The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1962

oo \t \ tlo'II· Ever try to wri t e a 16 page letter e ach month? 0? \\ ell. here i, a \\'a , to gi e a hri tma gi ft to a mi ion ary, pas tor ('f chttr h 111cn1her thnt \\. ill be a our cc f in. p ir ati on and ble ing for twelve ,, h 1lc 1111nths. ) ct cost JU t a lit tle n1ore tha n po tage, le than 17 cent a month. Fill t1t the f rn1 bel , toda_v for an ine pen ive gift and h ave the r1lt.:a,t1rc f kno,,ing that 1 ot1r gif t will bring piritua l ble ing in 1963 . SUBSCRIPTION BLANK The Ohio Independent Baptist Magazine want to give the O hio Independent Bapt ist m agazine a s a Christmas gift. Please enter the f oll ow ing s ubscr ipt ion s for the year 1963 and do d o not send a ca rd w ith my name inserted. Name Address City, State Name Address City, State (Use separa te she e t for addi t iona l names) Money enclosed ($2 .00 each) (Sig ned) (Address) Ohio Independent Baptist - Circulation Manager 4519 Wellington Ave. , Parma 34, Ohio COVER PICTURE: Could you till smile after ervi ng over 100 people a buffet lunch? Well, the e ladies of orton Center Bapti t , Barberton , a nd Brown Street Bapti t Akron, just f inished er ving lunch at Hillto p Hou e during the annual a ociation v i it to the home f or the aged . Shown (left to right) are H elen R adabaugh , Flor ence Roger , M arth a Brown, orton: Loi Todd, Brown Street : Po lly K ey, orton : Loui Henty' . Tommie Thomp on, Brown Street . The Ohio Indep endent Bapt ist ... Publ ished Monthly by .. , THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Bap tist 4 519 W e ll ingt on Ava. , Parma 34, Ohio Editorial Offi ce : Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month STAFF Editor . . . James R. Johnsor Box 184, Cedarvi e, Ohio Circiilation Manager .. Mrs. John Kauo 4519 W ellington Ave., Parma 34, 0 W omen's Editor . . . Mrs. Inez Milne1 C leveland Heigh ts, Ohio Y ou th Editor . . . ... .. . .... Dave Gowe1 Portsmouth, Ohio Assistant Y outh Editor ..... Jerry Bonzc Portsmouth, Ohio Mission's Editor . Rev. Donald Moffa 1 Cedarville, Ohio Sec. to the Editor Mrs . D onald Moffat, Cedarville, Ohio Council and Officers Chairman T. Fred H ussey 615 Wahi ngton Ave., Niles, Ohio Secretary . ... . . .. Rev. John Stron~ 727 Mentor Ave. , Painesville, Ohic T reasurer . . . .... .. Rev. Lynn Roger• 7854 N . Boyden, Northfield, Ohic J\,fissionary Chr. ...... Rev. Donald Moffa Cedarville, Ohio Y 01ith Director .. Rev. Glenn Greenwoot 315 S. I(ensington Pl., Springfield, 0 E ducation Chairman D r. J ohn Bayle 11 26 Cleve land Ht . Blvd. C leve]and 21, 0 hio OTHER MEMBERS Dr . Edward Morrell Jr. R. K enne th Smel er C larence T own end Earl V. Willett. Dr . Howard G. Young The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the fi rst of each month in Xen1a, Ohio, USA, by The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. It is a magazine devoted to Christian fel1o\vship and faithfulness to the truth. membership. In requ esting change in address, please give o1< as wel l as new address. Subscription rate: $2.00 per year. Single copies, 20 cents. Special rates given to churches that subscribe for complete Advertising rate card sent on request . Advertising copy shoul< be in this office 30 days before da te it is to run . l\1anuscript~ pl1otos that are submitted should be accompanied by self-ad d ressed envelopes and return postage if you \\ 1 ant them returned