The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1962

No rthfi e ld (Cont'd . f rom page 7) will for me. Chri tian parent began early to teach and train me in the things of the Lord. Though I wa born into a Chri tian home, taken to Sun– day School as a baby, and taught God's Word yet, as every other in– dividual , I needed to accept Jesu Chri t as my personal Saviour to be assured of eternal life. It was at the age of six through the counsel of my mother that I became a member of God's family through Jesus Christ. During the childhood and adoles– cent years it was my privilege to at– tend a Regular Baptist Church. The Lord used a godly pastor and his wife to direct my attention to Baptist Bible Seminary in John on City, New York. The four years spent at B.B.S. under the teaching of men and women of God were a blessing and provided a challenge in my life. After gradua– tion the Lord led my steps to the Im– manuel Baptist Church in Fort Wayne, Ind. There I had the opportunity of serving the Lord as Christian Edu– cation Director and church secretary. The next step in my life was back to school. The way was opened that I might attend the State University Col– lege of Education at Cortland, New York, to do graduate work in the field of elementary education. At the same time the Lord opened another area of service and experience, that of teaching mentally retarded children at the Syracuse State School in Syra– cuse, .Y. After working with the retarded children and all their variou problems and disturbances I cannot cease to prai e the Lord for allowing me a sound mind and the ability to learn. But the Lord had another step for me and in His time this step was made clear and definite and today I am Chri tian Education Director and church secretary at the Northfield Bapti t Church. How I prai e the Lord that He not only open the way and directs the steps I am to take but - He goes before. Streetsboro church recognized A recognition service for Bible Baptist, Streetsboro, was held at the church Oct. 5. Rev. Jes e Howell is pastor. Examination council met at 12: 30 p. m. and elected Pastor George Huffman of Euclid-Nottingham, chair– man, and Kenneth E. Nelson of North Royalton as clerk. The history, covenant and consti– tution were thoroughly reviewed and heartily accepted. Public ervices actually began in Oct. 1960 when Pastor Howell began hi mini try par tially supported by the Cedar Hill Baptist Church. At the evening re– cognition service, Paul Schenck of Twinsburg was song leader; Dr. John Balyo was main speaker and Kenneth Nelson extended the welcome and led in the dedication prayer. Has record attendance First Baptist Church, Medina, Rev. Kenneth Smelser, pastor, had a rec– ord attendance of 393 Oct. 14. A new three-story wing will be dedi– cated about Thanksgiving. Wauseon Gerald Wagnitz, a graduate of ed arville College, i now pastor of Fir t Bapti t Church, Wau eon. Mr. Wagnitz wa licensed to preach by Grace Bapti t Church, edarvil]e. ......... ········ .... .......... , .... ................ ......... ...... ......... , .... .............. - • Sound in Doctrine • Evangelistic in Thrust • Intensely Missionary • Completely Baptistic Under this seal is published the Sunday School literature containing the Baptist principl_es that . set us apart from the menace of con~or,n1~m. Sance 1952 Regular Baptist Press has consistently brought forth doctrinally sound literature for all wh~ ,vould avail themselves of it. As good a, the m.ate~1al m~y b~ that you are using, if it is w,deno.m!nat!onal in character then the precious Baptist d1sunct1Ve) are being acrificed, and for what? 1'he youth of }'Our hurch (Baptist or not) de erve the und~st of • Free from Compromise ' W h · t can doctrine for these day,. \'e 1c • • • 1 be yours. Write for your !ree ~arnple pac et tod )'! REGULAR BAPTIST PRESS Su ite 1246, 608 South Dearborn Street, Chicago 5, Illinois The Christian Seriptures have been best-sellers in Japan for the third con– secutive year according to the Ameri– can Bible Society. The total distribu– tion of Bibles, Testaments and por– tions in Japan in 1961 was 2,505,305 copies. This compares with a di tribu– tion of 1 000,000 copies for the single book that led the Japanese non-fiction list, and 250,000 copies of the leading fiction best-seller. Over 476 000 New Testaments were di tributed, which means that, book for book, sales of the New Testament were almost twice the sales of Japan's most popular novel. - American Bible Society Lancaster Rev. Clark E. Spalding, 1471 E . Main St., i now pastor of Fir t Bap– ti t Church, Lancaster. The Rev. Mr . Spalding come from Rochelle, Ill. Pastors Youth Workers Advertising Helps for your Youth Program Write f or FREE information, samples AB· SENTEE CARDS, Youth Posters, Teen Bib le Book Marks, Scripture Stationery, Scripture Pads. Roy Wolfe Creations Box 2562 Sepulveda, Calif. 72 page Scripture Book CARTOONS for YOUTH order today; $1 each CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 58th Year A staff of eighteen full-time or l)att time vvorkers witnessing to our Lord's "brethren" in Ohio, '''e t ' ' irg1n1a, Bra21l; and other areas bv radio and the ma1hng ministry. Our r)ol1cy to cooperate ,v1 th local e,v Testa111e11t churcl1es 1n the ac ce1)ted n1ethods of cr1ptt1r.1 l e\angel 1s1n, antl tl1e 1>t1cing of ne,,, c?nverts \ ~ 7 e expre s ot1r a1)1 rec11t1011 to tl1e l)<l~tors a11d frientls 111 i:,4 of o~r ()1110 .\ ssociatio11 hurcl,c ,vho 111 tl1e 1>.1 t ,tar l1ave l1el1>"tl 111 ke tl1is 111ir1i"tr 110 !)tble. '-,t,1 ff 111en1hers nre l1 .11>1>v to , 1 · 1r cl1t11 t l1cs in tl1e S}lirit of t\ ts l ~. 1 to sl1a re re1 ort ,1 ntl in ·1>ira tio11 l 1ncssngcs 011cer11ing tl1c 111i11i~tf)'. f f "1"" t \:\!rite or ree 01> , rt1111\ e er for l srael" , qu rterl ' elevate< to Je\vish J>ropl1c"'ies, t1rre11t e\v a hotlt tl1e Je\\'S , 11d t}1ri)]i11g T 1 rt– fro111 111i '"'io11arie:s. ralcl \ 7. 1ne] er, U}lt. P.l . Bo· 3556, levelancl 18, hio