The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1963
' rt nn bt!\pl f t 111 ,( ntft n nnuflt. .. ... .. I \ -- - - .. - l 1ir11 th\ 4 : 1_ .. THE BUSINESS FIELD By Linda St. Clair Our oung P ople· roup wa pri\ il ged t ha\ 'e Kenneth St. lair, an in truct r at edarville College, tal k. t u abot1t the field of bu ine . Ir. t . lair pointed out to u that the bu ine f ield i full of oppor- tunitie for Chri tian young people. There are many job in which bu i– ne trained Chri tian can work. There are not only ecular job ; but al o areas of bu ine in churche , Chri tian college and mi ion office . Bu ine men can erve their local churche by acting as trea urers and a i ting in the financial operation of the church. Monetary offerings must be received and disbursed in a busi– ne -like manner. Salarie for people in business are very good. A male college graduate can begin at about $6,000 a year and earning are unlimited. A businessman may be worth many thousand dollars when be die . Where should hi money go? If be i a Christian, his will hould provide for his family, his church, mi sions or Christian colleges. Secretaries can go high in the busi– nes world. The need i very great. Some of the top court stenographers are men . They can make a great deal of money. Ther e is a great need for business teacher s in Christi an colleges . Much can be done for God in this field. Jesus seemed to have no financial troubles. H e r endered his services free– ly to others. H e promo ted no exten– sive programs through organizations and owned no proper ty. Paul was a money raiser of dis– tinction. H e made part of his living b,· trade, and spent h is time per– fecting organiza tions to secure offer – ings for new churches in Jer usalem. Yes, b•Jsiness is an open field for Christians There are many oppor– tunitie to serve the Lord in this field. Page 12, OCTOBER 1963 areers or SECRETARIAL SKILLS By Richard Johnson Ir~. arrcn Wcl1bcr. an in~trti c tor i n sccrctari al c ie11cc at c~cd tlrvi I le C' ollcgc. recently pointed ot1t that it i~ aln1 t imp ibl e to carry on hri ti an w rk without ,people with ome ex– perience in typing and horthand. A pa tor mu t prepare prayer le tter , btt ine le tter program , bulletin , and letter to mi ionarie . Son1eone n1u t keep accurate record of the n1oney and proceeding of the bu ine meeting of the church member . The clerk mu t keep up with the tran ac– tion of the bu iness meeting and re– cord them neatly and accurately. Sometime these transactions follow one another rapidly. At such time a knowledge of shorthand i e pecially helpful to the church clerk. If the pastor cannot ty,pe the tenographic job usually fall either to hi wife or to the church secretary. Very few pastors begin ,their careers in .churches large enough to hire church secretaries. Therefore, it i well for both the pastor and the pastor s Can You Tell Us? WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER? 1. Take the number of horsemen sent to guard Paul again t the Jewish con piracy. 2. Multiply by the number of lepers who lay at the gate of Samaria during it siege. 3. Subtract the height in cubits of Noah's ark. 4. Divide by the number of righteous ,people not found in Sodom. 5. Multiply by the days that Job s friends tarried in silence. Your answer is .. . .. .... Check your answer with the correct answer which is given on page 10. ristians wife to inc lt1c.le cot1rses in shorth anll anc.l ty1Jing in thei r J) r c r1ar at ion for l heir careers. [~f f ic ien t \ccrclari cs and stcnogra– J) l1cr~ arc al ')O neecled i11 hri st ian c.l ay <;c hool5, ( ' hr1 , ti an coll eges. hri s– t1 an camps, and in the home offi ces of mi ion hcadq uartcr c;. here are other opportunities to ttse c;ecretar ial kill o n the home field, bt1t what about the foreign mi 5ion fi eld? Do mi ionarie need typing skill s on the fore ign field ? The answer is Y S. It i im,portant to the mi sio nary, at home or abroad, to produce a ttracti ve, readable, informative, prayer letters, and to maintain an active correspond– ence with individuals who show an in– terest in their work. ot only is typing important to every mis ionary, but mi ion tation all across the world need Christian se.cretaries who can type and take shorthand. These ar e areas of Chri tian service which de– serve the serious con ideration of more young people. "Be . . . not slothful in busine : fervent in spirit; serving the Lord." -Roman 12:10, 11 Bethany Youth sponsor Young People's Retreat The Bethany Youth Fellowship ponsored a fall retreat at Camp Lutherlyn, at Prospect, Pa. , Sept. 13- 14. Young ,people 12 years and up were invited to attend. The camp, located eight miles from Butler Pa., covers an area of 66 acre and has five ball field numerou helter for ping pong tables, volley ball court and many recreational facilities. To keep in good tanding with God we must kneel. THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Livingston, Tenn. listen to station WSPD-TV ch. 13 - Toledo, Ohio - Sunday 8:30 a .m. WEWS-TV ch. 5 - Cleveland, Ohio - Saturday 9:30 a.m. Presenting Christ to youth by radio and TV God is answering prayer and more stations are accepting the Children' s Gospel Hour . We now have 39 half-hour programs and five prints of each one. These programs make clear God's plan of salvat ion and the boys and girls of America should see them. Henry C. Geiger, Executive Director The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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