The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1962
Mission News HEREIN IS A CHALLENGE INDEED! l( \ l-R) l ' tt 1, t t ,,c ll1,..1k 111g grt)\.t ( l)f \ t1tl r1 g J'l' I'll' t, t lll' tll: \\ l\ ,\flpl)t lltctl 111 is- ' n"1r1c, ,, lll) l1a, c hccn a llcl.i t thl' l "1r"i t") ~l'f\ ' C tinticr the , sccia– tt")'l l t B,\("1(1,(S ft)f \\'()fill r·, a11gcl1 -- n1 . 1t1crc ,1rc 23 1n nt1111bcr \: ho. in t1111c. ,, 111 he " l\ttcred abr ad int l a,t P ,11'.i,t,111. the Phil1pp1ne . Braz il, <.. h1le. Peru and H ng K ng. Prior t their ,l cptance. the e oung f lk ~p nt ft)Ur ,, eeks in rientation cla e ,, hi h \\ ere held a t the Ii ion H ot1 e i11 Ph1ladelph1a. P a. n c n1 plet1 n f the e cl a e , ,, herein the, tudied uch ubject a - The Hi t r,· and Growth of the ., B\\'E. the n1i ion · Princ iple and Practice and imilar cour e they an1e before the official board for final e. amination. T he ABWE i to be commended for the careful creen– ing that i done in electing mi ion– ar)· per onnel. The e 23 young people repre ent r1inc lliffcrcnt , ta tc,, arc 111c111hcr, of ll ~l l)ti,t c ht1rc t1c,. nntl have rcccivc(l the rl1~, j )rt t\' f their lra ini11g in ot1r B~\J1t1,t ,chool~. 'fhcir problc111 n w 1"– l<) ga111 the nccC'i'iar fun<l for tip p rt . pa ~ age anti equi p111cnt . It cou le.I \\ell l1c. that R H R H might he able to help in getting the c mic;- 111 i naric n their way to the la nd to , hich the Lord ha, appoi nted them. If ti are a t all intere ted, we ug– ge t o t1 write the ABW Home Of– fice, Room o. 1304, chaff Building 1505 R ace t ., Philadelphi a 2, Pa. eedle to ay, the e ervant of the Lord are worthy of your u pport. It i OUR H URCHES that MUST help them! We a ure you that the e o ther churche, even though they be ' 'Bapti t in everything but ame," will have little intere t concerning the e. The As ociation of Bapti ts for World Evangelism including these new appointee , now ha a grand total of 267 active miss ionaries serv– ing in eight different foreign countrie . We thank God for thi mission agency and all tho e that are a part of it! METROPOLITAN MISSIONS Baptist Mid-Missions By Lucille C. Brouillet To the aint who labor in the churches, and who pray with us for a bold proclamation of the Gospel in thi mid-city area of C leveland, grace be to you , and peace in our Lord and Savior Je us Christ. As ummer draw to a clo e and a winter ea on approaches I look back over ome of the highlight of m 1 T activitie during the p ast eight month : It was on Jan. 16 that the fir t Finder' Club was held, with seven girls present. By the end of April we had reached 32 children through this club. (Three other clubs were being conducted by Metropolitan Mission ) and we had achieved an attendance of 20. It was on Feb. 11 that I first joined 1n the work of Bethel Church where Re,,. Roy Hender hot serve as missionary pastor. It was on Feb. 18 at 2: 30 in the afternoon that we held the f u t Sunday school in the B aptist Bible Center on Church Ave. It was on March 2 that our girls club pro– gram was started as the Glory Club held its first session. with eight ' Las– sies· in attendance. On March 9 we met a two groups, with the Las ies Page 8, December 1962 meeting at 5: 00 o 'clock and the Dam– sels" at 6: 30. During the month of May I was in the Northeast on deputation. In July it was my privilege to participate in three vacation Bible schools over a period of four weeks. This included our Baptist Bible Center vacation school, meeting at Bethel Church, which rejoiced our hearts with an attendance high of 74 children. The Lord has opened the way for me to move to a dwelling much closer to our Bapti t Bible Center than the one in which I am now living, and thi will make it possible to carry on a much more efficient program for vi iting and for developing the Glory C lub . My promised support is now about $100 a month. After Labor Day, I tarted out on another period of de– putation. Just as surely as the United States is becoming a nation of cities rather than farms, and just as surely as idols cast longer and longer hadows by our way ides, so will come the ful– fillment of God' judgment upon the REV. DON MOFFAT earth . The ord is coming soon. W atch and pray that ye enter not into the temptation to ay, "Tomorrow will be time enough." Persecution begins anew in Columbia P ERSECUTION IN COLUMBIA i breaking out again in the wake of pre idential election . In addition to the Prote tant chools which have been clo ed , the following documented event have taken place in recent week : - Jnteramerican Church in Caucas– ia, Antioquia, burned to the ground. -Colorado C hurch continually re– fu ed permit to build a chapel. -Constructor who was building a chapel in Playa de las Flores attacked by 17 armed men and barely e caped with his life. Police sent to the scene to protect construction of chapel pro– duced instead an order showing they were to prevent . uch construction. -Evangelical pastor, Marcos Mur– cia of Colorado, ordered to close door s of chapel and s top meeting because he was "disturbing' ' a C atho– lic procession being held outside the evangelical meeting place. Murcia was attacked physically and wounded in the head. -The Latin American Visitor. The Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions helped e tablish 128 Baptist churche in the last 20 years. Change of Address We have been notified by the U. S. Post Office that when a change of address is handled by them the charge to us is 10 cents. It is important that all ad– dress changes be mailed directly and in good time to Mrs. John Kautz, 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, Ohio. The OH IO INDEPENDENT BAPTI ST
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