The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1963

,vith Mr . Elmore at the organ which wa very impre ive. The hour we pent in the Ceramics Workshop with Mr . Frye were also mo t pro– fitable, filled with fun and fe llow- hip a we made our own ceran1ic . Mrs. Fred Andrew ' hour a he con– ducted the Work hop Di play and Idea Exchange held our attention and filled u with idea for our own groups. (She has been in the ho pi tal ince then for major urgery and i convale cing now at the home of her son before going to her home) . At 5: 45 A.M. ( an unearthly hour) a bell sounded up and down the hall calling us together for the Morn– ing Watch-Prayer Hour at 6: 15; so throwing ome water in our faces, we came in our robe to the lounge as Mr . Kenneth Hou er on Wedne~– day and Mrs. Frank Odor on Thur· - day led us in our Devotion . Thi was a preciou time. Circle formed Breakfa t, Lunch and Dinner were always times of good food fun and fellowship. Before breaking up on Thursday noon we tood in one large circle to sing, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds'' and Mrs. George O'Bryon offered a prayer of praise for Hi blessing and petition for H i watch– care as we were to travel . Women came from Eldora, Iowa: Chicago, Ill inois; East Brady K ittan– ning and Worthington, Pa. In Ohio we came from Brook ide, Cedar Hi 11 , Solon (Cleve]and area)~ Cedarville, Pine Hill s in Columbus, Galion, Graf– ton, LaGrange, New London, Stry- ker, Warren. The disappointment because of a small attendance, wa5, obliterated in the consciousness of it being HIS ap– pointment for those who were there. OTE: If the time was not right this year, tell us if Augu t 4-6 or Augu~t l 1-13 w1II be a better time next year for you to attend a Wo– men's Retreat. * * * Got an idea? HI Rl I ON :: - Wl1en tJlanning a l1rid al shower, ask tl1ose in vi tcd to wraJ) tl1cir gift 11ackagcs ir1 kitc l1cn towels (st1ggesti 11g l)ride'~ colors), instead of f anc)' pa per . l ~ied wit 11 111atcl1i 11g color rihl1011 ho'A'S, dccc)r – atecl witl1 gadgets st1c l1 as parir1g l' 11ivc: , 111ea uri11g a11tl 111i i11g spoo ns ct c. - r11 a kt.:: s i l j ti t as ct) Io r flt I a n cI so e ·citi11g, a11tJ usef tJI for t 11 briclc. HI I{ l~' A '"I H 1:. 1{ - Whe11 or>e11i ng flor ~t l \Vfcl f) J)Cll J)ackage , fl c i a 11 )' of a 11) ' i ze , d , i t car - The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAP IST fully o a to prevent tearing. Uc;e it for wrapping. for storage, place a label on ame and your clo et or torage room will look very attract- • 1ve. Cedarville allege till need your Betty Crocker (General Mill ) cou– pon , your S.&H. & T.V. (Top Value) tam,p . Plea e mail them to Mrs. Inez Milner, add res · above. (Concluded from inside front cover) Perhaps you have seen the look on the winner face during a tele- . v1 ion give-a-way program a they were hown gift they had won. They need not be envied. Ju t a good 1ong look at what God has given to u will ati fy beyond anyth ing el e the longing and de ire of a Chri ti an' heart. Praise God for Hi un peakable Gift ! {Concluded from page 3) can turn al l that into eventual good. People often wonder why God ever allowed Satan to te111pt Adam and Eve but God know th at in cannot be cured by power alone, but mu t be overcome by grace. When million of angel joined Satan in rebellion who as eparate creation could not be re– deemed, God wi ely found a way in which he could demon trate to the very principalitie of heaven ( Eph. 3: 10) that he wa a God of grace. So he created a family-race that he knew would fal l in it federal head , that he might redeem a1 l who wou ld beli eve through a new federa l Head - even Je us Chri t, our incarnate Kin man-Redeemer! From the fall in den to thi pre - ent hour we have a crazy-qLtilt of human hi tory that .cannot be under– tood apart from the Bible. Men have tried to make en e out of it by the theory of evolution, in which all ot1r trugglec; are Ii ke . o n1any ai n1lcs battles in a pig-pen that will 0111c– how slowly turn ti into peaccft1l 111cn: and the ( '0111mt1nists adti to that tl1c- The Bible Evangelist Who Believes and Preaches: • The Old Book • The Precious Blood • The New B,rth • The Blessed Hope Rev. Leland G. Arntz vangelistic and Pulpit Supply Ministry RR 3, Hudsonville, Michigan ory the idea of economic determina– tion, o that all our fights around the trough will . lowly force u into co– operation whether we want it that way or not. We do not have the time to use more than our own Revolution to prove that faith in God and a love of Freedom are mightier forces than economic advantage ; but all who know their Bible will know that hi - tory ha a redemptive meaning and a final goal of righteou ne and peace in the Kingdom of Chri t. tudy hi - tory from that angle and you will marvel over the wisdom and power of God and agree with Solomon that man propose , but God di po e ! ' ' Dramatic film presentation of amighty missionary ministry ' ' PTL in SOUTH AMERICA A National pastor tells his own story of his discouraging battle against religious fanaticism and communist penetration. Strength and hope come with the arrival of PTL and the forceful impact of the Word of God on the very citadels of fear and superstition. 25 minutes- 16tnm- color- sound Wr ite today for bookir\gs 1o Dept . 08 Pocket Testament League. INC. 49 Honeck Street • Englewood. New Jersey P ge 7 , AUGUST 1963