The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1962

From Our Schools John on City welcomes n,any at open house C1l t:•ri1.,,. t\ (tll 7. tl1c f.1ct1lt,. ,t ,ff at1ti ,tt1\.lc..'r1t, ,.11 ll ~l()t1,t l31l1lc 'n1ina1 \. J )hr1, 111 l 1t,. . J ,, cl · ,,11\..' i the lat gc,t 11t1111l c, ct gttL-..t , to )l' 'n ~l 1t1,(' 111 tl1c ten , t.:,1r 111,tor, "'t cl1c t)C' 1 h.)tl . Rcgt,trnt1 n "h '"c~l ~ -; It, gt1c,t, , 1,1tt: l 'la~" . 1 ~,tlcn c 11.111, ~111'-i .1Lin1ini'itr~1t1 n an(I office l"t11lti1ng,. \[ r pat r~ a c n1pan1ec.l gr "'t1p, t t 101 tl1c1r chu r he than in • c.n, pr,1ot1 ,ear. ~t an\ church - - gr1t1p, arri, ed Tht1r d l)' eveni ng. B,1pt1 t Bible eminar, tudent c unt- - ed 1t a real privilege to ,racate their r on1 to pr ~ ide quarter for the gt1e t in th dormit ri . Gue t en– j ) cd lun h in the cho I cafeteria , nd then br \\' d around in the en1tnar) Librar)'. Bookroom or tr lleu through the campu garden . ~I od} cience film wa hown in th church audi torium in the after– n n. concert featuri ng B.B. . tu<lent under the direction of the \f u ic and Chri tian ervice Depar t– ment \\'a pre ented a t 7: 30 p.m. ~hro~ghout the ,vhole day the Bap– t1 t Bible eminary di play hown in man}· of the building attracted wide attention. The eminary look for– ": ard to Open H ou e each year a a time o f meeting new friend and \\elcoming back many alumni, pa tor and other friends of B.B. . Expansion fund The Exp.1n ion Fund thi year ha been directed by Ph illip wender Trea urer of The A ociated tudent Council. To date 2.1 09 .69 ha been gt\ en b} tudent and friend of the tudent for thi wo rthy project. The tudent d ire to aid the library fund and al o upply a vehicle to the go pel team that \\ ill enable them to accept many more engagement in churche and chool . We prai e God for H is ble ')ing and believe tha t He wi ll up– pl} the balance to meet the goal of 4.000. If )OU feel led of the Lord to help the tudent in the Expan ion ~und plea e e~d your gift to Bap– t1 t Bible em1nar,, John on City, e\\ York. Record enrollment expected The pro pect of an enlarged en– rollment for next fall at We tern Bapt1 t Bible College. a indicated b_ the number of application al– read}' ~ecei\,ed a t the middle of Apr il. ha · g1\'en further timulu to the 11lnn11ing ff)r c11largctl fnci l1t1c, . ·l"hc i\ l ,1, tc1 1,1,,n C t)t111111tt cc ha, n1el will1 a 11 ,\ 1 ch 1 t cct \\ 11() 1, p r c1,a 11 n g ar1 t)YC r– a ll 111 ,111 ,, l1 ic l1 \\ 111 ,h<)\\, the loca l10 11 ,\ ntl tcat t11 c, t) l l1t1 i l t l i11g "" h1ch mu~t l1 c o 11 t ru ct c <.I t o n1 cc l l hc ~111 ti c i pat c tl nccLl'i of" ,tt1tlc 11t l1otJ} e pcctcJ to 11L1n1l1cr 50() h) 197(). rhe L1mn1cr c \ ion begin Jun e l 5th a t1ti ex tend t cpl. 7. Wh ilc the . t1n1mcr cho 1 i in e ion the cc n(I nnual ummer ombly \\ill be held, ug. 13- 17. Thi i a \\reek f Bible co nference and hri t– ian rvicc work hop for pa tor and laymen. ho e ""ho a ttend from out of the ci ty ""ill be hou ed and fed on campu , and with afternoon free for recreation and Bay Area tour , the w ek provi de an opportunity for .1 n enj oyable and profitable vacation. Applications increase at Los Angeles School The need for additional f acilitie become more evident a ~he appl ica- tion increa e at the Lo An,oele Bapti t College & eminary. We ~on– ~inue to prai e the Lord for the m any improvement which have been made on campu and believe that Septem– ber will find u providing a mo t profitable academic environment. The new Admini tration-Dinino- Hall building ite i being prepared and con truction will begin a oon a we have fund to take u through the early tage . Friend are urged to remember thi project in prayer and in contribution for it cannot be built apart from a ca h ba i . The campu · has benefited from the pring rain and tudent and faculty are enjoying the variou cene a~ai lable on thi large property. Graduating tudent are making plan for the future and praying for guid– ance where pecial deci ion are faced. Three new faculty member have been added to the teaching taff. Mi Mary Jo hort, Chri tian Education D irector a t Grandview Bapti t Church, De Moine . Iowa will head the Chri tian Educa t ion department . Rev. R ich ard Pa tter on of Inglewood California wi ll become in tructor in language and theology and Mr. Ed– mond Gru will be in tructor in apologetics. A We tern barbecue wa held May 12 under the dir ection of the Col– lege tudent . The eminary tudent have taken a their project the reno– ,,a tion of the wimming pool and are being pressed to open it immediately. Cedarville College • a ppo1nts ma nag er 1.J()',tl I{ . Till er is now serving a. l1usin css n1 ,1,1ngcr a l ( ctlarvi llc ol lcgc. I le ~tartc<.l l1 is 11 c\.V Wl)l'k April r;o, a ntunl1cr c>f yca1 Mr. Milici "icrvcd a\ pt11 chasi ng agent for th ( ' c)n lru ct1on P1 oc.lt1cts, In c. of f)e Moi nes, Jowd. He taL1ght an adu Bible cla\\ in O C't Moi ne\ and wa the chai rma n o f the b arc.J of dea co n . H is per onal testimony fo ll ow "Oct. 6, J 938, in a little countr school hou e God poke to my hea, ·------~------- Mr. Lloyd R. Miller th e word " it i appoined unto mt once to die but after th i the jud m~nt" (Heb. 9: 27). That night gui lty condemned inner met Jes Chri t f ace to face . It wa n't un ovember 29, 1951 , uhat I real iz, God wanted my body for H i ervi a nd tha t night after year of in at hame I u r·rendered all to Him. Th God began to make my life wort whi le. About five year ago I realiz God wanted our f amily to get rea to move, bL1t trained u to wait , H im. "Then ov. 3. 1961. I received let ter from Dr. J ame T . J eremi, ~re i.dent of Cedarville College. a~ 1ng if I would con ider workino J b the college. At tha t time I wa wot ing for Con truc tion Products, I, in . Des 1oi ne , Iowa a their pu re a 1ng agent . After havi ng worked f th i firm 14 year , it wa not e, to let go, but God very clearl) vealed H i will to u and on Feb· ary 14 1962, we received a call come a the Bu ine 1an ager wh· I accepted via phone the ame d ·'After arriving a t Cedarville. 1 work ha proved to be a ble ing • yond word . There i peace in , hea rt tha t c1n only be known being in God" appointed place God' appointed time. "