The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1963

more t an discuss what churches need to do to help youth; l 00- voice choir also sings Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Ohio, was the cene of the annual youth rally of young people from our Ohio A ociation of Regular Bapti t churches the day after Thank - giving. More than 900 youth gathered for a day of fellowship. ing piration and Bible Study and renewal of friend hip from Camp Patmo . Clarence Town end, pa tor of Fir t Baptist Church, Bowling Green, in charge of re ervation , aid there were 857 who a embled at the Univer - ity Union on the campus for the evening meal. Approximately J 00 person ate in other place , he aid . A panel di cu ion, led by Glenn Greenwood, pa tor of Ble ed Hope Baptist , Springfield, and the Ohio Association youth director, wa in the afternoon meeting. They an- wered the que tion: ' What can the churches do to meet the educational, recreational and ocial need of young people?'' The young people in the panel di cu ed the e three a pect then the que tion wa opened to the audience who freely joined in with the answers. Thi panel d1 cus ion, perhaps be– cause of the que tion a ked, wa a big hit with the young people. D anny Alderson, l l, Blessed Hope Baptist, enjoyed the discu ion very much. "I think the e youth meeting are vcr}' good for you th," he 5aid. We ought to have them more often. The panel discus ion wa. very good.' ' ' 'We learn a lot at these n1eeting')," Janet Paynter, 13, of rinity Baptt\l, I... orajn, said, ' 'and it gives u. a cl1ance to get together in tl1e Ohio area churches." Micl1ael Oberlin, 13, I.Jewis Avenue, rJ oledo, sa1d, ' 'l think thC}' arc really 11ice. J t i ' nice to havc a place for )'Ou11g JJeople to co111e to so tl1e)' 111a}' co111e to the Lord ." Bon11ic B) 1 rd , J Jlh, at,,ar}' llap– ti t, J3cllefo11t, ine, \\'l~o attended tl1e 1111 eting for tl1e J irst ti111e, said, '\\ 7 11'-=11 l ou are in ~cl1ool, 11110 t of tl1 )'Ou11g peopl are not l1ri tians. 111 tl1e e ) utl1 ralli )' u c, 11 11 \\' l1ip \\ 1 itl1 t1ri tia11 { 0 1) \' a11d girl 1i 111 all ,, r tl1e t te .' ' Th OHIO I OEP ND N BAP I yout gat Song leader of the yoL1ng people's rally and of the ing piration wa Lynn Roger , pa tor of orthfield Bapti t hurch. He al o gathered a er or ra y think i the " Ideal Camper." Then three you ng people told what they thought wa the "Ideal Cou n elor." Rev. George W . 0 Keefe, pa tor of Brook ide Bapti t, Cleveland. devo– tional peaker, u ing John 4:35,36, poke to you ng people about ·'Time to Zero In. ' He a ked them to "zero in ' on a spec ific object; zero in upon a particular harve t. Part of hi outline included, that Singspiration t ime at you t h rally group of ome 100 young people. and where po ible two from each church, to make up a 100-voice choir for the evening ervice. They ang the "A Lrrance March ," a medley, and cone] Ltded with "Co111e Thot1 Fount ." They dicl a con1n1endable job con– s1dering the tin1e in practice anu lack of ong book\ . Alc-.,o dL1r1ng the eveni11g erv1cc, I)rofessor 1 ohn Reed of cdarv1llc College. ~poke on behalf of that \cl1ool. He said that the college e 1 t for onl} one purflO\C, 4 '1 o tr,tin tl1e )'Ot1ng J)COple of tl1c cht1rc l1ci.;. Yott }'Our1g [)CO[)lc ,. l1e "iaid, "'r J)rcsent tl1e reason fcJr ( ctlat ville ollt:gc." Win travel trophy So111c )'()L111g ,,~01)lc travcllc l 111utl)' 111i]cs to get to tl1 .. 1 ot1tl1 rall ' atlli \Vt:re a\\'ardeLl tl1\.:: tra,,c.::I tr )1)11 • l :;- ir l ll a1,tist, iles, l1io, \\' l)Il first (Jla e \Vi t I 1 8 , o t 111 g [l i.:: o J) I c.:: i 11 t 11 .. i r gr t 11, ; 1:::-ir t Ha1Jti t, 1allir) li , ,va c tlll ; a11d ticl, 1 i ,,, l3aJJli t, )rtl1 , ~t , C l1io, ,va tl1ir I. l1r 1111 I r at , 1111) 1>at111 tl1i l' ' t ) ar tl1 11 t Id ,, l1aL tli ) there are ··four 111 nth t the har– , et," ' 'a reque t to lift up yot1r eye ·/' "a , earching reque t" and ·· in1ultan - . . . , ' Ott reJ01c1ng. Pa tor O'Keefc. u "ing ht d ublc– barrel . hotgt1n for an obJect 1 "' son. tolll tl1e young people f the; need t ·· Lift t1~1 ) 0L1r right e) and zer 111 and do n t ~hoot (look) at r andon1 hut ha\e a pecified look to the har\ e~t." He l1~ed the ho\.\ and arrO\\. tclc~cope and tl1e 111arr1ner·~ c 111pa , t 1llt1\trat\! 111 l)oi11t · In clo')1t1g he appc,1led to tl1c t111~a\ t: tl to cor11~ to ( hri t. qta t d the pot:111. "1 he 1 ot1cl1 ot the l"t'°lter ·~ H a11tl." anti c l1allengcti tl1c ot1tl1 lu ··1 it t LI~) ) Olll C\ C\ t)l'l the t 1cld f t)l tl1c\ ,1r~ ,, l1ict: ttnto l1ar, e,t .. 0111111cnr fro111 othe1 \'ot111g pco1 l .. ~Lres ll tl1c Ilt .. Cd fl)l \ l)lll1g l)C0l)lC t ) g t t o g t l 1 e 1 • l ·1, , i l l l t 1 I, a 11 a 11, t 7, trt1tl1 rs Ba1)ti t , l'>erna lt: likt:d til t ,t tiviti\!S tl1is \ )'1r. Da,' itl 1a , .., I°' , al ) of trt1tl1 rs, s, id cl1 111 t - i11g .. l1cl1 ll i11 l t1r c\' cf. da\ lif . I t 11 i 11k t h ar gr t ." J>, t1l Rt11" , J l, lll d H , P"', ( ontinued in id b c cover) P g 3 , J nu r 1963