The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1963

. , e airman s orner tv R( ,,. ~. 1:-,., d JI ,,.,.,c,, I, ir111n,1 1111 ii <Jf 7 <'''' 111 • litt1 .. )\~r a 111l,11tl," ti,11~ a 11 ,,, "''llair111a11 ,, ill l)C 'ltJ1~' tl11, C(.)t 11cr l'f till: 111.1u,1z i11t' at1lt tl1e \",t)Ct.1li n .... , ill 11•. \ t' e11tt'r t'll ., r1c,, , 1...'ar . 111.1 ·11t cl1 .1, tl11" 1. 111, l.1~t art1clt: t" , "ti .1, ~ha1r111a11. 1 ,, ant .. 1l10, c all t t'-"I ~ )tl 11\.1,, the 1-1re"cnt ( ot1ncil 1..... .1b tit the , ar to on1e. • 1h 1, ," - t 11 , e c.1r of ti r c i tence • r1 1 1g, tt, ta e to fc.1cc ,, ith the greate. t l.'f'~'ortt1111t, ,1nd challenge of an} n10- 111~nt of ot1r ht'-lt r\ . • Challe nge ahe ad Th ciat1on ha been arou ed t"- th ne d of e tabli hing new hurche . tate 1i ionary i on the field to lead u in thi mini try. Our amp progran1 for young people de– n1and e4· pan ion. The Ohio Regular Bapti t Home i in operation. The e outlet for our combined effort are calling u to acrificial giving of time and money and prayer mini try a never before. Tone of u can afford to hrink the re pon ibilitJ' of committing our elve whole heartedly to these mini tries by action a well a word . A the out-going chairman of our Council I appeal to all the churche of our A ociation to ri e to the tre– mendou challenge of entering and po e ing the many field of o,ppor– tunity which are opening up to u s. H ere i a 20th Century Kadesb– Barnea! Let us have the faith to go in and posse s the land. COVER PICTURE: Rev. T. Fred Hussey How Do We Start? Some people avoid a new activity becau e they are convinced they "just can t do it." One man aid, ' I used to think I could not drive at night. In tead of concentrating on the danger and fear , I tried to picture myself doing all the right thing with ease. T hen I started driving a little longer each evening after twilight. Gradually my confi– dence built up and I found myself enjoying it. This is the way one learn anything. The chances are, the reader ha had a imilar experience in learning to do omething that he 'just could not do. Per onal evangelism is no harder to learn than many thing the reader ha learned. (Continued on page 1) The boy on our front cover may not catch many fi h , but he certainly is trying. J e us said Follo\v me, and I will make "ou fi her of men.' ., Be not concerned nor be surprised If what you do i criticized, Ther're alway folks who usually can Find ome fault with every plan. Mistakes are made we can't deny, But only made by tho e who try. -Copied The Ohio Indep endent Ba p tis t .•. Publis hed Month ly by •• . THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGU LAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, O h,o. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 357 9 to The Oh io Independent Bapt is t 4 519 W e ll ingt on Ave., Parma 34, Oh,o Editorial Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Dead line for News: 10th of each monrh STAFF Editor .. . . . .. James R. Johnson Box 184, Cedarville, Ohio Circulation Manager ... Mrs. John I{autz 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, 0. Women's Editor ......... Mrs. Inez Milner C leveland H eights, Ohio Mission's Editor .. Rev. Donald Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Sec. to the Editor Mrs. D onald Moffat, Cedarville, Ohio Y oiith Editors .... Mr. & Mrs. S. L . Chaffe Cedarville, Ohio Council and Officers Chairman - T. Fred Hussey 615 Wash ington Ave., Niles, Ohio Secretary ..... Rev. John Stro11g 727 l\1en tor Ave., Painesville, Ohjo T reasiirer Rev Ly n .. . ....... . nn agers 7854 N. Boyden, Northfield, Ohio Missionary Chr. . Rev. Donald Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Y 011,th Director . Rev. Glenn GreenwooJ 315 S. I(ensington Pl., Springfield, 0 . Education Chairman - Dr. John Balyo 1126 Cleveland Hts. Blvd. Cleveland 21, Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr. R. Kenneth Smelser Clarence Townsend Earl V. Willetts Dr. Howard G. Young ··:·:.:-:-:..:~-:-: ..: .·.: ...·:·...·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·I'.· ..·.·.·.·.•.· ......•.·...·., ........•.•.·.·.·.......·.·.·.·.·.·.·.•.· .............................. ........................................................................................................................................................... ................... . The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each month in Xenia, Ohio, USA, by The Ohio Association of Regular Bapust Churches. It is a magazine devoted to Christian fello\\ 1 ship and faithfulness to the truth. Subscripnon rate: $2.00 per year. Single copies, 20 cents. Special rates given to churches that subscribe for complete membership. Sta te Mission ary Address: Re v. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Ma rhofe r Ave nue Stow, Oh io