The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1963

. , e airman s orner l ,. /le,. 1\ 1 4 rcd JI,,,,<,, /1 ii, 111a11. 01111cil c>J 1 ('Jl tltll111cr 11l('lltll, l ri11g L1 lt1ll (JI L\ ""' ll\ it, i11 till' Ill)\\ l)I l1ll\llll' '-" • fldllllll' '-} l'\\ tilt' (. l)lltlCtl \)l l Cll ft)f tl1, t1i \ ..._, ,ca..lth. 11. 11,c 11c t 111cct– i11g L f tlll' <.. "t1t111 "ii ,, ill t,c l1clll lit1r– i11n tl1c It'll, Rctrt' '"\t 1n "c11tc1 1l1cr ::::, at a1111, I at111,-'" r ·rl',.l,tl. er l.. tltl R ()£Cf\ rcr1or t\ tl1at 4t c:. < l1l ' tl1tc l i.. 1011,,r) "' ar t l ·11bnt1gl1 ' \llJ)J"'I )ft l1L1 l1l:Cll plcLigcu. I t1at 111cl111 \\ t.: .... 1111 l1L1, c Ll l ng "' a) lt' ~l) 1,ctl1rc ,, c ,1re o, er the t p. - ~ I l..)\ 1r1g c \. ~1c11 c" and the purcha c "-'t a 1111ni111t1111 of ff1 e equipn1ent fL r ut1r ·tJtc 111i i nar} \i\ ill cr eate ar1 aJJcu drain on the trea ury . ~Ia, the Lord tou~h the hear t of • ot1r people to ee thi need no\v a nd 111ake 001 p cial gift to the A - o 1ation for thi ,vork, From the for going ta temen t of our pre ent ociational need we turn to a brief glimp e of what God ha gi\en to u . Inheri tance obtained P aul \\rote to the Ephe ian that the 1· had ob tained a n inheritance in C hr i t. ( E p h. l : 11 ) . ometime we read of peo,p le r e– cei\·ing an inherit ance they n ever,\ "" a their . In ome mea ure, \.Ve are not able to f athorn all that ~e ha\ 1 e received when we ar e a ed but \i\'e can certa inly explore and en– jo1· a part of wha t God h as given. E\·er )' man in h i n atur al t ate i a bankrupt inner . When he come to Chri t and receives Hi great al– " ation God give him beauty for COVER PICTURE: Rev. T. Fred Hussey a he the oil of joy for mour ning, the garmen ts of praise for the p iri t of heavine . (I a. 61 :3) . At infinite cos t of God, you and I wer e made the recipient of re– demption through the blood of hri t, even the for giveness of sins and with the priceless gift has come in uper abund ance the gift of wis– dom and prudence· a heavenly edu – ca tion which the universitie of the wor ld cannot be tow. Added to thi is the for eta te of the inheritance, n amely the ble ed a urance of the H oly Spiri t pre - ence· the hope of Hi calling and the exceeding greatness of H is power . ( Eph. 1:1 8-19 ). (Continued on page 7) Our front cover picture hows omc scen es of H ill top H ou e, our Ohio Association of R egular Bapti t Churche new home for the aged. The home i n ow in oper a tion and is taking application . i\.1r. Dunlap i the car etaker , Mrs. :tviitchell the m atron, and Mr . \Vil on the cook. Each churc h in our Ohio A oci ation hould pra) erfully con ider p1acing t hi home on i ts budget . Al o , pla n a trip to the home for your church group to view thi l ovely place. The Ohio Independent Bapti st .•• Publ ished Monthly by ••• THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Oh io. POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3 579 t o The Oh io Independent Bapt ist 45 19 W e ll inaton Ava ., Parma 34, Oh ,o Edit oria I Office: Box 184 Ceda rvi l le, Ohio Deadline for New s: 10th of each month STAFF Editor .. .. . .. .. . .. .. James R. Johnson Ilox 184, Cedarville, Ohio Circulation M anager .... Mrs. John Kau tz 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, 0. Women 's Editor . .. .. . Mrs. Inez Milner Cleveland Heights, Ohio M ission's Editor n ev. Donald Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Sec. to the Editor - Mrs. D on ald Moffat, Cedarville, Ohio Y outh Editors . . Mr . & Mrs. S. L. Chaffe Cedarville, Ohio Council and Officers Chairman T. Fred Hussey 615 Washington Ave. , Niles, Ohio Secretary .. ..... ... ..... .. n ev. Jolin Stro11g 727 Mentor Ave., Painesville, Ohio Treas1,rer ................ Rev. Lynn n ogers 7854 N . Boyden, Northfield, Ohio M issionary Chr. ...... Rev. Donald Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Y 0 1it h D irector .. Rev. Glenn Greenwood 31 5 S. l{ensington Pl., Spri ngfi eld, 0 . Education Chairman- Dr. John Bay lo 11 26 C leveland Hts. Blvd. C leveland 21 , Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Dr . Edward Morrell, Jr. R . K enneth Smelser Clarence Townsend Earl V. Willetts Dr. Howard G . Young The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each month in Xenia, Ohio, USA, by The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches It is a magazine devoted to Christian fellowship and faithfulness to the truth. membership. In requesting change in address, please give old as well as new address . ubscription rate: $2.00 per year. Single copies, 20 cents. Special rates given to churches that subscribe for complete Advertising rate card sent on request. Advertising copy should be in this office 30 days before date it is to run. Manuscripts, photos that are submitted should be accompanied by self-ad– dressed envelopes and return postage if you \,Vant them returned.