudents . The Dean erve a advi er to the Student Coun – cil and aots a coordinator for all extra-curricula·r activitie . The admini tration of both remedi– al and p u nitive di oiplioe upon tho e individual or group of tudent who cannot. or will not abide by the e tabli hed tand'ard of Ohri tian con– duct, College regulation and ac– ceptable ocial practices i al o the re pon ibility of the Dean of Stud- ent . The purpo e of these activitie and the ju tification for the countle hour ,pent in the variou tudent per onnel ervices by both tudent and taff members i the preparation of young people for the cau e of Chri 1 who are piritually m ature. phy ically fit, and ocially acceptable a well a academically di ciplined and mentally RICHARD T. MclNTOSH alert. The competi ti on and ch allenge of the twentieth century demand the be t in every area of training and development for the hri tian young per on. The cripture peak to u who h1ave admini trative po ition among believer a to what our attitude . motiv and re pon ibilitie are to be: H. • • taking the over ight thereof not by con trai nt, but willingly· not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind: neither a being lord over God's heritage but being en ample . . ." (I Peter 5: 2, 3). Pray for u , tb1at our work may be approved of God, a we eek to train young people both in and out of the cla room to bring honor and glory to Hi name. Hebrew Christian Society (An Independent Baptist Miss ion) 2524 Euclid Heights Boulevard Cleveland 6, Ohio * * * PRESENTING CHRIST Through leans of: Literature Distribution House-to-House isitation Youth Classes Adult Forums Camp athanael- Huntsburg, Ohio * * * PRESENTING THE JEWISH NEED T o Christians by 1\ leans of: ' 'H~BREW CHRISTIAN VIEWS AND NEWS' ' tation WCRF-FM, Cleveland tation WDLl\1, E. Moline, Ill. Publication: TAR OF D \ 1 ID REV. ALA C. 1ETC LF, Director The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTI