The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1962

BOOK REVIEWS THE I~GI:'\G ANGEL b1 alli Lee Bell ~ Zo11der1' a11 , Gra11d Rapids, $2.50 Thi Chri tian novel involvec; the con– r _ion of :\'orman \ "\' ilde ,, 110, becau<;e ad, er e circum tances, found herself 1plc,)·ed a a singer in a ,,·estern saloon. jealou , unsa,·ed suitor, i\lort, makes e miserab]e for her until his la\,rless ed'l are disco, ered h) the la,v authori- ~- ondemnation of social evils ,\rill l1elp e reader of thi book understand the 'Cessit) for li,·ing a hol)' and acceptable e before the Lord. Faithfulness to God 11 al,, a, s assure Hi ,va tchfulness and re o,·e; His child. - Reviewed b}· arence H . ToYv,nsend. ews in brief Profe or Bruce Turnbull of Cedar– lle College poke on Sunday, May 3 at Berea Bapti t Church. D r. Ken– !th Good poke on May 20 during e ab ence of the pa tor. ••• ... . i, ... ., . <;• Rev. 11ilo Williams of Van Wert 1 accepted a call to the Open Door apti t Church, pencerville. .......... ·.· .. ·.· ·.· ·.·.·.·.·.·•·.•.·.••··•·•··•·········.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.--.·.·.·.·.·.· .... ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.•.•.·.·.•.·.•.·.·•·.·.·.•.·.·.•· .: ..:·:·:·:·:·::::::::·:=:::::·:=:·:=:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· ·.· .. ·•·.·.·•· .... ............ ................ .............................................. Vhat is truth? (Continued from page 9) !fore Him who is the TRUTH . And !re we would recall but one more ·f erence: "Wherefore God al o h ath ghly exalted Him, and given Him name which i above every name : 1at at the name of Jesus every knee 1ould bow, of thing in heaven , and 1ing in eanth ; and every tongue 1ould confe that hri t J e u is ord, to the glory of God the F ather." Phil . 2. 9-1 1) . Th is f 1nal word: May each reader ( th is mes age come to o love Him 1at He will truly fill the ent ire 011 on of his life. A 5omeone ha 11u .. ( hnist the center, c11 cumfer– nce, concentra tion and extention of 1 ery phase and thought and aim of 1e l1ri tian '" life.,, What else cot1ld 1i really mean to a ( hild of Go(I - J1 ether )'Oung or of 111 aturc )'Cars , is expres ell i11 the lir1cs of pocn1 ) a11 t111kr1ov{11 author: S O l .. Y" ·· at1gl1t of elf to m~r 11 is glor)', a u1gJ11 of i11 to 111a kc it (lin1, Ju t a glofliou gloriot1 f1i11i11g hat tl1e 1 rientJ ar Jt111d t:c l1in1 , J~ lJII f tio11 jO)' al)OU11di11g, I ,er) 1r1 r11 i 111g 111 rci 11e\\'. .. r) Ja) Ji i C>n iot1 J>rt nee, All f:ll) lile 011 intc;f\' lC\'.. 11 11 e J J ,11 e, t 11 11 I I 1 a 1l Ji · n1 1 S .. n1) I Il l 1 .. l1e rti i1ied '. \\ J1at gl 1 i u da)' i t, r di i11g, J a 11 d J, quit at i f i d.,, Rev. Donald E. Matheny i now pa tor of the Emmanuel Bapti t hurch, Clark burg, We t Va. The Rev. Nir. Matheny recently re igned the Roches ter Bapti t hurch, Ro– chester, Ohio. ON DUTY -All Summer In summer as in winter our missionaries witness to the Jews of our own and other lands. Pray for a great summer harvest - and book now for your Fa ll program the beautiful Christian film, "They Looked for a City." Your continued interest assu res our continued m inistry. THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL Mi ssion ary a nd Re lief Society, Inc. 1218 Chestnut Street , Philadelphia 7, Pa . l.l 11iq1ie cl1alle11gi ng publication. I RAEL 1,11' GLORY free i1p01i request. Summer session offers Bible study, workshops The econd ummer A embl}' , held on the campu of We tern Bible College, Augu t 13-17, will offer Bible tudy and informative v.·ork- hop . Two e ions dail,· will be con– ducted by Rev. Fred Barlow for un– da y chool work and church vi ita– tion. Other work hop will deal v.·ith coun eling for pa tor , · children in the Chri tian home and in the chil– dren, church," mi ion in the local church, mu ic in the local church. neo-evangelicali m, and ect1menici m. Mr. Thie en, Dean of tudent at the Bible College will conduct the work hop on coun eling; Mrs . an Glider that on children ; Mr. Fi k and other the mi ion work hop; !fr. Caulkin chai rman of the mu ic de– partment, will conduct the work hop on mu ic in the local church; ice– Pre ident chimmel will conduct the di cu ion of neo-evangelicali m on three morning of the week, and Rev. George Moore of Walnut Creek v.'ill di cu ecumenici m on Tue da} and Thur day. Each day' program, Monday through Thursda 1 , will conclude ,vith an addre on prophecy by Pre ident Van Gilder. In thi erie he \\ ill pre ent the following ubject : hWh n the ai nt Obtai n ew Bodie ., "When the aint Obtain Their rown ,'' "'When the ai nt Obtain the Kingdon1.' BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY TRAINS LEADERS! B. B. S. Graduates Are Serving With Distinction at Home and on the Mission Field If you are called to full time Cl1r1stian Service, you shou ld prayerfully consider what Baptist Bible Sernir1ary offers. FOR . URTHER INFORMATION WRITE TO DR. ARTHUR WOOLSEY, PRESIDENT ThB. Bre & Diploma Courses BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY JOHNSON CITY, N. ·