The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1963

orthern Indiana Fellowsh ip of Baptist Churches: '' rogram o ropagation" By Rev. Jesse G. Eaton Jl 1 t p11b/iJ/1 1/1i._ .. " Pr<J,<:ra111 <)/ Pr< 1 c1~ati<J11·· <>t11/i11c l ec·a11s<.' of tilt i11ter 'SI sll()l \ 'II i,, O lt r 0 /110 811p1 i. t f' l111rc l1e. /c)r 'i11c l1 a pro– ~, tllll. ( ..<:>pref of t l1i 111e. age " Tl1 e p, <lt..'1 ,1111 of Propagat ic, ,, ·· 111av bt e<"·11rt' cl h,· lt'ri1111 _c! direct!)' re> Rt' ' '· } er; e Eato ,1 . 56 Tlvillo R 1111. ,\ 'e1,· H ave11 . /11d. Tl1 e co t is 15 ('e11 t eac/1 . BRI EF HISTORY: Oc t ber 6. 1961 . . . everal of our 1 .I .F .R .B.C. ( orthern Indiana Fel– lo\v hip of Regular Bapti t Churche ) pa tor . n amely, Rev . William Ru ell (Wallen. F ort Wayne) , Rev. Earl mbaugh ( hoaff Park, Fort Wayne), Rev. orman Bo worth ( Lapaz). Rev. Fred Crown (Argo ) , Rev. Roland Reed (France ville ) and Rev. Je e Eaton ( ew Haven ) were met at France ville to conduct an all-day can, 1 a of the town in an effort to boo t the new work. During the noon-time confab, we agreed that m any o ther denomina– tional group had out tripped our ef– fort in planting new churche . It \\"a decided that a plan of action hould be devi ed to generate more interest in our ectional fellow hip to undertake such projects; either for the boo ting of an already exi ting independent Bapti t church or for the e tabli hment of a Regular Ba,pti t te timon 1· in a here-to fore untouched locale. Thus. the fall meeting of the .I.F.R .B.C. ( 1961), held a t War aw, Re,,. Earl Umbaugh and Rev. Je e Eaton presented a po sible plan of action. A vi ual aid pre en tation was made, discussion of problem and solution followed and the conven ing pa tors voted to have the moder ator appoint a teering committee to put the '"PROGRAlv1 OF PROPAGA– TIO -.. into motion. The moderator. Rev. Fred Crown, thereb) 1 appointed Rev. Earl Umbaugh to act a a chairman and the follow– ing pastors to erve on the committee : Re, 1 • • .. orman Bo \\ orth. Rev. R ichard Kilian and Rev. 1 e<;se Eaton. i>age 4 , AUGUST 1963 11 l JT :. Of' rl''HJ~ l R T OM- 1I f r·r· 1.. 1 · F 1 NG · - h c Id at rgos. Inti . - o c111bcr 9. 1961. UNDERSTANDING: 1. We are not e tabli hing a new h me n1i ion agency . 2. Thi i to he the project of local cht1rche of the d ignated and mutually agreed (i. e., by the nearby intere ted Regular Bapti t churche ) vicinity. 3. Our aim in the e tabli hment of the uPROGRAM OF PROPAGA– TIO ": a . To as i t the local area' pa tor and churche in the ba ic groundwork for the e tabli hment of new R eg– ular Bapti t Churche · pri– marily an advisory mini try. b. To a i t weaker or trug– gling i ter Bapti t churche by way of a concerted can– vass ,program ( thi i thought to be a econdary channel for the "PROGRAM OF PROPAGATION to which we would resort only if the fir t aim is impo ible to fulfill). 4. We are not to financially obli- gate the N.I.F .R .B.C. but to major in our intended capacity as an advi ory committee. LOCAL COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED 1. Local advi ory committee - Fred Crown chairman and Earl Um– baugh to be the initial poke men ( becau e of previous experience in thi field) . a. Meet at least two or three time ( fir t meeting before the month of November i pa t ) prior to the initial pub– lic meetings . * * * Editor's N ote : article is printed by special per,nission of R ev . Jesse G. Eaton, pastor of New Ha ven Baptist Chilrch , Nelv Ha ven, Ind. Th e Rev. Mr. Eaton delivered this in ,nessage for,n at the annual meeting of the GARBC at O,naha, N eb. , in Ma)' · However, l1 e used an ''over– head projector'' witlz 59 trarzs– parencies. Tl1us , the notes en– closed here are in outline form. b. Fred rown s taled that he had at least one appointn1cnt made for the nc t week with one of the key f ar11 i J ies. c . Matter to be con~idcrecl in advi ory meetings with the nucleu : l ) i nee the spon or1ng churche are GARB it would be only fair ethics to expect the new church to have identical affiliations. 2) Week]y budget including a fixed goal for the pa tor's al ary ( a reali tic living wage . . . minimum of $100 per week suggested, with no trimming . . . so as the church will know the pas– tor's alary i their fir t obligation; though ome– times unable to fulfill their t objective they shall not be indebted to the pa tor. How– ever , with th i proposed feature there is far le dan– ger of a work being built around a lovely building while the poor servant of God i eking out a meager exi tence, perhap forced to re ort to secular employ– ment. Thu , it is the com– mittee conviction that we had better advi e the nucleu in the early formative tages or else it would be too late to accompli h the ome ob– j~~tive once the work be– come e tabli bed and a full– time pastor i on the field. d. Advice to the pastor of the nucleus: If any out ide upport is to be arou ed the be t and only time to get it done i during the fir t ix month of the new church' hi tory . . . if not then, mo t likely EVER. 2. Map-out committee - Harry Taylor, Earl Umbaugh ( agreed by teering committee that he hould guide u ) Fred Crown Dick Kilian, Irwin 01 on and Je e Eaton. ** Map-out Roche ter on Mon– day, December 11, 1961 ... to meet on the we t ide of the court hou e at 9: 00 a . m. The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST