The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1963

From our fellow ship churches ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Much accomp lished in shorttim 1 e by members to build new church pastor of Bible Mission Baptist, William Brock and Dr . Bible Mission Baptist ded icates new church The Bible Mi ion Bapti t Church, Re}'nold burg Ohio, had a dedication day for their new church building, Sept. 8, with Dr. Paul Jack on, na– tional repre entative of the GARBC a peaker. Rev. William Brock pastor of Immanuel Bapti t Church, Colum– bu . directed hi church choir in the 2: 30 p.m. ervice. Dr. Jackson challenged the people of the church in his dedicatory mes- age by saying that thi i a "mile– stone in the work. The building is not an end in itself; it is a tool to work with.' ' There are three areas, he said, for the people to see, 1) We need a vision to see perishing people who have no hope, no alvation people in sins ; 2) We have a witness that will save them that ¥,e must give ; and 3) We have a Saviour that we must serve. The new church building, with approxim a te seating for 500 people, co t about $45 ,000 to build and has a value of $ 150,000. It is situated on two acres of land provided by H arley Snook and was started in their home. Mr . Snook was superintendent of all construct ion. Under the pulpit area are seven rooms that will accommodate I 00; a total layout in all the Sunday School rooms will handle 500 in Sunday School. Page 6 OCTOBER 1963 William Thompson the pastor's on, an eight-year electronic engineering tudent at Case In titute in Cleveland de igned the lighting and electronics. Incandescent lights enhance the main auditorium; a huge cross in the ceiling lights is on a relay system on dimmers. A control room in the back of the auditorium i similar to radio station facilities. More is planned Floors in the main auditorium of terrazo are said to be very well ad~p– ted for maintenance. A 60' ' exhaust fan works through ceiling louver to keep the building very cool in summer . Plans are being made to build everal 12' x 12' rooms in the space above the main auditorium to bou e mi - sionaries during a conference after a fire escape is obtained. A lovely ranch-type parsonage is to the rear of the church building. It has 2700 square feet of floor space. A Christian man bought the former Western Electric office and moved it to the present location. It has three baths, five bedrooms, and a 30' x 15' paneled living room. This Bible Mission Baptist Church took many hour of hard work by the church members to build, but it tands as a testimony of their love of the Lord. Ga rrison E. Ri ce pastors Bedford church rl l1c l{cv. ,nrrist>n :,, l{icc hn ' ac– cc 11tc,t a cnl I lo ~crvc a · r>astor of the l~1l1Jc Hapt1'»l ( 'ht1rch , 20 valon Ave ., Bctl for ti, 0 hio. Hc asst1 n1ccl hi s new dttlic beginning Scptcn1bcr 8th. l ~1c Rev. 1 r. Rice i a gracJ ttatc of the Ph1ladelph1a ( ollegc of Bible. He received hi5 8. A . degree fron1 Houghton ol1ege, Hot1ghton, N. Y. and hi B. D. degree from Faith Theological eminary, lkin Par, Pa. Rev. Mr. Rice has served as pa tor of Grace hapel, Shamokin, Pa., since 1960. While mini tering there he erved a secretary of the Su quehanna Valley Fundamental Ministerial Ac;- ociation of which he was a charter member. He also wa heard each Saturday over "Echoes of Grace' ' the radio voice of Grace Chapel. Rev. Mr. Rice is married and the couple has two children, Ste,phen and Joylene. They will reside at 83 Wood– row A venue Bedford. Emmanuel Baptists pray clock around Members of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Xenia, are praying the clock around a Sunday School .contest which runs from Sept. - through Oct. 20. Rev. John D . Teeters is pastor. At least one member is praying dur– ing each 15-minute period of the day. The members selected the time periods which best fit their per onal schedule. Some are even setting their clock for the early morning hours in order to pray during that time. The prayers and contest have af– fected Sunday School attendance with 143 and 225 present in the first two Sundays in September, com,pared with 103 and 160 the same Sundays la t year. Moody Bible Institute speaker scheduled The First Baptist Church, ew London, Ohio, where Rev. Kenneth Houser is pa tor, is to have special meetings Oct. 16-27 with William D . Stewart as speaker. Mr. Stewart i pon ored by the Extension Depart– ment of Moody Bible Institute. Rev. Mr. Stewart, a native of Okla– home, has had a ministry which has been outstanding both in its sphere of influence, and in its geographical scope. Although a pa tor for many year , he al o ha broad experience a an evangelist, Bible teacher and con– ference peaker. Moody cience film are to be hown on Saturday evening . The Rev. Mr. Houser had a busy The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST