The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1963

Cedarville College renames trustee Endowment requirement is big problem; but progress being made building for Dr . J ame T . Jeremi ah, Ceda rvi ll e College pre ident, announced r ecently that the Board of Tru tee took action in their Jan. 12 meeting to name two college building which are located on . Main St. Patterson Hall i the new de igna– tion for the brick tructure erected in 1959 which ha hou ed the College bookstor e, nack hop, and a men' dormitory. Thi name was elected to honor William Pa tterson, Sr.. a tru tee from P arma, 0 . ,who for many year has donated bis time and talent for the repair and expan ion of the Col– lege·s electrical ervice . The former Townsley r e idence, located at the corner of . Main and Church Sts., will be known in the Akron area youth rally features Christian film The f irst Youth Rally of 1963 of the Regular Baptist Churche of the Akron area was held at orton en– ter Baptist Church Jan. 19 . The feature of the evening program wa the premi ere showing of the new Christ ian movie, "The T ony F ontane Story. ,. At the close of the f ilm, when the invitation wa given, 8 you ng peopl e responded. F our of these made professio n of fa ith and 4 came to reded icate their lives, to the Lord J esu Christ . Special mu ic was furni hed by the Youth hoi r of Graham Road Bapti t Church ~ a tr io from or ton Baptist churc h and olo by Bill Cord , who was al o our o ng leader for the eveni ng. T he attend – ance wa very good, bes t es timate placed at 550. ex t Youth Rally will be held Feb. J 6. at Brown t . Baptt t C hurcl1 , Akro n, with "' Jmcr Bursby. as speak– er . He will be prc~ent1ng a lcc tt1re entitled ··A Journey to the Ant \1\-' orld, ' ' w l1 ic l1 he has 1rcsc ntcd 0 11 rad io, television and in lec ture ha lls. ·1 he J>as tors .. c ll ows l1i1 of RLg– u lar Ba , t isl l1 urchcs n1c t o il Jan . _8 , a t tlic '" f a llt11adgc l=' l1r1da 111 t:1 lal 13a1J– ti t l1urcl1, wi th f>as tor I) ean l~c1ry, br inging the dcvo tio11al 11cs age. \\' itli a l1our of fellov.' l1 iJ) and J1l'a)' c 1 to llo" i1g 1t1i . I l1c ne · t J>as tor r11ect ir1g ~' a a t tl1~ Ca l, 1 ar)' t1a J, t i t l1t1rcl1, f , iJ l011. .. cl,. _8 tl1. flas– tor l uic J . [)1 l'l aL:i l l l1a I> n t: lccte I a ot11 111 >lier at >r a llll J>as t >r J · l . l " ris, c rct,.af) allll 1rca s– u1er t t he J)astor I e llo , l1i1>. fu ture a Amba ador Ha ll r a ther than the " ticka" Hou e for it la t owner . T hi building provide quar– ter for mu ic depar tment tudio and office on the f ir t floor and men' dorm on the econd floor . With the tran fer of the book tore and nack hop to the new student center-gymna ium in the near fu ture ' Patter on H all will be u ed for a tudent health cen ter and men' re i– dence hall. Architect Roland V. Stout of Columbu , Ohio, has prepared pl an for a health center compo ed of a nur e' office, examination room, two emi-pr ivate treatment r oom and tor age pace for dr ug and eqt1ip– ment. Remodeling work is cheduled for next ummer. Missionary confere nce at La Grange church An annual missionar y confer ence i cheduled at LaGrange Bapt i t Church March 6-10. Rev. Charle hamber lain, India, ( Internat ional Mi ion ) i keynote peaker. Other mis ionarie participat ing are Mr . harles Chamber lain ; Rev. and Mr . Albert Spieth; Mr. anc.i Mr . Harry Ambacher , and Dr. and Mr . Kenneth Good. Meeting the endowment r equire- 111ent e t up b)' the State Board of EdL1ca tion i one of the biggest prob– lem in obta ining teacher certificati on at Cedarville ollege. The requirement for a college the ize of edarville i $500,000 or an amount contributed annually by orne church or denominat ional board of 5 per cent of the endowmen t, 25 ,000. In order to meet the econd al ter– native Pre ident Jeremiah ha a ked uppor ting churches to prepare ta te– ment bowing their intent to con tinue fi nancial uppor t of the ollege. More than 100 churche have replied, and the to tal amount budgeted i approxi – ma tely $40 000. T he adn1ini tration i now in t he proce of preparing an application to the Sta te Board of Educati on utilizing the e tatement from the churche . o one hould a ume that the tate Board wi ll act favor ably on thi appli– cation . Fine point of the la~, wil l be involved , and the fin al deci ·ion might re t on the tate attorney gener al' ap– proval. T he re ult of thi application ,vi ii not be known until pring. The cha in of habi t are too \\ eal to be felt until they are to , trong to be broken . BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY TRAINS LEADERS! B. B. S. Graduates Are Serving With Distinction at Home and on the Mission Field If you are called to full time Christian Service, you should prayerfully consider what Baptist Bible Seminary offers . FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE TO DR. ARTHUR WOOLSEY, PRESIDENT ThB. Bre & Diploma Courses BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY JOHNSON CITY, N. Y.