The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1963

wt, t i scholar hip? ll\ intclligl'lltsin r,f ( .. l,rt,t ' " lla, 11si ft'rt d l-l i111 ltt1, · l1l tart, ' 'H(l\\ , ,, eli1 t11is 1111tt\ lt'ltl'r,. l1n, 1t1g 11c, er lt',tfllt' l '. ·· l Ill'. i111i l1cll tl,at n 1 <.)tlc \Iii bl' f,\tt'li ,s l'lllC,\tCli \ \. h) \\ ,\~ llllt ir1 tl1~ir ·• "l \,,l"li ,t1 ,p·· )t sclc:ct '" h( l ls . 1.,ct~r and Jt1h11 ,vcrc alled .. ttn- lt'~lrncli and 1gn )f 1.lt1t n1cn'' h\ the h11t1ght, anhcdrtn. The e t \\ O hr i. t - - i11n pre~ l1cr" had nl) a three-} ar Bible h l edtl at i n \\ ith an unpaid fa ult\' f One. and n endown1ent . • Bttt the, did ha, e the enduement of . tht: pirit; the)' al h ad an intelligent faith in di\. ine re"elat ion a their .. , en b k of the ew Te lament \\ ill t tif)r. e ide \Vi th them, no t b cau e they were un chooled, but be au e the)' had b en with the Lord Je u . nd the)' likel tudied con– tinuall), a.. long a the)' lived . Like a true fund amentali t Paul preached the phy ical r e urrection o f Chri t wherever he went. Thi cau ed th Athenian ph ilosopher to a k, ..What will thi babier ay?' ' Paul wa \\'illing to be cal led a babbler for the ake of Chri t. He did not yield or • comprom1 e. ·'Becau e le t any man spoil you through philo ophy and vain deceit.,, Paul war ned the Colos ian . His ad – vice to Timothy was the arne but how many chool of the twentieth century ad ju t their curricula to P aul and his pa tor al epistles? The issue between false and true scholarship for Christians, depends largely upon the doctrine of inspira– tion. A high view of inspiration lead us to ound doctrine and sane evangel– ism. A low view of inspiration, mini– mizing the divine and exalting the hu– man factors in Scr ipture, leads to terile liberali m. Conservative scholar aim at a proper balance between the human and the divine in Scripture. Let us humbly eek all the knowl– edge we can, br inging it under the white light of God's H oly Word. Re– membering that 'knowledge puffeth up but charity edifieth,' ' we realize that the best of u still ' 'see through a glass darkly,,, and therefore h ave no cause for pride. And we should be low to criticize those who m ay not always speak our particular shib– boleths. We are thankful for ound ~cholar hip from many source but grateful most of all for the knowledge of Christ our Saviour as revealed in the infallible Word of God. - Dr. S. E . Anderson in ·· ~ e\1.1 and Truth·~ Page 18, January, 1963 On our beaut iful campus overlooking San Francisco Bay, h igh school grads can obtain- A CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR LIFE AND SERVICE B.A . and B.Th . degrees; Bible maior with minors in Theology Pastoral Education, Christian Education, Missions, Music, Greek, Social Science, Education-Psychology, or the Humanities. Co-operative programs leading to B.S. and R.N. degrees, also B.A. and M.B.A. or M.S. degrees in Business Administra tion . Write for free catalog , Dept . 1 ACCREDITED: AABC WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE Rev . H. 0. Van Gilder, 0.0., Pr?sident Hill and Elm Streets El Cerrito, Ca lif. ,, ear, • "FAITH COMETH BY HEARING.' ' J ews who wi ll not enter a church will tune in our ' 'Message to I srael' ' broadcast s aired over 50 stations with coast -to-coast and fore ign coverage, including 'II ~,,. .. 1 ' ' · t he State of Israel. I 111111111' 11JI i/1"" 1 11J llf/fl/ l . Many reached for Christ by mail, Correspondence , . j Course and personal calls. This ministry, now in tl K, ~ its 26th year, is dependent under God upon the 1 1\ \11\\11 \ll C(?UL SON SHEPHE!lD, prayerful and financial support of H is people. I I lfh; eG~~;efMfXi%t~ 8 i n Send for free copy of our informative mag- •ij! I 1,1111 \ii• 11 , azine, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL. I l• 1 1M, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL. Inc. Box 682, General Post Office. New York 1, New York BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY TRAINS LEADERS! . 8. 8. S. Graduates Are Serving With Distinction at ' Home and on the Mission Field • If you are ca l led to full time Chr ist ian Serv ice, you should prayerful ly consider what Baptist Bible Seminary of fers. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE TO DR. ARTHUR WOOLSEY, PRESIDENT . ThB. Bre & Diploma Courses BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY JOHNSON CITY, N. Y. The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST