The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1963

'' ord of Life Class'' By Harold W. Carpenter Material co111piled b)' Pastor Harold W. Carpenter. This 111a– terial as set forth, is especially compiled to l1 elp )'OLtng Chris– tians, and others seeking greater spiritual 1naturity. The key word for study "SALVATI O " I. The first step in Chri tianity: 1. Pa ing from ' 'DEATH" unto "LIFE." John 5:24. a) Man s condition without a Sav– iour (Ephe ians 2: 1-3; I Peter 4:3). It took a "Supernatural act" to per– form a ' 'Supernatural work' in the heart of man to make of him a "born– again,, person. Man needed to be changed inwardly before he could demonstrate outwardly what Christ had done for him. Let U5 ee how this work : Fir t, let us con ider the HSUPER ATURAL ACT. " It took a perfect Saviour to save 'imperfect man." The blood of animal was no per– manent channel through which inful man could obtain permanent and last– ing peace of heart and mind. (He– brews 9: 12; Mat. I J :28; John 14:27; John 14:1; I a. 26:3-4; Phil. 2:5; I peter 2: 21 : I John 2: 6) Second, the animals offered for the sacrifices under the Jaw were very typical of hrist the Saviour. Let us con ider \on1e cam,parisons between the ani– mals and the Lord Je5u Christ: 1. Be– fore the coming of ' hrist in complete fulfillment of the requirements of the lJaw, the Bible mentions five (5) offerings connec ted with the sacrificial system. We will consider then1 in their respective order: a) l 'he 5in offering (Leviticu 4). It was an offering for the acknowledgement of sin; atone– ment for sin. b) For the congregation a bullock was offered· for a ruler, a ram or he-goat; for one per son, a female kid. Note the bullock was to be without blemi h (Lev. 4: 3); the ram or be-goat wa to be without blemish (Lev. 4:23)· th1e female kid goat mu t be without blemi h (Lev. 4: 28). 2. How does this type compare to the proto-type J e u Chri t? Let us ee: a) The offered animals were comparatively young (the yot1ng bul– lock, the kid goats, etc.) J e u Chri t was cornparatively young when be– ginning His ministry. Each priest be– ginning his priestly duties must be at lea t 30 years of age (Number 4: 1-4). Therefore, Jesus Christ, to typify or carry out in fLtll the require– ments of 1 the Law, mu t be at least 30 year of age (Matt. 4:17). b) The animal mu t be without blemi h. The complete fulfillment of the ,proto-type mu t be perfectly free of any impurity. Did J e u hris t meet the require– ment? Let u see: (Psalms 16: 10; Luke 23: 13-14; Matt. 27:3-4). Je u fu]filled in full the type! 3. The animal was bro11ght by other into the place of sacrifice. J e us wa accompanied by other to the place of acrifice (Calvary). A the animal laid down their life a the offered acrifice, o hri t 1aid down Hi life that inful m en might be the recipient of "ETER AL LIP ' (John 10 : 18; John 10:28-29). OTE: It took uch a 'SAVIOUR' ' that yot1 might e-"iperience the "GR AT SALVA IO ' that can be your portion through J e u hri t the HLIF -GIV R! " John 3: 16. J U Hltl H I O F RING (Lev. 4: II ( ' or. 5:21). Los Angeles Baptist College and Seminary Newhall, California 4yr. C1zristian College • Six majors (AB. degree) Suburban Catnpus Proven Faculty • Good Eniploynient • Chnstian Service • Sports Program • Evangelistic Eniphasis Also, a tl1eological Sen1inary - 3 yr. course leading to the . grad~ate Bachelor of Divinity degree. Special er11r)i1asis ~pon Er1gl1sh Bible, original languages, theology a11d student preaching . John R. Dunkin Th .D. Pre ident - C. L. True Th.D. Registrar The OHIO IND PENDEl~T BAPTIS Missionary on furlough prepares series of slides on Africa By Esther M. Lindeman (Baptist Mid-Mis ion) Greetings wiith grace and peace through our Lord J e u Chri. t. I'm itrt:ing by the hore of Lake Michigan and timulated by friend , family and lake breeze o I hall begin thi news to you. It i more than two month ince I left Africa, but I have been at home only a hort time. The itravel in Europe wa intere t– ing, but the weather wa cold a11d rainy. The week on the S. . taten– dam, however lounging daily in the deck chair on the unny deck, wa perfect and re tful. I got the urpri e of ID}' life to find my si ter at the ew York Dock. with my ne,phew. After repeated knockings on the gla barrier, I finall 1· wa convinced that the e two were try ing to get n1y atten,tion. Ruby and I pent 25 re tful day at the Hou e of Follow hip for Mi ionarie in entnor, . J. and we are o gratefL1l for the lovely accommodat1on and fellow hip we had there. Ho\ we en– joyed the BO RD W LK! (Con't. on inside back cover) ' ' A GREAT CHRISTIAN FILM • The incredible true story of a Jew– ish family in Eastern Europe and thei r bi tter struggle for survivc1t. You see Jews ridden down by Cos· sacks .flight from Poland and later from war-torn Germany, d miraculous reunion ctt an enemy border .•• the triumph of faith . Forty-five minutes of breath-taking action in one of the most dramatic, heart-stirring filn1 experiences of your life. 13001• tl, i fil,n 110 11 1 18 MM NATURAL COLOR SOUND Mia ionary ond tlitf Socltfy, Inc. ltv. Victor l"k1bo1•n , Gtntrat Stcl"ltOtY 1118·0 Chestnut St. 7th Fl., Philadelphi1. 7 Pa. Page 7 , SEPTEMBER 1963