The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1963

Your State Missionary The great task is before us; Ohio in need of more churches We are grateful to God for Hi call and your to serve a State Mi - ionary for the Ohio A ociation of Regular Bapti t Churche . We tru t that through your prayer and God" ble ing that this wi ll be a fruitful and happy ministry. There is a great ta k before u . Ac– cording to the 1960 cen u there are 9,706,367 people in Ohio. To reach ju t one per cent of the population we need 320 churche with an average of 300 in Sunday School. Much ha already been done as is evidenced by the 127 churche now in our Sta te F ellowship and by the receiving of JO new churches from Ohio into the General A ociation at Omaha ]a t May . The progre s of the new church at Girard, Ohio, along with that of other new churches in needy area thrill our hearts. It seem that we can sense "a going in the top of the mulberry trees" as pastors share with us the burden that they have for a greater outreach in their own area . But much r emains to be done. How can this task be done? Fir t , we can r edouble our efforts in a branch church ministry. Let ever y ,pastor and every church survey their own communities and ask themselve , "What can we do, either alone or in co-oper ation with other s to start a REV. EARL D. UMBAUGH new church?" Some things can be done and may our Lord help u to do them. May He be able to ay of u a He did of those fir t century Chri tians of Thessalonica, "For from you ound– ed out ,the word of the Lord, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but al o in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad -". Secondly, we can depend upon a miracle God to work on our behalf. Where we lack, He can supply. This i Hi work and He i far more intere ted in it ucce than we could ever be. Four men choose a way of life By Rev. Ma rtin E. Holmes When 1 was in my early teens my Dad started teaching me the heati ng, airconditioning, and roofing bu ines . In my travels hither and yon I have rnet a lot of men. I..;et me tell you about ~ome of then1. rfhe first ren1odeled his hon1e into a mansion for hi wife and ju t a he was completing it, he died. he second built a beautiful l1ome in a s1nal l comn1uni ty and was reatly to retire on his mamn1oth l)ank ac count a11d he had a l1eart attack a11d died. l1e tl1ird built for l1ir11self and wife a 125 tl1ousr111d dollar ho1ne; l1e own- d tvvo adillac , a }1untir1g lodge in \\'i con in, and a st1n1111er l101ne i11 ~ lorida. l 11 pite of all of l1i weal l h hi 111ind "'a con u111ed ~,i 111 a fear oJ dr>att1 and }1 w·1 l wl)' l)Ltt star 1 1 1 clri11l' i11g J1i1l1 JJ i11to tl1c tl1i11g tJ1at }1 ""'a o al raid f. I b~ga11 to " ' 11dcr if ]if , "f , 1111 , The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST and all of the other thing , in life, th at we mortal eem to th ink are o very important, were worth while after al l. In this s,tatc of mind it i o ea y to become bla c, ynical, and h ard. Then I met the foL1rth n1an, in GOD' Word, and he aid, ·• or n1e to live i\ HRIS , to die i gain." ( Phil. 1:21) In another place, in C,OD' Word na111el 1 ll i111othy 4: 6-8, he ~tated that he coulll looh. at his pa~t w1thot1t \l1an1c, h1 ,l)fC\cnt withot1t fear, anci ht fttturc "'1th l1appy a11t1c1pation. Iht\ 111an h,td so111cthir1g tt1at I \\'anted He t<)ld n1c. ir1 OD'S Word in Act\ 9: l - l 8, abot1t ar1 cxpc1 icncc tl1u t l1c hatl ,vit 11 ,O · 0\\!11 car 'ON. l \vcr1t to (-;Q D ar1d askcll H 1 M tor this ki11cl of an c. - J)erie11cc a11 I ever)' ir1c , life, \\'i tl1out all of 11ece siti~s, so all I, l1a betn \ ' ~I'}' v,.• rt}1 V\' )1iJ . [ it S \\' itll )' Ott? r ar )' >tl to > involv ll ,, itl1 tl1e 'l\ 1 rlcl a11 I Ll1~ tl1i11g l f tl1is Iii t JljO)' f lJo,,f }1iJJ \\'ill1 li I{ 1 1? Cedarville College expects 500 pupils as classes open Cedarvi lle College continue it teady growth ·a a record 500 tudents are expected in September when cla e are cheduled to begin. A record fre hman cla of 155 i expected, along with 50 tr an fer tud– ent , 18 former tudent and 277 tudent r eturning to take up cla e where they lef.t off la t pring. Thi total 490 but college pre i– dent, Dr. Jame T. Jer emiah ay applica,tion are till coming in, and con ider it highly po ible that the 500 mark will be reached. Thi year incoming fre hman cla s will be the fir t wi th the opportunity to major in education DR . JAMES T. JEREMIAH completely at the B€\pti t-affiliated college. Before, tudcnt in cLlt1cati n took part in a con1bincd progran1 \\ 1th Central tate ollege, bt1t the , tatc board of edL1cati n tht" · u111n1cr g·l\ c edarville the right to grant tl:acl11r1g certificate . Th cdt1 at1 n progra111 will be c pan<.led to fit the 11cclili l1t thi , ,car' frc h111en, o t11111cr cla,, 111cn alrcad) 1n\ l\ etl in the (.'cntral tale progra111, ,, 111 c nt111t1c tl1crc. ' I l1crc ar 45 ell,;111c11t,1r\ cLltt ·at1L111 111aJor-, and 50 ,CCl)nJ,\r \ ctlt1 ,\tton \tt1tlc11t, i11 the [)rog1 dill nO\\ ( ' lit f<.)rll Jt)hn~Oll \\ ill hC'\ll thl 11~,, tlcr'Lll til\ 'nl, u11u ac. .. t ,,, rcg1\t1 ,ll. * . I il11cr l-1 'lll l1as l> cr1 r 111()llcleli tl1i st1111n1cr as tl1 l)C) >k ll)r , f )fill 'f– l , I{) u t e I i n P·, t l r . > 11 l I ·1 lI 11'\ l =-11 tll()Vc I t l1cr . \ I d11r r Ill ,, 11,.'lt s a la1 g a11 l ~111,d l las r )111. Patt r 11 I l all 11 l 11 \n,, rlt:\.l 111l l tel t a 111 ,n's r id n ~ l1all . (Con't . on in ide b ck cover) P ge 3, SEPTEMBER 1'963