The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1962

Mission News Mid - Missions candidate sen,inar planned l' "-'\ . I '" ... 1zcl l . l "l t1rn. .,11tlttl.1tl' s ... · 'l,,r\ )I \1 1'.l \t 1,"H-'11, . 111111111" \ . tlll'\ \\ tll l1l' 11 ltfltlg l11Cll l .,11"-i ilt.,rc \ c1111n 1r l,11 tl1c can1pt1, ol "- f.1 ' \ ll l' (. ~ ) 11(' g L J t 1 l\ 2 ~ -1\ l 1 g. -+ . ,,11c ... \l • 1n1..I11..i.1tc \\ 111 l1c attc11tling 1l1 c c t) 11, In •l tt Li 111 g t C\.l chcrs a 11 ti tlltt11l1cr t)t ~l itl \I i, H)ns staff thcr , \ 1 l l h .1 pf 1 1 n 1 a t \: 1) 45 i n a 11. D tt r– I n g tl1c~e 1..i.1\,. th candida te are ~ - rht)r\1t1gl1]\ reened . in~tru ted c n- - crn1ng the n1i ion and it p licie , and pre nt <l ,, ith a challenge of it n1an, f1 ld f lab r. - ~ l1d-~[1 i n ,ind ot1r ther G RB appro, ed 011_ i n agencie are to be t1ngratt1lat d n their pra):erful and carcft1l appr ach in electing mi - i nar) pe onnel. Concerning gospel tracts There i a tendency on the p·ar t f man) to di count greatly the ef– f tivene of a tract mini try. Re– centlj \Ve read an article written by the late D.~1. Panton which i well \Vorth p·a ing on to our reader . ··The printed page never flinche , ne, er ho\\.r cowardice· it i never tempted to comprom i e· it never tire , never grow di heartened· it travel cheaply. and requires no h ired hall: it work while we leep· it never lo e it temper, and it work long after we are dead. ··The printed page i a vi itor which ge in ide the hou e and tay there· it al\\ ay catche a man in the right mood. for it peak to him only when he i reading it· it alway tick to \\hat it ha aid, and never an wer back: and it i bait left permanentl y in the pool. n Care hould be taken in the elec– tion of tracts; they hould be thor– oughl)' cripturial and before be– ing di tributed hould be prayed O\er. Even though every tract may not bear fruit, ome will. God ha promi ed that His Word 'v\ 1 ill not return to Him void. Let u be bu y owing the eed for our Master! ··son go 'At·ork today!" A missionary's translation of First Corinthians 13 '·If I have perfectl)' and ha,,e not Hi nothing. the language ever o peak like a native and love for them. I am ·If I ha\e diploma and degree and knO\\' all the up-to-date method Page 2 JUNE, 1962 allll 11,\\C lll)l li t\ l t)t1·l1 t)f tlntlcr– ,t,ltllling lt)\C. I ,1 n1 notl1i 11g. If I a ,11 ,1l1lc to ,1rgt1c \ttccc"i~f ttll y ag:,in t tl1c1r rcl1g1011\ ,1ntl make fool, l f l t1 c r11 anu have n t H i~ w oing 11 le. l am n<)lh u1g. " If I h·1vc a ll fai th a11d grea t ideal~ a11tl n1agnificcnl pl an\ and have not H i lo c that v\'Ca l and bleed an(l f) ra) a nti plead , I am n thing. ··1f l ttrrender all pr pect , le, vc home and friend , a nd mak the acri– ficc o f a n1 i ionary career, and turn our and elfi h amid the d,aily an– noya nce and ligh of a mi ionar y life. and though I give my body to be con urned with the hea t and fever of a hea then land and have not love that y i e 1 d its r i gh it 1 e i ures, it p 1 an I am nothing. irtue ha ceased to go out of me . If I c:in heal all manner of ickne and di ea e but wound heart and hurt feeling for want of Hi love that i k ind I am nothing. · If I can write ar,ticle or publi h book tha t win applause but fail to tran cribe the Word of the Cro in the language of Hi love, I am noth– ing. And may I add I will mo t mi erably fail." - Author unknown Cause for concern "The Roman Catholic mis ionary agency, Society for the Propagation of the F ai th ; ha relea ed figures bowi ng it recent gain in Asia. Ac- cording to it report Romani m i making 1,000 converts mon~hly in Hong Kong. In a ix-week period in Korea, 12 000 converts were bap– tized. while in Viet am the numeri– cal gain in four year ha been 63 ,- 000. Pray that A ian di ati fied wi th their own religion may not imply become adherents of another y tern. but might come into a vital, per onal relation hip with J e us Chri t.' ' - Mi ionary Mandate Some quotable quotes "Mi ionaries taught u to read, but Communi ts gave u the book .' - Grand on of Mahatma Ghandi " I will place no value on anything I have or may po· e , except in re– la tion to the Kingdom of Chri t. ' ' - D avid Living tone "Though our ta k i not to bring all the world to Chri t . . . our ta k i unque ti onably to bring Chri t to all the world. - A. J. Gordon REV . DON MOFFAT " I f we h1ve anything to briing in th e name of God to a world in need it i certainly n t our own piety, ou1 own way of life, our own mode5 o ~hought or our own human help What the hurch ha to give in it world mi ion i the good new of , divine act in hi tory of the Wort made fle h. Apart from a Wore which i from God, and not fron man there i no Chri tian mi ion In face of the powerful anti-Chri tia, force operating in the world toda we reaffirm our faith that the revela tiion of God in Christ i the onl way of del iverance for mankind an th'at it alone can provide the founda tion for an order of ooiety that wi l be according to the will of God." - Count von Zinzendor Missionary needs In pmying for your mi ionarie· a k the Lord to upply the following 1. Enough HEALTH to make the work enjoyable. 2. Enough WEALTH to meet the many needs. 3. Enough STRE GTH to battl all difficulties and overcom them. 4. Enough PATIENCE to to faithfully until omething i a< oompli hed. 5. Enough CHARITY to reac other effectively for Chri t. 6. Enough FAITH to make re. the th ings of God. 7. Enough HOPE to remove a fear for the future. Cause for reioicing! According to a recent tudy, tl increa e of Protestant church men ber h ip in Latin Amerioa during tl la t ten year wa 9 .1 per cent a1 nually while the po.pulation increa it elf wa only 2.4 per cent annual] The large t gain were reported Co ta Rioa with a nearly 40 per ce increa e in church member hip ar in Venezuela with ju t under 20 p cent. Roman Catholic leader . \\ 1 l have regarded Latin American olidly within the fold of that fai for four centurie , are alarmed these development and are OO\V en ing mi ion :i ry prie t to thi part The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTI!