The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1962

• een Dave Gower, editor, Temple Baptist Church Gallia and Waller Streets , Portsmout h, Ohio Jerry Bonzo, assistant editor ... Youth leaders, pastors, and young people send us news and ide as ... JERRY BONZO The name underneath Long Ago, there lived in the land of Egypt an architect of the name of Cnidius. He wa employed by Pharaoh of that day to bui ld a watch– tower to warn mariner from certaira dangerou rock upon the coa t. When the tower wa nearly fini hed, Cnidius had hi own name engraved on a stone in the wall, and then covered it with plaster. On the out- ide of the plaster he inscr ibed in golden letters the name of Pharaoh. The cunning architect knew very well that as the year rolled by the waves would wash away the plaster and that then his own name would stand out before the eyes of men and be handed down to ucce sive generations. Hi motive is apparent. Self-Jove and the desire for fame were upper– most in his heart, though carefully veiled under the disguise of ervice to his king. In the balances of the anctuary motives weigh very heavily. Words and deeds are weighed, but motive , secret desires and intentions, the de– signs of the heart outweigh them all. At the judgment eat of hrist , when our Jives are pas ed in review under His searching eye, motives will be of much account. Tried by fire ' 'The fire shall try every man' work, ,, and the Lord will take up the question with His servants as to "how n1uch every man had gained by trad– ing.,, But tl1e question will not onl)' be ' 'How n1uch?,, but ' 'Of what sort?" lie aluation in that day will be n1ade according to qualit)' a well a quanti– ty. And tl1e qualit)' depend~ on tl1e • n1ot1,, s. It is easy to be ,t:alous of wor that are called "good, ' a11d to co, 1 er our acti 'i tie \ itt1 a coat of 1,laster wl1er on tlle nan1 of ' l1ri t" is i11- crib d in larg lett r tl1at all 1na)' c. Bue v, 1 l1at \\'h 11 tl1 pla ter co r– ing i v.,a 11 d off? \\ 7 110:s nan1e will tl1 n b e n? ii] our O\\'O na111 Th OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST appear engraved upon the tone that i behind the plaster? In other word wi ll our action , our work , deed of ervice be found, "in that day ' to have pru ng from motive that will obtain the commendation of hri t or from motive that have "self" as their object? From "Voices of Youth ," Sharon, Pa. , youth publication. How To Be a Successful Teen-ager You wan t to be a succes ful teen– ager becau e ucce in your teen years i good evidence of uccess in your adu lt years. What you are going to be you are becoming right now. Your habits, per ona1ity, character, and actions are now being molded. To me, a succe ful teen-ager i one who has a balanced life mentally, physically, ocially, and spiritually and i making full u e of his abilitie for the glory of God. Here are ome ugge tion you might follow if you want to be a ucces ful teenager. I. Give your like to Je u . 2. Maintain a daily devotional. 3. Keep a burden for ouJ . 4. Seek to under tand yoLtr elf. 5. Live with a purpo e. The Dance (TJ1e doctor lvho lvrites this article is a Nerve Specialist). I attack the modern dance a a revolution toward avagery. A a medical man, I flatly charge that 1nodern dancing i ft1ndan1entall; 1n– ful and evil. I charge that dancing's charm is ba ed entirely on e appeal. I charge that dancing i the n10\t ad, 1 a11ced and n10 t in id1ot1~ 111an– euver prc11111inary to e l1ctra} al. It is notl1111g 111ore or Ies than da11111 - ab]e d1abolical, a11i111al-ph} ~ical <.11 i JJation. A you11g girl enJo} s tl1e dance b~– causc sl1e i ~ drt1gge,J b)' uggc,tt\ c 1nusic and e111otio11al O\'er ·ti111t1lat1011 i11to a drt1nke11css, ,l frerlZ.)' tl1at 111ake l1er back 11 ar r to tl1 b a"t. 1) brotl1er a11d si tcr da11 e like tl1at ? atl1er an J 111otl1 r? Iotl1er a11d 0117 \\ 1 11)' i tl1 lo11g 111nrri <i l1t1s– l)a 11d w aried oon o dancing \\' itl1 l1i 'A 1 if ? DAVE GOWER I tell you, the ba ic pell of the dance is the spell of the illicit phy i– cal contact. A man who ha learned what true love really i doe not willingly watch his wife dance with other . We doctor know there are 1ny ter– iou current , affinitie that eem al– mo t chemical. I an1 no prig, or prude (conceited and e pecially pro– per), and o I tell you frankly, it i not afe to ubject even the tronge t n1en and women to ubtle temptation of the dance. Prospective student days at Cedarville College Cedarville College was ho t to high chool junior and enior for it ec– ond pro pective tudent day on Nov. 2. The campu vi itor attended cla e and the chapel ervice in the morning, ate lunch in the college cafeteria, and toured the dormitorie and academic building in the earl) afternoon. The adn1i ion committee met with the pro pective tudent in !ford Auditorium to di ct1 currict1lun1. co t , and admi ion requiren1ent and procedure . Fact1lty n1en1ber were available for indi, 1 idual and ' n1all group coun eling for tho e 1ntere~ted in pecial area of acaden1tc pttr t11t. mu ical progra111 featt1ring the col– lege band. choir, choralaire , and vcral 111all in trt1111ental a11d , ,o ·\.11 gr tip clima~e<l the da ,. More than 200 higl1 cl1ool stt1de11t, fro111 Ohio, lnd1a11a. anti \Ve t \ ' tr– ginia, together \\ 1th parent . pa tl)r, . and frienti , , 1 1tcd C cdar,,1lle C. ()l lcgc Oct. 26. 111c l)\ l: 111bc 1 pr <.1g1 1.111 \\ as opc11 to i c1ter c tcd tt1tlc11t, a11d parent fro111 tl1c 'it11 rL)ttc1d111g c 111- 111t1n1 t 1" cdar,,1Ilc )11 g" i four - 'ear libt~ral art ' oil gc s1011sort:ti b ' th r1 r,11 o iati 11 f R gt1lar li 'l - tist l1t1r h~ l l,r t d tl1 75tt1 1111iversar , f it !t)t111di11g 1 0, . 1 ) a11d 17. Coming next n1onth! Report on youth rally at Bowling Green Page 3 , December 1962