The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1963

r oon1 . The men of the church are building a 92.x36' building with lobb 1 and fl1ll ba, ement. It is of block con. truction with hrick veneer . The roofing and fl ooring i of wood con- truction - Dougla fir. The pro– pect i that the building will be oc– cupied by the end of February, and in a omewhat fini hed tate by mid– ummer. The building will be able to hold about 400 for church erv- • ice . Attendance average now around 130 in morning ervice in the 50' in the evening and around 40 on prayer meeting night. Church mem– bership is 8 1, and there have been about 90 profe sions of faith so far . The young people form a large part of all ervices averaging better than 30 for all Sunday service . (Actually "He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed hall doubtles come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." - Psalms 126:6 about 24 in the evening and 35 or better in the morning). The church h as r egular ocial for each age group each month ( from the junior up ), participate in soft– ball and basketball leagues, attend the H ebron Youth rally in E lyria each month, and has T een-Time for young pepole after each evening service. The Ladie ' Mis ionary group is active each month, backing up the church mi ion ary progr am . The church h as been able to build because of loans from the mo ther church, and has greatly helped by the ir1terest, coun el, and pr ayer\ of the bre thren at edar Hill. In BROOK PARK . .. 011 Feb. 5, 196 I five far11ilic fro111 Be1 ea Baptist '"' ht1rcl1 and two fan1i– Jies fro111 Brook "idc BafJlist hl1rc l1 ecured tl1c Margt1eri ta l{ au l) ~le– r11e1 la1 )' Scl1ool for t l1cir ~ irs l scr\'– ic . Rev. lle11r)' rt1ver was callc<.l lo l)c tl1eir pa tor ,tt tl1n t t i111e. Tl1c ~ u11d, )' ~ c1100J gre"'' qt1i lt; rapid))' , 11ll I ft qt1it~ a diffict1l t tasl' for o tcv.' teacl1 r and l'a tor 11, 1 er. J 1 \\' a Bap1i t l> Ji rel 1,,, Ille 1id-Br k , 11t1r 11 tl1al tllc) nc dcd , THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST • • • un er F . R. Dickinson, Mi ionary P a tor Floyd; Genevieve; Dawn; Debra; Diana full time Mi ionary Pastor . The church Advi ory Council then met with Dr. K enneth Good, Field Di– rector of FBHM. After the meeting with Dr. Good the church voted to cooperate with FBHM and accept their recommended con titution to be their con ti tution. Very soon after thi meeting I can– didated and wa unanimou ly called to be their Mi ionary P a tor. We came to Brook Park April 14, 1962. In the la t even month the Mid– Brook Bapti t hurch ha continued to have r eal piritual ble ing . One of our highlight ince coming ha been DVBS with an average a t– tendance each day of 140 pupil and 205 out at the clo ing exerci e. Since April 15 we have had 56 profe ion of Jc u C' hr i t : 25 ad– diti ons to ottr charter n1c111ber\h1p 1naking it a t 45 at pre ·e11t with IO in the new mcn1bersl11p cla\~. '"f hrough (.'ht1rch Bt1il<lcr ( ' 0 111- 111 ittee we were able to 11t1rcha'-.c 9 1 :\ acres 1n Brook Par k. where lanll '" ,it a 1rcr111u111. We al"iO l1t1\e a 111ce J),trsor1agc 011 th i5 l1fOJJert)'. ,.f 'rtt l}' t l1e l_ord has hl!e11 go<.)J tt) LIS h re . \ c are lo()k.1ng tu1 \\ itr ll 11()\\' lO Ollf cl1t1rc}1 l)t1ildir1g. f' l1'-~1 C arc )' el 111n11y ol>. laclcs l1ut ,o I ,, di l)ttilll llis l1t1rcl1 . \ \ll1c11 )' Ott tl1i11k L>f llrt><)k J>"rk pra , >r t1s a11d \-Vt i11 tt1r11 \Vill t)l':t) f\ r ' Oll . f l. ){ . 1 1 i S i ll , f DISTINCTIVES AT GRAND RAPIDS BAPTIST COLLEGE AND SEMINARY ~Diligent academic training permeated by a Christian philosophy of life. *Doctrinally orthodox without apology. *Competent faculty- Seminary prof es– sors average over 10 years of training beyond high school. *Specialization in preparing pastors, missionaries, music directors, Chris– tian education directors, church secre– taries. ~Fifty fundamenta l Baptist churches in Area- affording Christian service op- • • porturuties. •Large city employment opportt1nities. "'A rapidly advancing sch ool - 35% increase year. Hebrew Christian Society (A n Independent Bapt ist M iss ion) 2524 Euclid Height s Boul eva rd Cleveland 6, Ohio * * * PRESENTING CHRIST Through Means of : Literature Distribution H ouse-to-H ouse Visitation You th Classes Adult Forums Camp Nathanael- Huntsburg, Ohio * * * PRESENTING THE JEWISH NEED To Christians by Mea11s of: ' 'HEBREW CHRISTIAN VIEWS AND NEWS' ' Station WCRF-F 1, Cleveland ta tion \VDLM, E. Moline, Ill. Publication: STAR Or DA ID REV. ALAN . l\1E1"'C.\ LF, Director P ge 5, F bru ry 1963