The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1963

A m _ nthly magazine devoted to Christian fellow hip and faithfulness to the truth From the Editor • • • Magazine progam for the new year \ \ t 11 tl1L' ~t,1ff t)f the 01110 Ind 11c11cle11t Bc11)t1~t 111c1gt11i11e t'l1JU) ·, 111~ , )Ll tl11<)t1gl1 tl11\ t~ J)C l)f 111i11i ter, i11 tl1c L<)rcl'~ ,,<>rk. \\ e sceh tl1 l)~~r 111t\.111~ <)l 111a'k.111g tl1c 11L1 hl Il'<.1 ti<)11 <)11l' <)f 111 111rati<)11. ble si11g. d r11,1~,1.' 111'-- t11a t 1~ a sl)Ll rCL' t>f c11 l igl1 te11111c11 t f<)r h ri~ti <.111 gro,, tl1 \, et-l1tor. tl11 ) ear I ,,,c111t to 1nake ome cl1a11ge i11 the t\ le a11cl rr13oa .11 ~1.)t1tc11t S!> tl1at it ,, ill l1a, c grcdter a11r"'c(.1l t<> all our cl1urcl1 1nen1ber~ \~ ~ 11e<:'(l lle, t)tit)11al tcc.iturt"' . ·ror1e c)n t111da~ cho()l tedcl1i11g. titl1in ~ ) 7 0ut11 1)r(.1gra1n~. D\ -B idea . missio11af}" stories that tell i11 detail of ,,,orh on tl1e f1clcl The l1r1 t1a11 11eeds de, 1 otional 111es ages t<, encourage h1, dail, Y\'alk. ,,-e 1)la11 tl11 ) e<-1r. a - fi11a11ces 11ermit. to increa e tl1e 11umbcr of p<lge-.. to 20 in a fe,, i tie so tl1Jt tl1e c features can be de, elo11etl 11r(>])er1, l ( th 11ro, e ~ succes ful more i ue can be increased i11 size \ .,.ou ma, a~. "'\ 7 hat 11art do I l)la~- in these 1)la11s?' _.\s a sub criber, ~ ou can re11e,, promptl>· and conti11ue ,,Tith u~. .,_\ a pastor la~~nan. secretar~. assi ta11t of music choir leader, unda, cho(>l teacher. 1ni siona11T, or church ,,·orker, 1 Tou can ,,·rite some interesting. 111 forn1at1, L. sr>iritual featurt'~ that ,, ill a1)1)eal to our cl1L1rch 111ember . ,'f\le a1)preciate )OUr i11tere t i11 the magazi11e. B, ,,<)rki11g t<>gcthl·1 ,ve can aclompli h the,t 11lan, to ir1111ro,?e ,·our read111g. James R. J ohnS()11. Editor COVER PICTURE: Young people from all over the tate met at Bowling Green Univers1t) for the annual youth r ally the day after Thank giving. Re\' . L} nn Roger . trea urer of the Ohio A ociation, i hown here directing the 100-voice choir made up of young people from repre- entative churche . • The Ohio Independent Baptist ... Published Monthly by ... THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE pa id at Xenia, Oh io. POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist 4519 W ell1nqton Ave., Parma 34, Oh io Editorial Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for New ... : 10th of each monrh STAFF Editor .. . ... Tames R. Johnson Box 184, Cedarville, Ohio Circulation Manager .. Mrs. John I<autz 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, 0. Women's Editor .. Mrs. Inez Milner Cleveland Heights, Ohio Mission's Editor Rev. Donald Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Sec. to the Editor - Mrs. Donald Moffat, Cedarville, Ohio Council and Officers Chairman T. Fred Hussey 615 Wa hington Ave., Niles, Ohio Secretary Rev. John Strong 727 Mentor Ave., Painesville, Ohio Treasiirer . Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 N. Boyden, Northfield, Ohi( l\ l issionary Chr. Rev. Donald fvloffat Cedarville, Ohio Y 0 1ith Director Rev. Glenn Greenwood 315 S . I(ensington Pl. , Springfield, 0. Education Chairman Dr. John Baylo 1126 Cleveland Hts. Blvd. Cleveland 21, Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr . R . Kenneth Smelser Clarence Townsend Earl V. Willett Dr. Howard G . Young * * * In alvation God doe not make the old man over He produce a new man. The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each month in Xenia, Ohio, USA, by The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. It 1s a magazine devoted to Christian fello\\ 1 ship and faithfulness to the truth. membership. In requesting change in address, please give old as v. 1 ell as new address. Advertising rate card sent on request. Advertising copy should be in this office 30 days before date it is to run. Manuscripts. photos tha t are submitted should be accompanied by self-ad– dressed envelopes and return postage if you want them returned. Subscription rate: $2.00 per year. Single copies, 20 cents . Special rates given to churches that subscribe for complete